January 30, 2014


I’m standing on a bridge/I’m waiting in the dark/
 I thought that you’d be here by now/There’s nothing but the rain/
No footsteps on the ground/I’m listening but there’s no sound
Isn’t anyone trying to find me?/Won’t somebody come take me home?


The inspiration for this story came, ironically, from listening to an Avril Lavigne song, and I’ve quoted the pertinent lyrics above. I remember thinking at the point Ric pretended to sleep with Carly (and let’s just call it what it was–an emotional rape) that Elizabeth was so isolated on the canvas of the show at that point, where would she go if she, a rape victim, discovered she’d been dating a rapist? The show never really delved into that part of the storyline, and they missed an opportunity I think. But anyway 😛

Thanks to the girls at LU for all their wonderful encouragement in writing this, particularly Cathy, Pia, Waheeda, Maja, and Nicole. This is some of the best writing I personally think I’ve ever done.


This is a set of stories that begins in late May 2003. Ric has been revealed and taken care of. Elizabeth learns she was just part of the plan. Emily has learned about Zander and Elizabeth’s one night stand and left her alone. Lucky and Elizabeth have spent a lot of time together while Jason and Courtney are still dating.


Jason Morgan



I fell in love with Patrick and Robin literally from the moment I saw them, and my love remains strong. I have four characters on this show that can do no wrong — Elizabeth, Dillon, AJ, and Patrick. Patrick appears to be the only character the TPTB love as much as I do.

So North Star was my first attempt at a semi full-length Scrubs fic, but I didn’t quite have a handle on either of their characters, it meanders a bit but not in a bad way. My second attempt at a Scrubs story was much better: Sanctuary.


This story begins after Patrick and Robin have their first date in January of 2006, shortly before the virus story that killed Courtney. Which, I cannot state enough, was the one gift Guza came me in like seven years. I still celebrate February 20 as a personal holiday. Everything is should be self-explanatory.





Let me take you back to July 2006, a brighter, happier time. It was the summer of the great Liason reconnection and we still were naïve as a fandom to believe that this time would be different. This time would be special. Foolish children. *cough* Anyway.

The first spoilers about August 2006 and the blackout came and we were told, as we always are that NOTHING WOULD EVER BE THE SAME. Except, this is GH. So within a few months, it was all the same. Ric was the villain, Sam was the martyr, Elizabeth was back with Lucky, Dillon walked away from Lulu to stay with Georgie — everything changed for about five minutes. As it always does when GH promises us it’s all going to hell in a hand basket.

But among these spoilers was the holy grail for Liason fans: Our couple was finally going to do the nasty. I did not trust GH to do this the way I would do it, but in only this one circumstance–GH surprised me. They wrote the Liason Night of Passion (Forever known as NOP) better than I ever could.

And they promptly screwed it up by having Jason go back to Sam, and Elizabeth go back to Lucky. FML. This is the point where the banner year of 2006 starts to dip in quality. They start taking the safe ways out. And do not get me started on the paternity debacle.

So, I was inspired to write the blackout based on spoilers. This was written ENTIRELY before the NOP aired.


SO! If you don’t remember this momentous event (and why should you? GH’s momentous events are never as momentous as promised), here are dirty details.
+ Elizabeth found Maxie and Lucky together three times in about forty-eight hours, so my girl is pretty annoyed with life.
+ Jason and Alexis both saw Sam and Ric doing the dirty at separate times. Carly was kind of separated from Jax at that point, in the wake of the Oh-btw-John-is-Nikolas’s-son debacle. I don’t remember the details and they’re less important.
+ Dillon and Georgie are having issues because Georgie, for some reason I cannot fathom, flirted with Diego Alcazar, one of the dumbest characters to cross my screen in many moons. Lulu has discovered she’s pregnant from her night with Dillon, but the two are angry with one another.
+ Patrick and Robin are kind of seeing each other, but he’s reeling from possibly contracting end-stage AIDS during a surgery.


Jason Morgan
Alexis Davis



This is set in December of 2005. At the time, Jason had lost his memory due to brain issue that I’m not super clear on. I had taken a break from watching GH when I got a job in 2004, and had really dipped in and out. Then, in October of 2005, I got a DVR and was able to keep up much better. Anyway, Jason had lost his memory, and Elizabeth had recently married Lucky. Manny Ruiz caused a train accident that left Lucky injured and angry.


This was a challenge response from The Canvas to write A Christmas Carol with Jason — it actually might be fun to revisit this challenge this year since it’s been sixteen years, and it’d be a very different version of Jason.  Anyway, I have zero memory who issued it, only that I wrote it.


robin aj


January 29, 2014


This set after August 15, 2006 when Jason and Elizabeth slept together. This story is written in Carly’s POV, and during this time period, she’d moved into a new era of her character. She was managing the Metro Court and becoming closer to Lulu, who had recently learned she was pregnant after a brief relationship with Dillon Quartermaine.


I really loved GH back in 2006, and I wrote a ton of character pieces, just having fun with these people I loved to spend time with. Laura Wright’s first two or three years of Carly rejuvenated my love for the a character which led me here. Ironic, honestly.

Banner Here

Carly Corinthos was having a very bad day, thank you very much. She’d overslept, missed a meeting with suppliers at the hotel and then had to cancel lunch with an investor for a new club because her pregnant cousin needed someone to drive her to the hospital for a doctor’s appointment because the useless moron who had impregnated her had had some sort of family emergency. Carly always dropped everything for Lulu because she wanted the girl to know that someone was at least on her side in all this. As long as Lu didn’t feel alone, she might not do any Carly-like things and screw up her life.

And her day was getting worse after running into Sam at the hospital and seeing her all teary over Alexis, who’d been sick for months and had hidden the illness. If Carly had a husband as annoying as Ric and a daughter as useless as Sam, she would have hidden it too. You just couldn’t depend on people to take care of things for you–especially not your kids. Sam had been all teary-eyed because she and Jason were still not back together and the only way to shut Sam the hell up was to promise to talk to Jason.

She’d talk to him, he’d ignore her and then with any luck, she could go home, eat dinner with her boys and maybe this day would end better than it had started.

She shoved open the penthouse door (Carly Corinthos never knocked and didn’t intend to start, knocking was for people who had time to waste and she didn’t) and shrieked. “Oh, my God, I’m blind!” She slapped her hands over her eyes.

A brunette squeaked and fell off the couch, grappling for something to cover her naked body.

“Carly,” Jason Morgan glared at her and tossed Elizabeth Spencer the t-shirt from the back of the couch. He tugged a pillow over his middle. “What the hell do you want?”

“Can’t talk, traumatized.”

Elizabeth sprang to her feet and tugged the shirt down further, as if it didn’t already come very close to reaching her knees. She looked around frantically and found Jason’s jeans tossed over the pool table. She skirted around the sofa and tossed them to him. “Ah, Carly–”

“Oh, god I wasn’t hallucinating,” Carl whimpered, “you really are here.”

“Carly,” Jason growled, sliding into his jeans and pulling them up around his waist. He zipped them but didn’t bother with the button. “What do you want?”

“Is it safe to look yet?” Carly asked, not moving her hands.

“Oh my God,” Elizabeth muttered, dragging her fingers through her tousled curls. “Carly–”

“Carly, take your damn hands from your eyes and tell me what you want,” Jason said shortly.

“Okay, okay…” Carly reluctantly slid her hands away and breathed in relief. “Good, you’re somewhat decent.” Still, she felt somewhat nauseous and damn, Jason looked pissed. She must have interrupted him before he could finish–oh, God, she was going to be sick. “Um, so my reason for coming here is obviously moot now.”

“Just say it and go,” Jason replied, irritated.

She frowned and glanced at Elizabeth before looking at Jason oddly. “How long has this been going on anyway?” She gasped. “Is this why you really broke up with Sam?”

“Oh my god,” Elizabeth repeated. She leaned against the pool table. “This isn’t happening to me.”

Jason strode forward, grabbed Carly’s hand and shoved her into the hall. He joined her, shutting the penthouse door behind him. “From now on, you knock,” he instructed, jabbing a finger in her face.

“Do you intend on screwing the muffin in the living room often?” Carly demanded. Her face paled. “Oh, God, I’m never going to get that image out of my brain. I’m going to havenightmares.”

“Carly,” Jason said, his teeth clenched. “You will knock from now on. And you’re not going to tell anyone about this, or so help me God–”

“Don’t worry, I will never forget to knock again,” Carly assured him. She narrowed her eyes. “And why can’t anyone know?” she demanded. “Does the brat still think she’s too good for her? Well, you just give me five minutes and I will have her teeth knocked out–”


It was that tone that told Carly she might have gone too far. The glare on his face, the clenching of his jaw. Clearly, keeping this a secret was important and he wasn’t asking her, he was demanding her to comply. She narrowed her eyes. “Jason, look, I’m not about take an ad out in the paper about this. Believe me, I don’t even want to know this is going on. But you deserve better–”

“No, Elizabeth’s son deserves better,” Jason cut in. “He needs to be safe and the only way he can be is if no one knows.”

“That’s not fair to you–” Carly began again.

He sliced his hand through the air. “I’m not going to push her away like I did before, like I did to Sam. It doesn’t work. But this way everyone gets what they want and what they need. So you’re keeping your mouth shut, Carly, and you’re letting me have this.”

She closed her mouth and nodded. “Okay. Okay.” She hesitated. “So I guess coming over here to talk you into giving Sam another chance is not going to work right?”

“Probably not,” Jason said, exasperated.

She shrugged. “I only agreed so she’d leave me alone. Geez, Jason, what did she do that was so horrible–” she stopped. “Nope, don’t even tell me. I’m better off not knowing.”

“Carly,” Jason called as she started for the elevator. “And you’re not allowed to tease, torment or in anyway use this information against Elizabeth in public.”

“I would never,” Carly said, insulted. Damn him, he knew her too well. She jabbed a button. “And damn you. You always take the fun out of having a secret.” She stepped onto the elevator and heard the door to the penthouse open and close. She did not want to think about what was going in there now.

This was definitely a bad day.


Back in 2003, there was a Write By Request challenge at The Canvas. You could sign up to get a story prompt and also submit your own. I don’t remember who sent me the prompt, but mine was to “clink-boom the Morgan-Matthews wedding” — i.e. the famous clink-boom from May 31, 1996 when Lily was blown up in the car bomb at the same time Jax and Brenda were getting married.


Set in June 2003. Jason and Courtney are getting married, Elizabeth and Ric have already gotten married and she’s miscarried the baby. They’ve moved into the house.


There was stillness in the air around her. As she stood outside the church and rubbed her bare arms absently, she found herself staring up at the stars in the dark night sky.

The more she thought about it, the more she wondered if he was happy. He’d done the right thing, he’d proposed, dressed accordingly and he seemed okay with the whole ordeal.

But okay was a far cry from happy, and for the first time, she had a second thought about one of her plans and she wondered if she’d forced this on him.

He’d never really understand her reasons for pushing this marriage. He’d just shake his head and think she was silly. He’d never say the word silly, but he’d think it.

The truth was that Carly Corinthos had found her first female friend since Carly Roberts in high school. And she wanted to make sure that Courtney would always be around. She wanted to be sure that she wouldn’t lose another friend.

She sighed and glanced towards the doors of the church. As usual, she’d been so absorbed in her own emotions—her own plans, she hadn’t stopped to think about the person this plan effected. Yes, Courtney wanted it but did Jason?

It was too late to second guess that decision now, she decided. She stared up at the sky once more.

“Carly?” Jason asked, touching her shoulder. “Are you going to come inside?”

“Yeah, I’m coming. Just wanted a minute to myself.” She turned and they only took one step towards the church before it exploded.


Elizabeth Webber Lansing moaned and moved her head a little to the side. It felt so heavy. She finally lifted it from the couch and slid into a seated position, clutching her afghan to her chest.

The sunlight was streaming through the windows, making her head hurt. She pressed the heel of her hand to her forehead and closed her eyes. Drinking wine had never made her feel like this before.

She wrapped the blanket around her more securely, tucking one end inside to keep it wrapped as she stood and stumbled into the bathroom.

After a long hot shower and a strong cup of coffee, she felt a little bit more human. She hated coffee, but she found it was the best thing to wake her up in the morning.

She started to straighten up the living room, but it was only when she noticed Ric’s practically untouched champagne glass that it dawned on her husband was absent.

“That’s strange,” she murmured. Ric was taking the summer off before he opened a law practice in Port Charles. He was rarely gone when she woke up and when it did happen, he always left some sort of note.

“I wonder where he went…”


For a second, Carly panicked. She opened her eyes and saw nothing. Pure white light, blinding almost. She blinked rapidly and tried to take a deep breath, only to feel a choking sensation from the tube in her throat.

“Carly, Carly, calm down!” a familiar voice called. “Honey, deep breaths, deep breaths.”

Sonny, she tried to say. She opened her mouth to form the word over and over again and started to actually choke on the word. Where was Sonny? Why wasn’t he here? Why couldn’t she see anything?

“Carly, calm down!”

After another moment, Carly stopped struggling and slipped back into sleep.


Bobbie Spencer exited her daughter’s hospital room and started to cry. The tears were a slow trickle at first but soon the sobs racked her body and she slipped to the floor, wrapping her arms around her side.

“Aunt Bobbie?” Lucky’s voice broke through her misery. He crouched and drew his shaking aunt into a tight embrace. “Are you okay? Is Carly okay?”

“She’s out again,” Bobbie choked out. “But all I can think about is the fact that I’ll have to tell her that her family is gone!”

“It’s okay,” Lucky murmured, “it’s okay.”


Emily Quartermaine stared blankly ahead, not feeling the warm arm Nikolas had around her shoulder. She didn’t realize that he’d guided her to a chair or that he’d sat next to her. She didn’t see her shaken grandfather sitting across from her and she didn’t even realize just how close she and her family had come to death.

“That poor girl,” Edward murmured. He shook his head. “That poor, poor girl.”

Monica and Alan emerged from the trauma room where Jason Morgan was being prepped for surgery. Edward lunged to his feet, followed by Nikolas. Emily didn’t move—she couldn’t move.

“We stopped the worst of the bleeding,” Monica said in relief. “He’s going up for surgery, but he’s stable.”

Edward let out the breath he hadn’t even known he was holding. Jason had been in surgery most of the night and his heart had stopped twice, but now he was stable and they were just going to try and correct some of the damage done to his arm.

Nikolas turned to crouch in front of his friend and took her cold hand in his. “He’s okay, Em,” he murmured softly. “He’s okay.”

“Somebody has to call AJ,” Emily said. Her voice was empty, her face was blank. “He needs to know about Michael.”

“I’ll call him,” Nikolas promised. “Do you need anything? Are you feeling all right?”

She shook her head. “This was supposed to be the happiest day of his life,” she whispered. “And a broken gas pipe has killed everyone he loves.”

“Not everyone,” Nikolas reminded her, firmly. “He’s still got Carly, he’s got you. He’s got Monica and Alan, Lila. Not everyone was in that church.”

“He loved Michael so much,” Emily whispered brokenly. “And Sonny was his brother, he loved them both so much. Oh, God and Courtney…he was going to marry her…”

“Em,” Monica said gently. “Maybe you should let Nikolas take you home.”

Emily’s eyes snapped up and there was signs of life for the first time. “What? No. I can’t.”

Nikolas hesitated and looked up at Monica. “Elizabeth’s husband was injured as well. Do you know anything his condition?”

“He was pronounced dead at the scene, I believe,” Alan remarked sadly. “The poor young girl. She just lost her child.”

“Ric was there?” Emily asked, surprised. “What was Ric doing there?”

“I don’t know,” Nikolas answered. “I’m just surprised no one’s heard from Elizabeth. Did anyone even call her?”

“Someone should,” Emily decided quietly.

“I’ll do it,” Nikolas promised. “Do you have her new number?”

Emily’s eyes filled with tears for the first time. “No…oh, God, I don’t.” She buried her head in her hands and started to sob.


Elizabeth switched the television on as she folded up the afghan. She had a knot in her back from sleeping on the sofa—they spent too many nights on that piece of furniture for her liking.

The number of dead is still far from confirmed,” a reporter was saying, “but nearly everyone in the wedding party was killed with the exception of Jason Morgan and Carly Corinthos who were outside the church when the explosion occurred.”

Elizabeth stared at the screen in shock as the cameras were panning the destruction of the church.

“Authorities don’t believe there was any connection between Sonny Corinthos’ alleged ties to organized crime. All preliminary investigation points a faulty gas mane in the church basement.”

The church had exploded. Wedding party dead. Courtney. Sonny. Suddenly frantic, Elizabeth was dialing the hospital line. Nikolas and Emily were supposed to attend the wedding. Oh, God, what if something had happened to them?

“The Quartermaine family was lucky to just be arriving as the explosion occurred. Other than some minor burns and some bruising, the family is said to be in good condition. European prince Nikolas Cassadine was a guest of Emily Quartermaine and he is said to be fine as well.”

Elizabeth started crying in relief as she realized that meant Nikolas and Emily were okay. She hung up the phone, slipped into a pair of sandals and flew out the door, leaving the television on.

“Authorities have confirmed that Richard Lansing, Sonny Corinthos’ half brother, was pronounced dead at the scene. That brings the total number of confirmed dead to six.”


Elizabeth didn’t even wait for the elevator doors to open all the way before she slipped through them and rushed down the hall to the surgical waiting room. She’d been told in the lobby that the Quartermaines were waiting for news on their grandson.

“Thank god you’re all right!” she cried, pushing herself into Emily’s arms. “I heard it on the news!”

“The news?” Nikolas asked, confused. “You mean…the police didn’t call you?”

Elizabeth frowned. “The police?”

Emily started to cry again. “Oh, God, you don’t know.”

“I don’t know what?” Elizabeth demanded frantically.

“Elizabeth,” Ned Ashton said, putting his hands on her shoulders and tried to guide her to a chair. “You might want to sit down.”

“Why?” Elizabeth asked fearfully. “What’s wrong?”

“Ric was found at the scene,” Emily whispered painfully.

“R-Ric?” Elizabeth sputtered. “He wasn’t invited. Sonny hates him. What was he…” Suddenly it clicked. Found. “Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. He’s dead, isn’t he? Oh my God.”

She clutched her trembling hand to her lips, muffling the moans. “Oh, God.”

“Nikolas, get her some water or something,” Ned directed. “Here, Elizabeth, sit down. Take deep breaths.”


When Carly woke for the second time, the blinding white was still there, but the breathing tube had been removed. “Mama? Sonny?” she moaned.

“Honey, honey, I’m here,” Bobbie murmured.

“Where’s Sonny? Where’s Michael?” Carly begged. “Jason…”

“Shh…just rest. Rest, darling.”



Carly slipped back into sleep and Bobbie rested her head on the edge of the bed. Jesus Christ. How was she supposed to tell her that Sonny and Michael were dead?


Elizabeth was still seated in the same chair Ned had pushed her into an hour earlier. Nikolas had pressed a cup of coffee into her hands and she’d drank it, even though she hated the taste.

Logically, she knew there were things to be done. Paperwork, Ric’s body…but she couldn’t will herself to move for the moment.

Dimly, she head Monica report to the rest of the family that Jason was out of surgery. He’d been thrown back by the force of the blast, his body had covered Carly’s, shielding her from the worst of the debris.

She heard the Quartermaines talk to each other in relieved tones when it became clear their prodigal relative would be just fine.

She knew that Emily was still sitting next to her and at some point and time, Lucky had found her. But she wasn’t aware of much right then.

“Someone needs to take her home,” Monica told Emily, pulling her aside.. “But she shouldn’t be alone.”

Dillon, who could never resist a chance to eavesdrop, spoke up. “Why doesn’t Em just bring her back to the house?”

“That’s a great idea,” Emily decided. “Thanks, Dillon.” She kissed his cheek and went back to her friend.

Monica patted Dillon affably on the shoulder. “You’ve got a good heart,” she told him. “Don’t let this family suck it out of you.”

“Honey, you’re going to come with me tonight, okay?” Emily said softly.

“Okay,” Elizabeth said dully.

“I’m just going to go see Jason before we go. Do you want to come with me?” Emily asked.

Elizabeth blinked. “Jason? What?” She cleared her throat and rubbed her temple. “I’m sorry, Emily. I forgot that…Jesus, is he okay? I didn’t even think about it.”

“It’s okay. Come with me. I’ll fill you in on the way to the room.”


Elizabeth sighed. “Poor Carly. To wake up and find out that your husband, your son, your sister-in-law, your father-in-law…I can’t imagine what she’s going through.”

“I think you can a little,” Emily said softly. She stopped in front of Jason’s intensive care room. “Besides, I don’t even think she knows yet. Bobbie told us she’s been in and out most of the night and day. But she’s alive and so is Jason. And that’s something to be thankful for.”

“Yes, it is,” Elizabeth said. She frowned. “I can’t even imagine why Ric would have been there last night. He and Sonny didn’t get along, we weren’t invited or anything…”

“I didn’t see him there,” Emily replied. “Maybe he was just driving by and stopped or something.”

“No…what I mean is…” Elizabeth frowned and searched for something. “We were together last night. We drank some wine and when I woke up this morning, well, it was obvious Ric and I had made love. So at what point last night did he get up and leave? And why?”

“I guess you….” Emily stopped. “Wait, you don’t remember if you and he made love?”

“Well, we were drinking wine,” Elizabeth explained. “And I guess…”

“Elizabeth, how can you not remember? You’ve never been a heavy drinker and you’re not the type to pass out.”

“I know, but…”

“But nothing,” Emily told her. “Something’s not right, Elizabeth.”

“What does it matter or anything?” Elizabeth sighed. “He’s dead. Whether he went for a midnight drive or he had something more…horrible plan to get revenge on Sonny again…it doesn’t matter. He’s dead. I’ve been married less than a month and my husband is dead. I don’t care how horrible he was to other people and what he might have done on the last night of his life!” Her voice had risen and now there was a desperate, almost hysterical tone to it. “In the span of three weeks, I lost a child and a husband. You’re right, Emily. Something’s not right.”

Elizabeth broke off and shook her head. “I…I’m sorry…I-I didn’t mean—”

“It’s okay,” Emily said, enveloping her friend in a quick hug. “It’s okay. You’re right. I’m sorry. Let’s just go check on Jason and we’ll go back to my house.”

She pushed the door open and blanched at the sight of her strong brother covered in burns, bruises and cuts. He had a breathing tube and other various tubes in different spots of his body.

“I’m scared,” Emily whispered. “I’m scared that when he wakes up and finds out what’s happened, he won’t want to live.”

Elizabeth squeezed her friend’s shoulder soothingly. “Jason’s strong, Em. He still has Carly. And you. And Lila. That’s enough for him. All we have to do is remind him that Carly needs him. He likes to be needed.”

“Maybe that’s why the two of you never worked out,” Emily mused almost absent-mindedly. “Jason wants to be needed and you don’t really need anyone. You’ve always been strong and independent—”

“I did need him,” Elizabeth murmured. She moved into the room a little further and stepped next to the hospital bed. She smoothed his hair from his forehead. “He just never needed me.” She started to cry. “I’m never enough, Em. Not for Lucky to stay away from Sarah, not for Jason to need me, or for Ric to give up his stupid plans!”

She sank into a nearby chair and buried her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking from the force of her sobs. “Why? Why am I doomed to be alone?”

“Oh, honey.” Emily crouched in front of her. “You’re not. Men just suck. And when you do find the right guy, you go and break their hearts. Look at me and Zander. He loves me and I pushed him away, making him think I love Nikolas. What kind of person does that make me?”

“A confused one,” Elizabeth said, laughing through her tears. “Someone who thinks she should still want the person she loved at seventeen when the girl who loved him grew up.”

Emily frowned. “Elizabeth—”

“You can try and fit yourself into a mold, be what you think someone needs. You can try and be the person you once were when you loved them, but in the end you make yourself miserable. You push away someone you really love and a result you lose them forever because that moment was your chance, and even when you think you have another one, you really don’t because they don’t love you anymore.”

“So, Emily, if you love Zander, just be with him. If you don’t love him the same way, with the same passion and intensity, if it’s just faded into a comfortable love and you’re almost sure there’s someone who makes you feel like you’re on top of the world when they look at you…you have to grab it, Em. Grab it before it walks away and leaves you dangling in the wind, waiting for a chance that’ll never come again.” Elizabeth broke off her long diatribe and sucked in a shuddering breath. “I don’t know what made me say all of that—”

“I do,” Emily said softly. “Your world has been spinning out of control for so long that I think that tonight was the last straw. And you’re right. I need to make a decision. But so do you.” She stood and pulled Elizabeth into a standing position. “If I’ve learned anything from my crazy life is that if it’s meant to be, it usually ends up that way. No matter how hard you try to fight it. Let’s say goodbye to my brother and go home to talk some more, okay?”

She turned to find Jason’s eyes open and unblinking. “Emily. What’s…” he stopped and tried to clear his dry throat. Emily reached for a pitcher of water and poured it into a glass Elizabeth found in a drawer. She brought it to Jason’s lips and he sipped. “What’s going on?”

“There was an accident,” Emily told him softly. “You were hurt.”

He glanced around and his eyes focused on Elizabeth. “Elizabeth…”

“Jason, are you awake or kind of in between?” Emily asked.

He frowned. “Kind of both I think…”

“Get some sleep,” Emily advised. “I’ll be back later today.”

His eyes were trained on Elizabeth’s tearstained face. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

“I’m fine,” Elizabeth murmured.

He focused on his sister then. “Where’s Carly? Sonny? Where’s Courtney?”

“Jason, please…”

“Emily, don’t try to appease me. Where are they? What’s going on?”

“A gas line at the church exploded,” Emily admitted softly. “You and Carly were outside, so you’re okay. The family and I were just arriving, so the most we had were some cuts. But…”

He closed his eyes. “Everyone else is dead,” he finished emotionless.

“Yes,” Emily whispered painfully. “I’m sorry, Jason. I’m so sorry.” After a moment, she realized her brother had slid back into a drug-induced sleep and she turned to her friend. “Oh, God, Elizabeth…”

“He’ll be okay,” Elizabeth said, drawing her friend into an embrace. “He’ll be okay.”


It was a week before any of the funerals took place. And only Michael Corinthos had more than five people at his funeral. Some of his teachers attended, some friends from school. AJ Quartermaine was in the back, keeping out of sight of his son’s mother.

Carly, who’d been told the news a few days ago, was in a wheel chair, staring at the cold ground where her little boy was going to be spending his days. She was being taken back to the hospital after the service, but all she wanted to do was throw herself in with her son.

She’d already been to Sonny’s, Courtney’s and Mike’s services earlier. She would have gone to the guards’ services, but the doctor had forbidden it. She was still badly injured. A broken leg, a concussion and three broken ribs. She’d suffered a miscarriage while she was out cold, so she didn’t even have Sonny’s baby to live for.

Jason had gotten out of the hospital the day before, the worst of his injuries was a cut on his forehead. He pushed his friend’s wheelchair on the path back to the limo, preparing to take her back to the hospital.

“Wait,” Carly said, suddenly. “That’s Ric’s service over there, isn’t it?” she asked, gesturing across the cemetery where another funeral was set up. A casket was waiting to be lowered into the ground and the widow sat in a chair, surrounded by empty chairs. Emily had gotten sick, so Nikolas had taken her home and Elizabeth had insisted that Lucky and Summer go with them.

“Yeah, it is,” Jason said quietly.

“Let’s go,” Carly said. “I don’t think she should be alone today.”

“Did anyone find out why Ric was there in the first place?” Jason, speaking in the same emotionless tone he’d adopted in the hospital. It was easier that way. If he buried the emotions so deep inside himself, he wouldn’t have to feel them. His fiancée, the woman he’d expected to spend the rest of his life with, she was gone. The man he’d thought of like a brother, who’d taught him everything he knew about love, loyalty and honor, he was gone.

The little boy he’d considered a son was gone. It was almost too much and his only way of dealing was to shut it out.

“No,” Carly answered. “No one knows.”

Elizabeth didn’t acknowledge them as Jason wheeled Carly’s chair next to an empty one and he sat next to her.

“I know that everyone hated him,” she said a few moments later. “But he was my husband and I thought we were going to spend the rest of our lives together.” She glanced at Carly, her eyes filled with tears. “All he wanted was a family. You know that? The morning after we were married, when we still had our baby to look forward to, he bought me a stuffed teddy bear. For the baby.” She looked to the casket again. “Baby’s first toy,” she whispered brokenly.

“Losing the baby devastated him more than me, I think. Maybe if I hadn’t miscarried, maybe he really would have given up his hatred for Sonny. If he’d had a future to look forward to, a child.” She stood and stepped toward the casket. “But I wasn’t enough for him. Not without our child. I wasn’t enough. My love just…didn’t mean enough to him.” She reached inside her jacket and withdrew a soft yellow teddy bear. “Thank you for stopping by,” she said a moment later, her voice clear and without emotion. “It’s been such a horrible day for you both and it means a lot that you’d just…pretend to care for a moment.”

She placed the bear on the casket, like one would place a rose. “I guess this is my chance to bury my dreams of being someone’s wife, someone’s mother.”

Elizabeth stepped back and walked towards Carly, surprising the blonde when she leaned down to hug her. “I’m sorry for your loss,” she whispered.

“I’m sorry for yours,” Carly whispered back as Elizabeth straightened. “I am, Elizabeth. Losing a child and your husband at the same time, there’s no pain greater.”

“I know.” Elizabeth wrapped her arms around Jason’s neck and hugged him tightly. “One day at a time,” she advised him. “The pain will fade, I promise. It did for me when I thought Lucky was dead.”

“I remember,” Jason said, meeting her eyes as she pulled away.

Despite the warmth of the day, Elizabeth pulled her coat more tightly around her. “I’m not sure what he was doing there that night, but I don’t think it was anything good. I found a room in the house today,” she admitted. “A panic room of some sorts. He had maternity clothes, prenatal vitamins…a crib.” She closed her eyes. “It doesn’t take much to realize what he had in mind.” She opened her eyes and looked at Carly. “How terrible am I to be glad he never had the chance to do go through with it? I’m glad he’s dead, just so he never had the chance to hurt anyone else.”

“He did hurt someone else,” Carly told her. “He hurt you.”

Elizabeth shrugged and looked away. “Nothing I’m not used to.” She tucked her hair behind her ears. “I’m moving. Out of town. I’m going home to Colorado for a while. I don’t know when or if I’m coming back.”

“When you’re in town,” Carly said, “You…should…come by.”

“Yeah.” Elizabeth managed a weak smile. She walked away then, leaving the two behind.

The yellow teddy bear slipped and fell from the casket. Jason stepped forward as if to pick it up and place it back on top, but Carly stopped him. “Give it to me,” she told him.

He handed it to her and she stared at it. “We both lost our dreams,” she murmured. “To have the perfect family.” She glanced up at him. “Kind of ironic that the muffin and I finally have something in common, huh?”

Prompt: Coffee, tea, or me


Elizabeth Webber shoved the coffee pot into its place and glared at nothing in particular. After an entire day of working, she was more than ready to call it a night and sleep for a week. She hated this job and she hated Port Charles. She should have never moved here. What had she been thinking? Trying to connect to a sister and grandmother who quite clearly didn’t want her here?

She checked the clock. Ten minutes until closing. She could do this. The diner was nearly empty anyway. A couple in one corner and one man—drinking coffee in the courtyard.

She bypassed the couple–she was in no mood to deal with young love–and breezed out of the doors—in time to see the explosion.

The man drinking coffee in the courtyard had been alone when Elizabeth had served him. Now, a brunette was sitting across from him and a blonde was in the brunette’s face. Both were arguing bitterly and the man seemed to content to let them kill each other.

Elizabeth almost walked back in–but she found herself curious. The trio hadn’t noticed her appearance, so she crossed her arms and leaned back to enjoy the drama.

She learned the brunette was Robin, the blonde Carly and the man Jason. The blonde seemed to be blunt, bordering on the crude while Robin the brunette was sweetly cutting. Every word that came out of her mouth could be interpreted about a dozen ways. The man, Jason, wasn’t speaking at all. In fact, he seemed to be ignoring their presence.

Elizabeth discovered that Jason had been in relationships with both of them at one point or another. He had a son with Carly and had broken up with both of them–which meant he was single, Elizabeth decided, looking over the muscular blonde Adonis. Not a bad thing.

Robin accused Carly of wrecking her life and anyone else’s that came along while Carly accused her of betraying Jason. Robin said something along the lines of Carly being a slut which Carly laughed off.

Elizabeth arched an eyebrow as Robin called Carly insane and was pleasantly surprised when Robin brought up the son that apparently wasn’t Jason’s after all. Just as Robin finished telling Carly that she should take her son and leave town, Jason suddenly sat forward.

He told Robin in no certain terms that she was never to mention Michael’s name again. Carly smiled gleefully until Jason turned to her and told her to go home to Sonny. Robin stood and left, throwing a hurt glance towards Jason. Carly seemed to back off after the Sonny comment and left.

Amused, Elizabeth came forward with the coffee pot. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

“No.” Jason looked up. “How long were you standing there?”

“I came out just as Carly showed up,” Elizabeth replied. She pulled out her order pad and scribbled the amount. “Sounds like you have your hands full.” She put the check in the table. “You ever get them squared away? Give me a call.” She grinned at him and headed back into Kelly’s, her cell phone number in a circle underneath the amount of his check.

January 27, 2014


The famous panic room reveal aired on July 11, 2003. It was a Friday, and the episode ended up on Liz pressing the button and turning to look at Carly, horrified. At the time, I can’t remember if we knew that pulmonary embolism was coming or if i was just spoiler free. That doesn’t sound like me, but you never know. Anyway, a cliffhanger Friday meant LissieLove writing a story on Friday night.


This takes place in July 2003. Ric has kidnapped Carly and has held her hostage in the panic room while Elizabeth doesn’t know anything.


Something went wrong
You’re not laughing

It happened almost as though in a dream. One moment, she’d been unpacking a box of books. The next, Carly had vaulted out of nowhere and was screaming her name.


Elizabeth whirled around so fast that she slipped and fell, staring up at Carly with a shocked expression. No one had seen Carly in almost a month. She’d vanished from the face of the Earth.


“Elizabeth, thank God,” Carly cried, almost weeping. She reached down and practically hauled the other woman to her feet. “We need to get out of here.”

“Wait, wait.” Elizabeth pushed away from her and put her hands to her head, closing her eyes. “You—where have you been? What’s going on?”

“I’ve been here,” Carly said, frantically, already pulling her towards the door. “In that stupid panic room. Come on, Elizabeth!”

“In what panic room?” Elizabeth demanded. Her eyes drifted past Carly to the open room behind her. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened a little. “Oh my God—”

“Elizabeth, please, we have to go!” Carly cried.

Elizabeth nodded. “You’re right. Let’s go—”

She heard the door open before she could finish. She turned and looked at her husband. “Ric.” Carly’s hand tightened on hers. “What’s going on?” she demanded.

Ric’s eyes darted between his wife and his captive. “Elizabeth, I know you don’t understand right now—”

“You kidnapped Carly!” Elizabeth cried. “She’s been missing for a month—”

Ric stepped forward and Elizabeth impulsively retreated a step, backing into Carly. “I’m doing this for you,” he tried to explain. “Just like we discussed. Another baby.”

Elizabeth blinked. “You—you think we’re going to raise Carly and Sonny’s child?” she asked softly. “You’re crazy.” She shook her head. “We’re leaving.”

Ric reached behind him and pulled out a small pistol. “No. You’re not.”

It’s not so easy now to get you to smile
You gotta be strong

Elizabeth paced the small space of the panic room. “I can’t believe I was so stupid.”

Carly’s brown eyes followed the tiny brunette from side to side. “You weren’t stupid. He was good. Very good.” She gestured towards the television screen. “I saw how he acted with you.”

Elizabeth stared at the different screens, each showing a different spot in the house. Their bedroom. Their kitchen. Their living room. “How did he hide this from me?”

“He was careful,” Carly said dully. She sank onto the cot and stared at the crib next to her. “He had this completely set up before he took me.”

Elizabeth frowned. “The night of the wedding—” she trailed off. “You must have been struggling. Why didn’t I know?”

“You were asleep on the couch,” Carly answered. “The police came. I saw it.”

“But Ric said—” Elizabeth stared at the couch on the screen. “I’m not a deep sleeper. I haven’t been in so long.” She stepped closer to the screen and something caught her eye.

A prescription bottle.

She reached for it, on a shelf above the television screens. “This is a sedative,” she said softly. “In my name. He got a prescription for a sedative in my name.”


“He drugged me,” Elizabeth murmured. “Oh my God. He drugged me so I couldn’t stop him.” The bottle clattered to the floor and she stepped back, her vision blurring. “Oh my God, my husband drugged me.”

“Elizabeth—” Carly stood, feeling out of place as she tried to comfort the other woman. “I’m sorry.”

“He said we made love, but I didn’t remember,” Elizabeth went on. Her hands were starting to tremble. “I thought it was just the wine, but I didn’t remember.”

To walk these streets
And keep from falling


“My clothes were off,” Elizabeth choked out. “He undressed me—or we made love and I just don’t remember—”

Carly closed her eyes, remembering the moment she’d woken up next to Ric, also nude. They hadn’t slept together then, but she hadn’t known. The thought had haunted her for moments, causing more than one nightmare. “Elizabeth, he violated you.”


“He drugged you,” Carly said firmly. “You said yourself you don’t remember anything. Jesus, Elizabeth. Take the blinders off. If he just undressed you, it’s still violating you.” She closed her eyes. “And if he did more—”

Elizabeth sank onto the cot, pressing a hand to her mouth. Tears spilled onto her cheeks. “No—it’s just not possible. I can’t—” She cleared her throat. “We need to talk about what we’re going to do.”

“What can we do?” Carly asked, sighing. “Believe me, I’ve thought of it all. I’ve even gotten out of here a few times, but he always catches me.”

“Only one of us needs to get out of here,” Elizabeth said softly. “I’ll take care of Ric. You run and just keep on running, okay?”

“I can’t leave you in here,” Carly said. “I’ve got leverage. I’ve got the baby he wants. You go.”

“Carly, you being pregnant is precisely the reason you should go,” Elizabeth argued. “Look, this is my fault. I have been blind to who my husband really is. I defended him when I was wrong. God, I must have defended him a thousand times to Sonny and Jason just this month and look how wrong I was!”

“You had no idea!” Carly insisted. “I heard everything he told you. He snowed you, Elizabeth. He led you to believe he was something that he wasn’t. You’re not the first person to buy into his bull.”

“Everybody lies to me,” she whispered softly. Elizabeth closed her eyes. “Nice to know some things will never change.” She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter, Carly. You run. Get help. I can hold my own against him. He won’t hurt me.”

“Won’t hurt you?” Carly scoffed. “Come on. He raped you!”

“No!” Elizabeth cried. She shook her head vehemently. “No.”

“Yes, yes he did. Stop denying it, Elizabeth. Ric raped you.”

“No!” Elizabeth screamed. “Not again! It didn’t happen again!”

But when you’re not, just let yourself cry

Carly paled and looked away, remembering how Elizabeth had come to the penthouse, desperate to believe that Ric was different. She’d been sleeping with him and Carly understood Elizabeth needed that reassurance.

She only wished she’d been able to give it. “Elizabeth—”

Elizabeth shook her head. “Don’t. Don’t okay? Don’t pretend that you like me or even feel sorry for me.”

“No woman deserves that,” Carly said firmly. “To be violated like that. Not by their husband, not by someone they thought was their friend—”

“And not by some stranger in the park,” Elizabeth said softly. She closed her eyes and sank to the floor. “I feel sick.” She was on her knees, one arm braced on the floor, the other around her middle. “Oh my God.”

Carly crossed to the bathroom and shoved the door open. “There’s a toilet in here.”

Elizabeth made it there, but only barely. She vomited until she nearly passed out, and then she slid away, sitting against the wall, her knees in the air, and her head in her hands. “I can’t believe this is happening to me,” she whispered. “I can’t believe I married someone who could do this to me.”

Carly stepped inside the small space and flushed the toilet. She grabbed a toothbrush and squeezed some of the paste on it before handing it to Elizabeth. “Here.”

You’ve been working hard
Just trying to pay the rent

When Elizabeth had brushed her teeth and splashed some water on her face, Carly left her in the bathroom, closing the door behind her, sensing she needed some time alone.

She crossed to the television screens watching as Ric paced the bedroom nervously. She glanced up as she heard the doorbell ring and looked back to the screen.

Elizabeth came out and frowned. “What was that?”

“The doorbell,” Carly murmured as she watched Ric hurry to answer it. “It’s Emily.” She glanced at the other woman. “Don’t bother screaming or pounding on the wall. It doesn’t work.”

“I figured as much.”

After a few moments, Ric closed the door and looked towards the panic room. He crossed to it and they watched him take the remote out of his pants. Elizabeth crossed to the other corner.

“As soon as I get him distracted, run,” Elizabeth told her. “Okay? Run as fast as you can and get out of here.”

“Elizabeth,” Carly began, but the door began to slide open and Ric entered.

Before he could say anything, Elizabeth charged him and jumped on his back, wrapping her small hands around his head. “Run!”

Carly darted out of the room and only spared one look back before she flew out the front door.

Ric easily tossed Elizabeth off, making her land with an oomph on the cot. “Why’d you do that?” he roared.

She tossed her dark hair out of her eyes and glared at him. “Why’d you rape me?” she hissed.

He blinked, the word rape draining his anger. “What?” Ric asked incredulously.

“You drugged me,” Elizabeth seethed. “And then you either just undressed me or we had sex. And I don’t remember a damn thing.”

“That doesn’t make it rape—”

“The hell it doesn’t!” Elizabeth screamed. “You drugged me! How was I supposed to say no?”

“Elizabeth, I just needed to make sure you wouldn’t stop me,” Ric tried to explain. “I did this for you—”

“You did this for yourself,” Elizabeth shot back. “You’ve been trying to replace our child with Sonny’s. Did it occur to you that I don’t want a child?”

Ric shook his head. “No, no. That’s not true. You want a family. We both do.”

“Not with you,” Elizabeth snapped. “You’re insane, and you’re a rapist.”

“I am not a rapist!”

Tryin’ to draw the line between who you are and who you invent
But if you throw a stone
Something’s gonna shatter somewhere

Carly stopped at the first payphone she found, her hands shaking as she called Sonny’s cell phone collect.

She screamed her name when they asked for it and Sonny hurriedly accepted the charges.

“Carly? Jesus, are you okay? Where are you?”

“Sonny, you have to go to Ric’s!” Carly cried. “Elizabeth is there and she’s alone with Ric, he took me and Elizabeth is there! You have to get there! Sonny, go!”

“Wait, wait, where are you?”

“Damn it, Sonny, he raped her and you have to get her out of there! I’ll meet you there. Just go!”

She slammed the phone down and took off down the block. She’d be damned if Elizabeth was going to sacrifice herself.

It took her five minutes to get back to the Lansing home and she was out of breath, ready to keel over when she got there. A month inside a small dark room had really drained her. Her eyes were sensitive to light and she felt so weak.

“Elizabeth!” she screamed as she crossed the threshold. She saw the open door of the panic room and Ric standing in the doorway. He was glaring at something she couldn’t see. “Elizabeth!”

Ric looked at her and smiled. “Well, look who returned.”

“Get out of here, Carly!” Elizabeth yelled. She came into Carly’s line of vision suddenly, launching herself at her husband as they crashed into the rack of black boxes against the wall.

She heard a car screech to halt behind her. Carly whirled around to see Sonny and Jason throwing open their car doors and rushing up the walk. “She’s in there!”

Jason pushed past her and crossed the living room in a few quick strides, drawing his gun from the small of his back. He pointed at Ric. “Let her go.”

“Let her go?” Ric demanded. “She’s got me in a headlock!”

Which was true. Elizabeth was on Ric’s back, her tiny arms wrapped around his neck, trying her best to squeeze the life out of him. Every time he tried to shove her off or reach his arms up to pull her hands from his throat, she switched angles.

Jason had fight against smirking, but didn’t lower his weapon. “Elizabeth, let him go and go outside.”

“No,” Elizabeth snarled. She dug her nails into his throat, eliciting a growl from her husband. “He’s going to pay for what he did to me!”

Jason frowned and shook his head. She never did know when to quit. “Elizabeth, just let me handle this.”

Finally Ric managed to throw Elizabeth off. He aimed for the cot, but she went flying past it and crashed into the crib. Without thinking, Jason discharged his gun twice, sending Ric flying backwards and into the bathroom. He didn’t move.

We’re all so fragile
We’re all so scared

Carly pushed past Sonny and darted into the house as Jason hastily tucked his gun back in its spot. “Stay back, Carly. I’ve got her. Tell Sonny to call a crew.”

Jason stepped around the cot and knelt beside the unconscious brunette. He checked her pulse and sighed in relief when he found it steady and strong. “She’s alive. She’ll probably have some bruising. We’ll get her back to the penthouse and get a doctor there to see her.”

Carly watched in worry as Jason easily lifted the tiny woman into his arms and was on his heels as he carried her outside.

Sonny blanched when he saw Elizabeth limp in Jason’s arms. The image was hauntingly familiar. Barely a year ago, Jason had carried her from an about to explode crypt.

“Get her and Carly out of here,” Sonny said quietly. “I’ll wait for the crew. Is Ric—?”

“I don’t know,” Jason answered. “I didn’t look. He’s out though.”

“Okay, go.”

You say you wanna learn how to live your life without tears
But we’ve been trying to do that for thousands of years

While a doctor was taping Elizabeth’s ribs, Jason cornered Carly downstairs in the penthouse living room. “Sonny told me what you said on the phone.”

Carly sighed and tugged at the bottom of her shirt. “Where’s Courtney?” she asked, changing the subject. “And Michael? I want to see them. I haven’t seen them in a month.”

“They’re on the island,” Jason said impatiently. “Carly, you’re avoiding my question. You told Sonny that Ric raped Elizabeth.”

“Elizabeth didn’t know I was there until today,” Carly said softly. “She was doing something and it triggered the panic room door. We were on our way out of there but Ric stopped us.”


“I’m getting there,” Carly snapped. “He locked us both in the panic room and Elizabeth was freaking out by then. Jason, she had no idea what Ric is really like. She thought he’d changed. There were these television screens in the room and I saw the way he played her. He made her believe he’d let this vendetta go. He played the part of the perfect husband.”

“Finding out differently must have thrown her,” Jason interjected.

“Yeah, well, turns out the night Ric locked me in there, Elizabeth had a blackout of some sort. At the time, he convinced her it was just the wine she’d drank earlier. But today, she found a bottle of sedatives. He drugged so she wouldn’t stop him. And when she woke up, she was—well,” Carly shrugged. “Naked.”

“Jesus,” Jason exhaled. “So he drugged her and you guys think—?”

“He violated her, Jason,” Carly said firmly. “Whether it was no more than just taking off her clothes like he did to me or it was more. She was definitely violated.”

“If he wasn’t already dead—” Jason trailed off and shook his head. “Is she okay?”

“She was upset,” Carly admitted. “Lost it for a few minutes. But I think she shoved it aside to get us out of there. The second he stepped inside, she jumped him and kept screaming at me to get out of there. She’s—she’s got guts, Jason. A lot of them.”

Jason nodded. “Yeah—she’s always been like that. She wanted to protect you.”

“She did. So I got her help and went back in case she needed me,” Carly finished. “Of course, it looked like she was holding her own.” She looked towards the stairs. “She’ll be okay, right?”

“Physically, yeah. Just some bruised ribs and a concussion,” Jason answered. “But—”

“Yeah,” Carly said, understanding what he didn’t say. “Jason, don’t take this the wrong and please do not tell anyone else what I said. But—after today? I kind of—well, respect her now. And—I want—” She hesitated and glared at her friend who was trying not to smirk. “Don’t give me that look. She put herself in danger to protect me.”

“Yeah, I get that. It’s just strange coming from you.”

“I want to help her,” Carly said bluntly. “I want her to stay here or something. She’s going to be really upset when this hits her, and I guess I want to be there for her. I think she could use a friend.”

“She will, Carly.” Jason hesitated. “It’s good that you want to be there for her. But I know her. She won’t let you.”

“You knew who she was a year ago,” Carly said quietly. “I know her. I’ve watched her every day for the past month. I know that she sings when she paints and thinks no one else is in the room. I know that she makes extremely bad coffee and about the only thing she can make are brownies. I know that her face scrunches up when something in her painting isn’t working—”

“Okay, okay, I get the point. You know her better than me,” Jason said. He rubbed the back of his neck. “I used to know her better than anyone, you know? I knew when she was lying, when she was upset. And now, I don’t know her at all.”

“Do you miss her?” Carly asked, tilting her head to the side. “As a friend or whatever?”

“Sure,” Jason said easily. “She was one of my best friends. She mattered to me.”

“Then maybe this is your chance to get that back,” Carly murmured.

So go on and cry Ophelia
It’s the only thing to do sometimes

Elizabeth laid on the bed, staring up at the ceiling blankly. It was easier if she didn’t move. She could just stare at the white ceiling and she wouldn’t have to think about the fact that she was in the guest room at Carly’s penthouse.

If she didn’t think about her location, she wouldn’t think about why she was here. That her husband had kidnapped a pregnant woman and kept her captive for a month while he fed his gullible wife a lot of bullshit about being a changed man.

Or that he’d drugged and possibly raped her the night he kidnapped the other woman. She squeezed her eyes shut, feeling tears in the back of her throat. Oh, god. It had happened again.

She turned on her side and drew her knees to her chest, ignoring the pain in her ribs. She started to cry and once the first tears trickled down her cheeks, they only came faster and stronger. Soon she was sobbing, her face buried in the pillow.

She didn’t hear the door sliding open or feel Jason’s weight sink into the bed as he sat down. He smoothed the hair away from her face and she only cried harder.

Her own husband, someone she’d trusted and loved, had drugged her and then violated in the worst way possible. In a way Elizabeth had once vowed would never happen again.

“You shouldn’t pull your knees up like that,” he said softly. Jason straightened her legs. “It’s not good for your ribs.”

“I don’t care,” she choked out. “I just want to be by myself, okay?”

“Okay,” Jason said, amiably. He smoothed her hair again. “I’ll check on you later. Do you need anything?”

“The last few months of my life to disappear?” she sobbed. “Can you do that?”

“I wish I could,” Jason said. He stood and closed the door behind him.

You know I’m crying too
Right there with you

He closed the door behind him and shook his head wordlessly. He wondered what existed in some men that gave them the urge to do this to people. How Ric Lansing could have fooled Elizabeth into thinking he was so wonderful—so that he could turn right around and violate that trust, trust he knew she didn’t give easily.

She was still crying, he could hear her through the door. Even after all this time, after the pain, the nasty words—it still ripped at him when he heard her cry.

Sonny had gotten home when Jason came down the stairs. He was arguing with Carly insisting she go to the hospital.

“You’re probably dehydrated or suffering from malnutrition,” he was saying.

Carly rolled her eyes. “I am fine. What I want you to do is bring Michael and Courtney home. I need to see my son.”

“They’re already in the air,” Sonny said. “Now will you go?”

“No,” Carly said. She caught Jason’s eye. “Hey. How is she?”

Jason sighed. “She’s okay. Upset, but physically fine.”

Sonny frowned. “Now might be a good time to explain what you said on the phone.”

Carly shifted uncomfortably. “It’s really her business, not mine. Maybe she doesn’t want everyone to know.”

Sonny exhaled slowly. He put his hands on his waist, leveling his trademark intense glare on his wife. She braced herself for a fight and was prepared to stand her ground.

After a moment, Sonny nodded “You’re right. If she wants me to know, she’ll say so.”

“How’d things go at the house?” Jason asked. “Where’s Lansing?”

“Dead,” Sonny answered. “He bled out—painfully, I might add. We’ll arrange for the body to be found sooner or later. Good clean ending for Elizabeth.”

“He deserved to be cut into miniscule little pieces and fed to the wolves,” Carly muttered.

Sonny nodded. “Yeah. For what he did to you and the havoc he apparently wreaked on his own wife. What did he hope to accomplish by kidnapping you?”

Carly sighed. “He wanted our baby. He blames you for her miscarriage and wanted to replace their baby.”

“That’s sick,” Sonny declared.

“Yeah, it is,” Carly replied. She rubbed her abdomen. “You know, I watched her these last few weeks. She never trusted him fully, she was always a little suspicious.” She bit her lip. “He lied and lied to her and all I wanted to do was scream at her stop believing him.”

“Come on, I’ll make you some dinner,” Sonny said. “Jason, will you check on Elizabeth one more time before you go to the airport?”

“Yeah. No problem.”

It’s alright, Ophelia
Everybody cries

She wasn’t crying when he entered the room the second time. She was lying on her back, staring at the ceiling.

“Do you need anything?” Jason asked.

“I think we covered that question,” Elizabeth murmured. “Did Carly tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

“What Ric did.”

“That he—” Jason hesitated. “That he drugged you and—”

“She shouldn’t have said anything,” Elizabeth whispered. “It’s bad enough she knows.”

“She’s worried about you,” Jason told her. He shut the door behind him. “I am, too.”

“Why?” she asked dully. “You were right, weren’t you? Ric was bad news. I had no business being with him. I was just protecting a rapist.”

“I never should have said it that way,” Jason admitted. “But I’d just found out what happened to Carly and here you were, being so damn stubborn—it was like you weren’t listening just to spite me.”

She chuckled dryly. “Yeah. Everything I do is always about you Jason.”

“That’s not what I meant—”

“I defended Ric because he made me believe that my love mattered, that I was enough,” Elizabeth said softly. “That I hadn’t wasted my time trying to make another relationship work. Just another mistake, Jason. Nothing more. Had nothing to do with you.”

“I’m sorry, Elizabeth.”

“Is he dead?”


“Is he dead? Am I a widow?”

“Do you really want me to answer that?” Jason asked, stuffing his hands into his jean pockets.

“I think you just did.” Elizabeth sighed and folded her hands across her abdomen. “You know—I was waiting for him to come today. I was so excited—because I knew how happy he’d be.”

Jason walked towards her, trying to catch her eye, but she kept her attention firmly on the ceiling tiles. “About what?”

“I’m pregnant,” she whispered. “Silly me. I thought when he meant he wanted a family, he wanted my child. Should have known he wanted some blonde’s instead.”

Jason closed his eyes, feeling a sharp pain lance through him. “He was sick, Elizabeth. Sick and twisted.”

“Yeah, I guess he’d have to be to pretend to rape one woman and then drug and rape the wife he kidnapped someone for.” Elizabeth sighed. “I sure can pick ‘em. A brainwashed cheater, a hitman and a sociopath. I wonder what’s next. Do you think I’ll just settle for a homicidal maniac who has weird fetishes? Like he likes to wrap his victims in toilet paper before he slits their throats?”

“I’m not a hitman, Elizabeth and you know that,” Jason retorted.

She laughed again, coldly. “Forgot. That’s just one area of your job. We never did discuss the aspects. I was always too weak and fragile to handle it, huh?”

He shook his head. “What are you going to do?”

“About the baby?” Elizabeth asked. “Don’t know. I mean, what kind of child is it going to be? The offspring of an unemployed loser and a rapist?”

“You’re not a loser and it doesn’t matter what the father was like. Ric is dead and he can’t hurt you anymore.”

“If that’s what you believe, then you have a lot to learn about relationships, Jason. Just because someone’s gone, it doesn’t mean it’s over.” She turned and curled up into a ball, hissing when her knees came into contact with her sensitive ribs. “Sometimes it’s just beginning.”


“Tell Carly and Sonny I’ll be out of their way in a day or two. When I figure out what’s going through my head, okay?”

“You can stay here as long as you need to,” Jason assured her.

“With the happy mob squad? I’d rather chew nails.”

He hesitated. “Carly’s—”

“Worried about me, yeah I know. You already told me that.” Elizabeth closed her eyes. “Just leave me alone, okay?”

He shook his head. “No. I’m not going to leave you alone so you can sit up here and feel sorry for yourself.”

She jerked into a sitting position then, her cold gaze burning into him. “Is that you think I’m doing?” she seethed. “I’m trying to deal with the fact that my husband—who is dead now—not only lied to me with every single word out of his mouth, but that he drugged me and that I was raped for the second time in my life. I’m so sorry if I’m cramping your style or I’m not bouncing back as quickly as you think I should be, but I can’t—”

“I’m sorry,” Jason interrupted. He sat on the edge of the bed. “I shouldn’t have said that. I know you better than that.”

“Do you?” Elizabeth demanded. “Did we ever know each other at all? Or were we just fooling ourselves?”

Thank god for my bad memory
I’ve forgotten some of the stupid things that I’ve done

“Of course we knew each other,” Jason said, almost startled by her vehement words. “We were friends.”

“Yeah,” Elizabeth sighed, the fire drained from her body. She laid back down. “Friends.”

“I’m sorry, Elizabeth—”

“You’re always sorry, Jason. It never changes anything.” She closed her eyes. “Could you please go now?”


“Jason, there’s nothing left to say. You’re always sorry. And I’m always alone.”

“You’re not alone, Elizabeth—”

“Emily and Nikolas were married last week. A small chapel just outside of town. Lucky was there, Alexis, Luke, Monica, other members of both families. And I heard about it on the news,” Elizabeth said softly. “Lucky’s been mourning his girlfriend’s death for a month, but I found out about it in the newspaper. The only people I have are my grandmother and Ric—and I can’t look at my grandmother in the eye.”

“Why not?” Jason asked.

“Because I weaved a little fairy tale for her. About the wonderful and kind Harvard lawyer who swept me off my feet. That we had the perfect courtship and that marriage, with the minor inconvenience of a miscarriage, has been idyllic. How do you suppose I tell her that he was a monster? That he’s dead and I’m glad?”

“Why tell her anything?”

“You mean lie?” Elizabeth asked, raising her eyebrows. She smirked. “Why, you the paragon of virtue, are encouraging me to mourn my rapist husband? Tell me, Jason, does the word hypocrite mean anything to you?”

He stood and shook his head. “Sometime in the next week, his body will be found. So that you can have a quick ending to all of this. Your marriage will be over, and you won’t have to explain his absence.”

‘”I think it’d be for the best that I am at the house when he’s found then,” Elizabeth said softly. “So that when the two of you are questioned, I don’t have to be in a position to explain why I’m here.”

“Probably,” Jason admitted. “But Carly and Sonny want you to stay.”

“And I’m not going to complicate your lives any further. You have Carly now. You and Courtney can have your little wedding and I’ll just sell the house and try to get my old studio back.”


“Yeah. I know. You’re sorry.”

I’ve come to a little wisdom through a whole lot of failure
So I watch more carefully what rolls off my tongue

He never made it to the airport. He didn’t leave the room and eventually she fell asleep. He sat in a chair and watched her sleep. She was a restless sleeper, tossing and turning. Her breathing was shallow at times and he found himself worrying about her concussion.

When Courtney called about a ride home, Sonny just sent a guard out to get them. He knew that Jason was still upstairs and decided to leave him alone. It wasn’t every day that your ex-girlfriend was raped by her husband.

When Elizabeth woke a few hours later, he was still sitting there. Staring at her, his eyes trained on her face. She frowned. “Why are you here?”

“I’m worried about you.”

She sighed and slid into a sitting position, setting her feet on the ground. “Tell me,” she began quietly, “where does this sudden burst of concern come from? Where has it been in the past ten months or so?”

He leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his thighs, clasping his hands together. “Tell me,” he echoed, “have you ever made a mistake?”

Elizabeth eyed him suspiciously. “Is this a trick question?”

“The day you walked out on me, when you demonstrated your inability to handle my life—”

“That is not what that was about!” Elizabeth fumed. “That was about my inability to come last, to be neglected. My inability to accept that promises are allowed to be broken for the sake of business.”

He knitted his eyebrows together in a frown. “Why didn’t you say so?”

“Silly me, I thought I did,” Elizabeth snarled. “I guess I was depending on your ability to understand me. Hoping for too much again, huh?”

He shook his head. “When you walked out, and you turned your back on me every time I tried to talk to you—”

“Yeah, both times,” Elizabeth muttered.

“It occurred to me that maybe you didn’t care about me anymore,” Jason told her. “I’m not sorry I moved on. I’m not sorry I listened to you when you told me we were over, that I’d ruined any chance we had. I’m not sorry that I fell in love again and you’re not going to make me sorry for that.”

She closed her, willing the tears to stay where they were. “I deserved it,” she whispered. “Because I walked away so many times from what I really wanted, I deserved what I got.”

“You did not deserve to have Ric Lansing drop into your life,” Jason said firmly. “No one deserves that.”

“Yeah, okay.” Elizabeth sighed. “Well, I’m all right. I feel fine. You can go.”

“I didn’t finish,” Jason interjected. “I’m not sorry for any of those things, but I am sorry that our friendship suffered.”

“Suffered,” Elizabeth scoffed. “Died, you mean.”


“Yeah, you’re sorry. We established this.”

He sat next to her on the bed. “Do you remember when I told that sometimes when you go away, it doesn’t make the feelings go away? That it just makes it clearer?”

“Yeah—” Elizabeth sighed. “I remember that.”

“Sometimes you don’t need to go away.”

Elizabeth frowned. “What does that mean?”

“It means that I miss you.”

Elizabeth blinked and stared at him. “You miss me,” she echoed. She laughed. “Well, goody for me. Should I bow at your feet now?”

“Why do you do this?” he asked. “Why are you so angry with me?”

“Maybe it’s because you think telling me you miss me is supposed to fix the way you’ve treated me.” She launched herself off the bed and crossed the room. “Well, I miss you too. I miss talking to you and taking rides on the bike. But you know what I don’t miss? I don’t miss the phone calls, I don’t miss the way you’d run out to help Sonny and Carly with a hangnail. I don’t miss the way you shut down on me without the slightest provocation. I don’t miss the way you make me feel inferior, like I’m not good enough for you because all I wanted was your trust.” She found her shoes underneath the bed. “Yeah, I miss our friendship Jason, but not enough to sacrifice my self-respect—what I have left anyway.”

She ended her tirade by slamming out of the guest room, leaving Jason stunned and speechless in her wake.

You pray for rain
But you don’t want it from a storm

Courtney and Michael were home when Elizabeth rushed down the steps. Courtney jumped to her feet and immediately looked at the brunette suspiciously. “Elizabeth.”

Carly frowned. “Where are you going? You should be resting—you have a concussion—”

“I’ll be fine,” Elizabeth said quickly. “I appreciate everything, but it wouldn’t look right if I were here when—Ric—well—” she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “You know what I mean.”

“Don’t tell me you’re going to back to him!” Courtney scoffed. She rolled her eyes. “My God, how naïve can you be? What does he have to do so that you realize what scum he is? Does he have to rape you too?”

Elizabeth paled and her eyes filled with tears. “It’s funny you should say that Courtney,” she whispered. She heard Jason’s footsteps on the steps behind her. He stopped on the landing. “Real ironic, you might say.”

“Courtney, just go home,” Carly advised. “This isn’t the time or the place—”

“No. Because Elizabeth is too stupid to see what a monster her husband is, he had the opportunity to kidnap Carly,” Courtney interrupted. “Now how did he manage to pull that off without you noticing? Did you help? Were you part of the plan?”

“Courtney, that’s enough,” Jason ordered. “Stop it.”

Elizabeth was trembling now. “You’re such a hateful person, Courtney. You automatically think I’d do something like that?”

“Well, I don’t know, Elizabeth. Maybe the reason you’re going back isn’t because you’re scared of him or because you just don’t see it. Maybe you like it,” Courtney snarled. “Maybe you get off on being with a rapist—”

“Shut up!” Elizabeth cried. “You don’t know anything about me!”

“Courtney, that is enough,” Carly said firmly. She put a hand on the blonde’s shoulder. “You don’t know what happened—”

“I don’t need to. Here Elizabeth is, all ready to return to her rapist husband. So, what is it, Elizabeth? What makes you love him despite the terror he inflicts?”

“Courtney, stop it,” Sonny cut in. “Carly’s right. A lot of things happened today—”

“All of which has done nothing to make you see what he’s done! Did you come and beg for Ric’s life just like you begged for Zander’s?” Courtney demanded. “You’re so selfish, Elizabeth—”

“No, that would be you,” Elizabeth cut in softly. “For your information, I’m not going back to Ric. He’s dead. I’m going back to the house so that when his body is found, the police won’t be able to connect this back to Sonny and Jason. And that is all you deserve to know, so you can take your accusations and hateful words and shove them.”

She pushed past them and left the penthouse, slamming the door behind her. Courtney sighed. “Well, at least that’s over.”

Carly stared at the other woman, surprise written all over her face. “Is that what I sound like?” she asked no one in particular. “When I go off without any of the facts? When I throw tantrums and accuse people of things they didn’t do?”

“Honestly?” Sonny asked, a small smirk on his face. “Yeah.”

She glared at him but turned the intensity of the glare onto her sister-in-law who was staring at her strangely. “All you had to do was shut up when we told you to. But you just sat there and kept yelling at a woman who had her entire life ripped out from underneath her today. Do you ever think about anything but yourself?”

“That’s not fair,” Courtney cried. “I’ve been so worried about you these last couple of weeks. I’ve done everything I can to keep your son from worrying about you. We postponed our wedding until we found you! How can you say that I don’t think about anyone but myself?”

“You know, being self-absorbed is one thing, but being cruelly selfish is another.” Carly shook her head. “I can’t deal with this right now.” She held her hand out to her son, who’d been watching the events unfold with an interested expression. “Come on, Mr. Man. You and me need to get caught up.”

“Okay, Mommy.”

Carly led to the stairs and they disappeared onto the second floor. Courtney sighed. “Okay, so what the hell happened today?”

Jason didn’t answer her. Instead, he shook his head. “I need a ride.”

“I’ll come with you,” Courtney said quickly.

“No. I need be by myself for a while,” Jason told her, holding his hands up to ward off her approach. “I’ll see you when I get back.”

Yeah, you find a rose
And cut your finger on a thorn

She entered the house which Sonny’s men had cleaned up that afternoon. The panic room was closed and she had no inclination to open it or tell anyone that it was even there when she sold the house.

She closed the door behind her and stared at their living room. This morning, she’d been in love with her husband and tonight—

She crossed the room and stared at the photographs she’d unpacked before Carly had fled the room and shattered her life. The biggest one was a framed photo of them on their wedding day.

She picked it up and studied it. Studied her smile, the ecstatic look in her eyes. She remembered how overwhelmed and happy she’d felt when he’d taken the rings out of his pocket.

At the time, she’d been floating on air. His vows had made her feel so cherished, so valued. And now they made her skin crawl. Every word, every promise, every touch, every kiss—it felt vile and she could feel the disgust spread throughout her body. She’d given herself to him, more than once, without inhibition. She’d made love to him, believing he loved her.

She’d made love to a rapist.

Tears blurred her vision and her throat felt tight. She gripped the frame tighter and then hurled it against the wall. “I hate you!” she screamed. It shattered and slipped to the ground, the picture still intact.

She swept everything off the back table, the vase and the water the flowers were sitting in went flying to the floor. She took a lamp from the table and flung it towards the door. It missed its target and went flying through the front window, shattering it.

She sank to the floor, sobbing.

So go on and cry, Ophelia
It’s the only thing to do sometimes

He saw the broken window first before the shards of the lamp at his feet. He was inside before he could think twice.

The living room was destroyed. She’d thrown anything she could find against the wall and now she was crumpled into a tiny ball behind the couch, sobbing.

Jason crossed the room in a few quick strides and lowered himself to the ground. “Elizabeth,” he said intently. “Are you hurt?”

She raised her red-rimmed eyes to him and nodded. “Yeah, but you can’t see where I bleed,” she choked out. “It’s here,” she told him, pressing a hand to her heart. He closed his eyes and instinctively gathered her into his arms, pressing her sobbing face into his chest. He didn’t tell her it’d be okay, or that everything was going to be all right. She didn’t need to hear the right now and for the first time in nearly a year, Jason knew exactly what Elizabeth needed from him.

He just held her while she cried.

After a while, she’d exhausted herself and couldn’t cry anymore. She wasn’t sleeping or passed out. She was just quiet. The only sounds in the room were their breathing.

“Why are you here?” she whispered, her voice hoarse.

“I was out riding—” Jason hesitated. “I just—found myself here and—I thought—you might need me.”

She closed her eyes and for once, she didn’t throw up her defenses. She didn’t give him some smart comment about how she’d never needed him. She just spoke the honest truth. “You’re right. I did.”

He smoothed a hand down her back before pulling away from her a little bit. “I’m sorry about what Courtney said,” he told her, reluctant to bring up the topic of his fiancée while she was so upset.

“She was right,” Elizabeth whispered. “I was stupid and I was selfish. All that time Carly was in there and I just kept throwing you out when you tried to tell me. When you tried to explain that Ric was bad—that he was keeping secrets—I just laughed in your face. And you were right all along.”

“I didn’t want to be,” Jason admitted. “I wanted—I wanted to believe you were happy, that he was treating you right.”

“I’m glad he’s dead,” Elizabeth said emotionlessly. “He’ll never hurt anyone again and that’s all that matters to me.”

“What about—” Jason trailed off.

“I’m keeping this baby,” Elizabeth said firmly. “I thought—I thought about having an abortion the first time around, but I couldn’t do it then and I know I can’t do it now. I just have to find a way to make sure I can take care of her.”

“If you need anything,” Jason began to offer automatically, but she cut him off.

“I don’t think Courtney would appreciate you making a promise like that,” she said softly. “I mean—I’m grateful that you’d offer, but let’s face it, Jason. We can’t—we can’t be friends anymore.”

“Why not?” he demanded. “Why shouldn’t we be?”

“The simple fact that if I ever have to see your fiancée again I’m afraid I might have to pummel her into the ground,” Elizabeth answered easily and without hesitation. “I won’t apologize for it, but I hate her. It doesn’t matter that she was right, she had no right to say what she did today and I just—can’t be around her.”

“So what does that have to do with us?” Jason asked.

“Don’t be thick, Jason. You—” Elizabeth sighed. “You’re going to marry her. You’re going to do whatever it takes to make her happy and you hanging around your ex-girlfriend won’t do that.”

“Don’t do that,” Jason told her. “Don’t go making your mind up about me like that. You hate when people do that to you, don’t do it to me. I’m not just Courtney’s fiancé, and I’m not just Sonny’s enforcer either,” he added.

“No,” Elizabeth murmured looking away. “But sometimes that’s all you think you are.”

You know I’m crying too
Right there with you

“I want to help,” Jason told her, ignoring the comment and the truth behind it. “And if Courtney can’t accept that, it’s not my problem.”

“There’s nothing for you to do,” she told him. “This is my—.life—.I have to start taking responsibility.” She pushed herself to a standing position. “And as soon as I get this all cleared away, I’ll figure out what I want to do.” She saw her easel across the room. “I still have that one woman show Ric set up. Why not take advantage of the one good thing he did?”

“Okay,” Jason said, rising to his feet. “But just because there’s nothing for me to do—does that mean we can’t talk?”

“What would we talk about?” Elizabeth asked. She started picking up shards of glass.

“We never needed a set list of topics before did we?” Jason questioned, helping her.

“This isn’t before, Jason. We’ve both changed and—there’s still—I’m still angry with you,” Elizabeth admitted, her eyes downcast. “And I don’t see that going away.”

“But why are you still angry?” he questioned. “You’ve moved on, what does it matter what happened in the past?”

“Because I trusted you. I trusted you with my life—and you wouldn’t return that. You didn’t trust me,” Elizabeth replied. “And we can’t be friends without trust.”


“I’m going to be okay now,” Elizabeth said, crossing to the kitchen to throw the shards into the recycling bin. “You can leave.”

“I don’t want to—”

“Don’t argue with me,” Elizabeth told him. She turned to face him. “Don’t make this difficult, Jason. You know we can’t be friends. It wouldn’t work.”

“Why can’t we just start over again? Develop that trust over again?”

“Because you will never trust me the way I want you to. And besides, Jason, we’ve come too far to just start over and be friends.” She bit her lip. “The truth of the matter is that we will always be more than friends and I just—.I need to deal with that.”

“Then what’s the problem?” Jason persisted, following her back to the living room. “If we’re still more than friends—”

“Because I still feel the same way I felt last summer,” Elizabeth confessed, crouching to pick up her wedding photo from among the glass shards. “That hasn’t changed, Jason. And I can’t be friends with someone I’m still in love with and watch them get married and be happy with someone else. Not right now. Not at this point in my life.”

He didn’t answer her, his mind still stuck with the still in love with part. She stared at the photograph again before starting to tear into tiny little pieces.

After a few moments she looked at him pointedly. “Don’t you have a wedding date to set?”

It’s alright, Ophelia
Everybody cries, Ophelia

“I figure that we can just do it all over again the same way,” Courtney told Jason. “Same outfits, same wedding guests, you know?” She frowned when she realized he was reading the newspaper rather than listening to her. “What are you reading that’s more important than our wedding?”

“Ric’s body was found last night,” Jason reported. “It only took three days. I’m just wondering how long it’ll be before Baldwin decides to come get us.”

“Well, it’ll be okay. There’s no evidence you guys did anything.” Courtney smirked. “In fact, I bet you anything Elizabeth is the one who gets charged.”

Jason frowned and stared at her. “What do you mean by that?”

She shrugged. “Well, it’s not a big stretch. There’s no evidence against you two, it automatically turns to the wife. The wife who won’t show a lot of emotion, who will probably put the house on the market immediately, the wife who doesn’t have an alibi because she was unconscious. She can’t defend herself without incriminating you guys and if she knows what’s good for her, she won’t do that.”

Jason nodded. “Yeah, you’ve got a point. They just might turn it around on her.” He folded the paper and tossed it aside. “I need to talk to Sonny.”

“Wait a second, Jason, the wedding—” Courtney trailed off when he shut the door. “Damn it. When do I come first?”

Sonny was reading the same article when Jason entered the room. “I suppose you’ve read this already,” Sonny said.

“Yeah. I give Baldwin an hour tops before he knocks on your door,” Jason replied. “Courtney brought up something. They can’t pin this on us—but what about Elizabeth?”

Courtney brought it up?” Sonny asked. “I don’t see Elizabeth running into any trouble.”

“Baldwin’s going to be suspicious if Elizabeth ends up selling the house really quick, she doesn’t have an alibi, she won’t be that upset, you know what I mean?”

“Baldwin will just assume she’s covering for us,” Sonny mused. “It’s nothing to be worried about it and if turns out to be something, we’ll deal with it.”

It’s the perfect thing to do sometimes
You know I’m crying too, right there with you

She slept in the guest room and had her things all packed, just waiting for time to pass so that she could put the house on the market. She had cried appropriately when Detective Capelli reported Ric’s body had been found. She had filed a missing person’s report the day before.

She had an appointment with the funeral home for the next day. Elizabeth was playing the grieving wife perfectly so she wasn’t sure why Jason was standing in front of her, encouraging her to leave town.

“Jason, they don’t suspect me,” Elizabeth tried again. “I’m not worried.”

“Well I am,” Jason replied. “You don’t know how Baldwin thinks. He’ll see this as a way to get to me and Sonny. He knows you didn’t do it, but he thinks we did.”

“Well, for once he’s right,” Elizabeth muttered. Jason’s face darkened.

“Does it bother you?” Jason demanded. “To know that I killed him?”

Elizabeth looked at him, stunned. “Jason—”

“Does it bother you to know that it’s not the first time I’ve taken a life?” Jason continued. “Or did you just never think about it?”

Her mouth wouldn’t work and she suspected even if she could get words out, she wouldn’t know what to say. What could she say?

“Look, forget it,” Jason said after a moment of silence. “I don’t want Baldwin coming after you, thinking he can use you.”

“Where is all this concern coming from?” Elizabeth asked curiously. “You’ve barely looked my way in months. And now I couldn’t get rid of you if I wanted to.”

He stepped closer to her. “I told you that I’ve made mistakes. I’m trying to make them right.”

“Jason—there are some mistakes you can’t fix,” Elizabeth said helplessly. She stepped back and turned to stare at the wall she knew hid the panic room. “If I didn’t need the money from selling this house, I think I’d bulldoze it to the ground.”

“Will you at least think about leaving?” Jason asked. Before Elizabeth could answer his cell phone rang and her face twisted in bitterness, thinking of all the other times it had interrupted them.

He turned away to fish it out of his pocket and answer. “Yeah?”

“It’s me,” Courtney chirped. “Where are you? We’re supposed to discuss a new date today.”

“Can’t it wait?” he replied, almost impatiently.

Courtney was silent for a moment. “Jason, where are you?” she asked softly.

“I’m at Elizabeth’s,” Jason answered without hesitated. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Elizabeth slip into the hallway that led to the kitchen.

“Why are you there?” she asked, irritated. “I thought it was over and done with.”

“Elizabeth and I are friends—”

“Since when?” the blonde demanded. “You two haven’t talked in months. What could you possibly have to discuss now?”

“I’m not going to do this with you,” Jason replied, not bothering to hide his impatience or tense tone.

“Do what? Discuss the fact that you’re over another woman’s house?” Courtney snapped.

“Don’t you trust me?”

“Not when it comes to Elizabeth.”

There was silence for a moments before Jason was able to speak. “I guess that’s it then. I’ll stay somewhere else. You can deal with the penthouse. Goodbye, Courtney.”

It’s alright, Ophelia
Everybody cries, Ophelia

He hung up the phone and slipped back into his pocket before turning around to find Elizabeth was back in the room, taking the painting from her easel. “You’re packing already?”

“It’ll save me the trouble,” she murmured. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”

“No,” he answered. “Not anymore.”

She frowned at him momentarily before stacking a blank canvas on top of the unfinished one. “Okay.”

“You didn’t answer me. Will you at least think about leaving?”

She sighed. “Maybe. If what you say about Baldwin is true, I’ll think about it, okay?”

“Okay.” Jason shifted. “I should go anyway. Let you get back to packing.” His hand was on the door handle before she said his name. He looked at her over his shoulder.

“It doesn’t bother me,” she said softly. He frowned and turned around fully. “About Ric, I mean. You were just protecting Carly. He would have kept coming after her and probably Sonny, too.”

“I was protecting you too,” Jason admitted. “He just—threw you off him like you were a coat and you went flying across the room. I was worried you’d been hurt more seriously.”

She bit her lip. “And it’s not that I avoided thinking about your job, but most of the time I just—didn’t think of it. But if you really want my answer, I’ll tell you. No, the fact that what happened wasn’t the first time and that I’m aware it won’t be the last time—it doesn’t bother me and it never did.”

“Why not?” Jason asked, curiously.

“Because I knew it was either you or the other guy,” Elizabeth said softly, meeting his eyes. “And I was always grateful you came back.”

Cry, Ophelia
I’m crying too, right there with you

He stared at her for a few moments before looking away. Total acceptance what he did had never happened to him before and to tell the truth, he didn’t know how to respond to that.

“Are you gonna be okay here?” he asked. “I mean, by yourself?”

She sighed, stared at the couch where she knew it’d taken place. “I haven’t slept in three days,” she confessed quietly. “Every time I close my eyes, he’s there.”

Jason ran a hand through his hair. “I could stay if you want.”

She shook her head. “No. That’s okay. If it gets too bad, I can just go to a hotel or something. Besides—Courtney wouldn’t like it.”

Jason hesitated, thought about telling her that he’d just broken things off, but refrained. “Okay. But call me if you need something, all right?”

“All right,” Elizabeth agreed reluctantly. She smiled then, just a small weak one, but the closest thing to a genuine smile he’d seen in a long time. “You know what I could go for?”

“What’s that?”

“A ride,” Elizabeth said. “Do you have time?”

“Sure. Come on.” Jason pulled the door open and held it open until she passed him and headed towards the driveway where his bike was parked.

It was a start.

It’s alright, Ophelia
Everybody cries


Cry Ophelia won favorite short story in the 2003 General Hospital Reader’s Choice Awards!



This was a sequel to Please Remember, and I only write it because I was so excited by the amount of replies I got at The Canvas (50!). Everyone wanted a sequel, and I thought this was my ticket to fame (I was 18, be kind, LOL), and so I wrote this. And then no one really read it. Also, the song I used has been sooo hard to find. It was like scrubbed from YouTube and Spotify, and I finally found it on Vimeo. It was one of the solo songs the Backstreet Boys individually sang at their shows.


Takes place directly after Please Remember.


He stands in front of the mirror and stares at himself. He can no longer recognize the person he’s become.

He feels her hands at his throat. “Jesus, did you tie this thing yourself?” Carly grumbles as she unties the silk fabric and redoes the bow.

He brushes her hands away. “Lay off, Carly,” he says quietly. Jason Morgan is getting married today—it’s his second marriage and he still doesn’t love the woman he’s about to wed.

He and Courtney had come together in a time of mutual despair and grief. She’d been thrown by her husband’s betrayal and Jason was desperate to feel anything at time when nothing colored his bleak world.

He stares at himself in the mirror and he wonders when his life became this. When he’d lost sight of who he was and what he wanted. Was it the day Elizabeth Webber walked out of his penthouse and took the color with her?

Was it the day he kissed a woman he barely knew and didn’t even like all that much in the rain? When he married a woman he couldn’t stand and pretended to love her?

All of those days counted—but the day that mattered the most—the day he really realized how deep a hole he’d dug himself—

The day Elizabeth Webber walked out of his life forever.

She’d left town shortly after their goodbye and hadn’t left a forwarding address. She’d felt no need. Their goodbye was done and their time together had ended. He’d briefly flirted with the idea of trying to find her but what good would that do? So he could know exactly how happy she was?

I tried to pick the pieces up
And I can’t think of starting over

Carly sighs loudly. “Honestly, Jason. You could at least pretend you’re excited,” she says, rolling her eyes. “You’re getting married.”

“Carly,” Jason says. She ignores him and moves around to his back, looking at him over his shoulder in the mirror and straightening his tuxedo jacket. “Carly,” he says again. She meets his eyes in the mirror and frowns.

Had Jason always looked this sad?

“What?” she asks, shoving the thought to the deepest part of her mind.

“I don’t love her,” Jason says quietly. “You know that, don’t you?”

Carly shakes her head. “Jason, don’t be silly—”

“Carly. I don’t love her,” Jason says again. “I’m only marrying her because she’s pregnant.”

“That’s nonsense,” Carly murmurs. She steps in front of him to fasten his vest securely. “You dated her for nearly seven months. You have to feel something for her.”

“I care about her,” Jason admits. “But I’ll never love her.”

“You could learn to love her,” Carly says. She takes a step back and straightens lapels of his jacket.

“Carly, would you just stop being Sonny’s wife and Courtney’s sister-in-law and listen to me for a second?” he asks, not able to control the biting tone of his voice. Carly looks up at him, her eyes sad.

“I’m sorry,” she says softly. “I don’t mean to dismiss your feelings like that.”

“I know,” Jason replies. “But will you listen to me when I tell you that I don’t love Courtney and I never will?”

We used to share the stars above
I don’t wanna think it changed

“Jason, you can’t shut yourself away from the world,” Carly tells him. “I know it’s been a tough year, but you never gave Courtney a chance to win you over.” She gives him a small smile. “I’m not blind, you know. Sometimes I’d just rather pretend I don’t see things.”

She sighs and steps away from him, crossing to the bedroom door of his penthouse. She opens it and peeks down the hall to ensure no one is there. When she’s satisfied, she closes the door and turns to him. “It’s her, isn’t it?”

Jason’s brow creases in a frown. “What?”

“Elizabeth Webber.” For once, the scathing and insulting tone is absent from Carly’s voice when she speaks of the other woman. “It’s her you’ve loved all along and nothing will ever change that.”

Jason stares at her for a few moments before nodding. “I will always love Elizabeth.”

For the first time in forever, Carly doesn’t launch into an explanation about why Elizabeth was never right for him and why he’s better off without her. Instead she sighs. “Then why did you ever let her get away?”

“She wanted to go,” Jason replies simply. “And now she’s gone and I have no idea where she went. She doesn’t need me, Carly.” He lifts his shoulders in a simple shrug. “And Courtney does.”

Carly sighs and looks away. She runs her finger along the mahogany dresser. “She lived here for only a month,” she says. “And I grew to respect her. Because I could see that she cared about you. The day I told her Sonny was dead, she was so worried about you, Jason. She couldn’t understand why you wouldn’t come home and why you never called. I knew. I knew why you were doing it. I didn’t agree but it wasn’t my place to judge you.”

She looks up and meets his eyes. “You couldn’t face her. And by the time you could, you’d convinced yourself you didn’t deserve her or her love. And you let her walk out. And you were surprised when she wouldn’t come back when you made half-ass attempts to get her back.”

She paused and studied him for a second. “Tell me, Jason, did you ever tell her that you were sorry for leaving her in this penthouse for days on end without word—without even a simple telephone call? Did you ever tell her how you felt?”

Jason shakes his head slowly. “No,” he tells her. “I never did.”

She nods, as if she expected his answer. “You have two choices, Jason.”

And now I gotta move on
I’ve gotta catch up to the world

“You can go downstairs and leave this building to go the church. You can wait down at the end of the aisle for Courtney. You can marry her and raise your child with her—a child, Jason, that I know you’ve wondered if it is even yours. You can do that and be miserable the rest of your life.”

She takes a deep breath. “I can’t believe I’m even suggesting this. Sonny would disown me,” she mutters under her breath. “Or you can get out of the monkey suit and decide what it is you want from your life. Do you want to be Sonny’s errand-boy the rest of your life? Do you want to live a life where you come home to a woman you don’t love and never will?”

“Or do you want to go and find out if there’s hope for your own happiness after all?” Carly finishes with a heavy sigh.

Jason looks down at his tuxedo-clad body. “Why are you doing this, Carly?” he asks.

She steps forward and touches his face. “Jason—I know I’m not always very grateful for what you’ve done for me and I guess we could chalk that up me being selfish.” She chuckles. “And we both know I might be the most selfish woman alive.”

Jason just shakes his head. “Carly—”

“No,” she says, holding up her hand. “Let me finish. You took care of my son—loved him like he was your own—simply because I asked you to. I know how much that decision wrecked your life, but Jason, trust me, Robin wasn’t right for you. I don’t know—maybe she was once upon a time. But—” She sighs. “You did it anyway. You did everything in your power to make sure I always had Michael—even when I betrayed your trust and slept with Sonny. Jason—you have been the best friend a girl could ask for and what have I given you lately? A lot of grief. I know I pushed you into this decision. Sonny and I both did, and I apologize. I know I never let up on Elizabeth and I’m sorry for that as well.” She gives him a sheepish smile. “In all honesty, I was afraid she’d take you from me. That she would replace me in your life.”


“I know. I know, it was stupid and I should have known better. And I’m sorry, Jason. I’m so very sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you.”

He takes a step towards her and puts his hand on her shoulder. “Carly, I don’t hold any of that against you. I did this to myself. It’s my fault. Elizabeth walked away because I made her feel like she didn’t matter. And she stayed away because I wasn’t the person she cared about anymore.”

Even though I gave you my life
As wrong as it seems I know it’s right

“I look at myself in the mirror, Carly and I don’t recognize myself,” Jason says quietly. “I’ve lost myself. I married Brenda and I slept with Courtney. Two things I never would have done if I’d been thinking about it at all. I let Elizabeth walk out of my life for good without once telling her how I feel.”

“And how do you feel?” Carly asks tentatively, hoping for once Jason will be honest and answer question.

He steps away from him and runs his hands through his hair. He doesn’t answer at first and Carly deflates, disappointed. He won’t tell her—and why should he? Since when has she actually been a friend to him? Why should he tell her how he feels the first time she acts like one?

She’s startled when he begins to speak but listens closely. “I love her,” Jason admits. “I love her more than anything in my entire life. She’s such a wonderful person, Carly. I wish you’d given her a chance. She’s so loyal—she never lets anyone tell her what to do or who to see. You remember how she protected me that Christmas I spent at her studio.” Jason chuckles to himself, remembering. “My little attack dog.”

Carly gives him a brief smile as he continues, “I was lost when we first became friends. Robin and Michael were gone. You and Sonny were at each other’s throats. I was living in world that was black. But Elizabeth—one night she was at Jake’s, trying to drown the pain of losing Lucky by finding something that hurt worse.” He looked up, his eyes swollen and red. “And she brought color to my life. She painted me a picture of what it felt like to ride my bike. She loved going on that thing—used to beg me to let her drive. When we’d go around the turns, she’d scream for me to go faster. I’ve never met anyone else who loves to ride as much as I do, but Elizabeth said it made her feel free.”

Carly’s eyes mist with tears as Jason pours his heart out to her. How has she managed to ignore what Elizabeth did for Jason? How much she means to him? Has she been that blind—that ignorant—that scared of losing her place in his life that she’d refused to see how happy he was around her?

“She’s so small,” Jason murmurs. “I feel like I’m ten times bigger than I am when I’m around her. Her hands fit into mine so neatly and her head fits right underneath my chin.”

He looks up at her and meets her eyes. “I love her so much, Carly, that it hurts to breathe knowing she’s in another town—living somewhere else and that she doesn’t know how much I care—how much I needed her.”

But is there a trace that I can go away
To escape the love that I will forever know

“You can’t marry Courtney,” Carly tells him. She shakes her head sadly. “I know she’s pregnant—but marriage isn’t the answer. You don’t love her Jason and you can’t sentence yourselves to a loveless marriage. You both deserve more.”

“She’s pregnant, Carly and Sonny—”

“Oh, fuck Sonny,” Carly retorts. “Are you Sonny’s errand boy or are you Jason Morgan? You can’t be both.”


“Don’t get me wrong. I adore Sonny. He’s my life. But he’s been pushing this marriage since the second he found out Courtney was pregnant. And you and I both know she’s been seeing AJ once in a while. And as your best friend, I won’t allow you do this.”

Jason cracks a ghost of a smile. “You won’t allow me?” he repeats, a little amused.

“Look, Jase, you can be in this kid’s life without marrying Courtney,” Carly says. “If we’re really lucky, Jase, we get to find true love once in a lifetime. You never let me give up on Sonny. And as much as this pains me, I’m not letting you give up on Elizabeth.”

“We said goodbye,” Jason argues.

“Yeah? And you can say hello when you find her.”

Where can we go from here
All I know is that I love you still

Jason shakes his head. “That’s not the way it is between the two of us,” he tells her. “When I first left town, she refused to say goodbye. She said it was too final. And we haven’t said goodbye ever since.” He takes a deep breath. “But when she came to give me the painting a few weeks ago—she said it. She said we had to do it because that’s the way it had to be.”

“Well, yeah—and at the time you were going to marry Courtney,” Carly says. “I’d say goodbye too. Marriage—is such a final blow to any relationship. I know that sounds really weird but you know what I mean. I’m sure Elizabeth felt that whatever the two of you shared or should have shared or whatever—that it was in the past and since you were getting married, it would have to stay in the past. So maybe she needed the closure.”

Jason looks away. “Maybe.”

“Jason. I know you like to let people live their own lives—and really—that’s a very admirable quality—but sometimes—people need to feel that they matter. That they’re worth fighting for.” Carly pauses. “Elizabeth fought so hard for you all the time. I know she made mistakes—but you have, too. Everyone does. It’s a part of life. Don’t you think that a love as strong as what you feel for her—don’t you think that’s worth fighting for?”

“What if she doesn’t feel the same?” Jason asks, a little nervously. “What if I throw this all away and she doesn’t love me?”

“And what if you don’t throw this all away and she does?” Carly asks. “You’ve never been worried about what ifs, don’t start now.”

Jason looks at her and frowns. “And how am I supposed to break the news to Sonny and Courtney?”

Sometimes we do things against our will
I know I cry lonely tears

Carly laughs. “You leave that to me, Jase. I think you’ve got some searching to do.”

Jason kisses her on the forehead. “Thanks, Carly. For being a friend.”

“Well—I figured you were due,” she replies. “After everything you’ve done for me, it’s about time I returned the favor.” She gives a little shove towards the closet. “Now, go change and do what it is you have to do to find Elizabeth. I’ll go take care of the Corinthos siblings.”

Carly steps out of the room and heads down the steps. She knows that she’s just encouraged Jason to run away on his wedding day and find the girl she never quite approved of.

She also knows that Jason deserves to be as happy as she is and as much as it pains her to say it—the happiest she’s ever seen Jason is around Elizabeth.

And if Elizabeth can invoke feelings like that in a man like Jason—

Well she couldn’t be all that bad, right?

Where can we go from here
Why, why do I cry inside
When love is gone away

Jason is halfway packed when Benny calls him back. He hadn’t expected it so soon and was a little surprised when Benny reeled off Elizabeth’s address so easily.

Apparently, Elizabeth had registered to vote a week before and there she was. Elizabeth Webber. 245 Cedar Drive, Apt 121. Tallahassee, Florida.

Jason tells Benny to book him a flight before he can change his mind. He’s sure that if he thinks about the decision he’s made long enough—he’ll get back into that tuxedo and marry Courtney.

It’s altogether possible, he realizes, that Elizabeth will slam the door in his face.

But it’s a possibility Jason needs to take. He needs to know that they’re completely over.

He needs to tell Elizabeth that he loves her so—just so she has all the facts before she tells him goodbye again.

Maybe once he does that—he could be okay with their goodbye.

And how, How can I carry on
When I know all the love is gone

Carly enters the church and spots Sonny in the hall outside the bridal chamber. He frowns seeing her there alone.

“Where’s Jason?” he demands.

“Somewhere finding Elizabeth,” Carly answers flippantly. “I hope he does, too.”

Sonny’s eyes narrow and he takes a step towards his wife. “Explain. Now.”

She shrugs. “Nothing to explain. Jason doesn’t love your sister. He loves Elizabeth and until he puts that chapter to rest for good, he’ll never move on.”

“He and Elizabeth put that to rest a long time ago,” Sonny replies. “He got my sister pregnant—he needs to marry her.”

“Sonny, this is not the 1950s and Jason does not answer to you in matters of the heart,” Carly retorts. “And as much as I hate it, Elizabeth and Jason will never be over. She makes him happy, Sonny. And I know you realize it.”

“Carly—” Sonny begins heatedly.

“Drop it,” Carly says, sharply. “Jason has sacrificed everything for you. Don’t ask him to give up the one person he loves more than anything else in the world. Don’t you dare ask him to turn his back on his heart.”

Sonny sighs and looks away. “He loves her that much?”

“He loves her almost as much as I love you,” Carly answers. She heads to the bridal door. “I need to tell Courtney.”

Where can I go to get away
From the pain of loving you

Courtney is standing in the middle of the room, wearing a poufy white dress and staring at herself in the mirror.

“Jason’s not coming,” Carly says bluntly.

Courtney turns, her blue eyes a little startled. “What? What do you mean he’s not coming?”

Carly walks forward until they’re separated by only a few feet of space. “He’s not marrying you. He’s left town to find someone.”

Courtney sighs and looks away. “He went after Elizabeth, didn’t he?”

Carly frowns. “How did you know that?” she asks.

Courtney gives her sister-in-law a nasty look. “Who else would Jason abandon me and our child for?”

“Oh, don’t give me that boo-hoo woe-is-me crap. I invented it,” Carly snaps. “You’re not even sure Jason’s the father.”

Courtney pales. “He’s probably the father,” she whispers faintly.

Probably ain’t good enough,” Carly replies. “Don’t worry—Jason will always provide for his child. He just doesn’t have to marry the mother.” She heads to the door. “Sorry it has to be this way.”

“No you’re not,” Courtney calls after her.

Carly turns and cocks her head to the side. “No. You’re right. I’m not.”

She shuts the door quietly behind her and goes to think about that little realization for a while.

Tell me where
Where can we go from here
All I know is that I love you still

When Elizabeth opens the door the next morning, she wonders if the early morning sun is playing tricks on her. Because she knows that Jason cannot possible be standing in front of her.

He doesn’t say anything, he just looks for her for a while and finally, just when she thinks she can’t handle the silence, he speaks. “I came to tell you something.”

She sighs and looks away. “Jason—we said everything that needed to be said before I left.” Elizabeth frowns suddenly. “Yesterday was your wedding day.”

He shakes his head slowly. “I couldn’t do it. I don’t love her.”

She nibbles on her lower lip as if trying to gage his answer and what it means in regards to her. “But she’s pregnant,” Elizabeth says finally.

“And I don’t have to marry her to be a part of the baby’s life,”Jason said. “Elizabeth—”

“Why are you making this so hard?” she whispers. “I thought we agreed that this was for the best.”

“No,” Jason tells her. “I never wanted to say goodbye. But you wanted to, so I did it. Because I’d do anything for you.”


“Just let me say what I came here to say and if you—if you still don’t want anything to do with me—all right. I’ll have to accept that. But I refuse to let you go and not tell you.”

“All right,” Elizabeth says, almost sure that there’s nothing Jason can say to fix this—to make her change her mind.

He doesn’t speak at first—takes a deep breath and closes his eyes as if whatever he’s going to say is so mind-boggling and important that he needs to gather his strength. “I love you.”

Sometimes we do things against our will
I know I cry lonely tears

Her hand, still wrapped around the brass doorknob of her apartment door, tightens. She holds on to the door frame with the other hand so that he can’t see how much she is trembling.

Her lips parted and her tongue darted out to moisten her suddenly dry lips. “Jason—”

“I never should have said goodbye without telling you that,” Jason tells her. “I’ve spent far too much time letting you walk away and not telling you how I felt. I didn’t fight for us and I was wrong. I should have let you know how much I loved you and how much you mattered to me and how the rest of my world is different when you’re not there.”

Despite herself and her best judgment, Elizabeth’s eyes soften. “Jason, you can’t just walk in here, tell me you love me and expect to make it all better.”

“I know that,” Jason replies. “I can’t take a magic wand and pretend that the last nine or so months didn’t happen. I can’t go back to September and take back the things I did and I’m sorry. I wish I could. But I can’t change what’s happened.” He takes a deep breath. “But I can change the future. And I can tell you how much I love you and I can tell you how much you matter to me and the rest of my world is different without you.”

“What do you want from me?” Elizabeth asks, quietly. She knows she shouldn’t give in—they’ve said goodbye, a word that between them was supposed to be final—no going back.

And maybe they can’t. Maybe they can’t take that goodbye back. Maybe it was okay to have said it and meant it.

“I want a chance,” Jason tells her. “I’m not asking for anything more concrete than that—just a chance.”

Because sometimes you had to let things go in order to find out how much you really needed them in your life—and how much you were really needed in theirs.

You had to let things go so that they could come back to you.

“All right,” Elizabeth tells him. “Let’s try this again.” He steps forward, unable to contain his smile, but she holds a hand up. “But we have a lot of work to do before this is all okay, Jason. You hurt me. And I hurt you. And we can’t keep doing it over and over again.”

He holds out his hand and Elizabeth studies it. She walked away from it once and regretted it the rest of her life. A few weeks ago, she took it and went with him on a final ride so she could say goodbye.

She’s not sure what she’s agreeing to if she takes it. Going back to Port Charles, staying here? Going somewhere else?

Does it matter?

She slips her small hand in his and gives him a tremulous smile. Maybe—

Maybe one day it will be okay again.

There was only one way to find out.

Where can we go from here