March 28, 2014

This entry is part 23 of 27 in the Sanctuary

And as he spoke, he spoke ordinary words
Although they did not feel
For I felt what I had not felt before
You’d swear those words could heal.
And as I looked up into those eyes
His vision borrows mine.
And I know he’s no stranger,
For I feel I’ve held him for all of time

August 3, 2006

Vacation House: Living Room

Patrick entered the house, two large brown paper bags in his arms and frowned when he saw Robin in the kitchen. “You’re supposed to be in bed,” he remarked, striding into the kitchen and placing his bags on the table.

Robin looked up from the pint of ice cream she was polishing off and flushed. “I was. But then I got hungry.” She licked the spoon. “Mmm…pistachio.” She eyed the bags. “What in the world did you get?”

Feeling somewhat embarrassed, Patrick started to unpack the bags. He’d ended up with ten different kinds of pickles, eight bags of chocolate and thirteen jars of peanut butter. “You weren’t specific.”

“That is so adorable,” Robin remarked, amused. Her eyes caught something on his hand and she reached for it. Belatedly, Patrick remembered that Cece had scrawled her name on his palm and tried to yank it from Robin’s gasp.

“It’s not what you think,” he said, a little panicked. “I mean–yes, random women do still give me their numbers but that’s not what this is and–” he hesitated. “I would never call numbers like that–even when I was single–”

Robin rolled her eyes. “Patrick,” she interrupted. “Look at my face. Am I mad?”

He broke off his rambling explanation and eyed her carefully. “No, but you’re pretty good at hiding it actually.”

“Patrick. I was only asking what it was.” She studied the scrawl. “It is a woman though, the handwriting is too neat.”

“Yes but–” Patrick narrowed his eyes. “You’re really not mad. You don’t even think I picked a woman up at the grocery store.”

“The store you were at because I asked to you go and from which you came home from with a lifetime supply of pickles,” Robin said wryly.

He sat at the table and shook his head. “You went from not trusting me at all to having absolute faith in me,” he realized.

Robin pursed her lips. “I guess so. Once I realized that you had never given me a reason not to trust you and that it was only my own issues screwing that part up…it made it easier.” She reached for one of pickle jars and pried the top off. “So who did you run into at the store?”

“Ah…Cecily Hawthorne, a girl I grew up with back on Long Island. Her family has a house here and we all used to vacation here together, along with Parker Stewart’s family. We grew up on the same street together.”

“Oh, that’s nice. Did you have a chance to catch up?” Robin asked.

“Yeah, a little. She and Park got married, which isn’t entirely surprising since they never looked at anyone else but each other once we got to puberty and realized girls were different.” Patrick smirked. “Well, I already knew but it never occurred to me that Cece was a girl until Park got all moony over her.”

“You were ahead of your own time,” Robin said dryly. She changed her mind about the pickles and reached for one of the peanut butter jars.

“Anyway, she wants to meet you. So she gave me her number so that we could get together before we head back to Port Charles. Is that okay with you?”

“Sure,” Robin agreed. “A chance to meet someone who knew you before you were the charming idiot you are now?” She tapped her chin. “I wonder how many humiliating stories she’ll share.”

“Oh, she won’t be able to hold herself back,” Patrick replied, with an exaggerated sigh. “She’ll think it’s her duty as my friend to let you in all the most embarrassing moments of my first eighteen years.”

“Well, of course it is.” She dipped a piece of chocolate into the peanut butter and then tossed it in her mouth. “My luck is that the only people who could tell you about my embarrassing moments…” she hesitated. “Well, Stone and AJ are gone and Jason doesn’t remember them. Brenda has too much loyalty and Lois lives in New York. Also, Sonny doesn’t like you.” The slight melancholy after mentioning Stone passed and she reached for more chocolate.

“I’ll drag them out of Brenda,” Patrick decided. “Now…for my reward for being such a good husband…”

August 4, 2006

Vineyard: Parker and Cecily Stewart’s House

Robin tugged at her shirt. “I’m fat,” she mumbled. “I don’t think I’m in any position to be meeting new people.” She turned and started off the porch but Patrick grabbed her elbow and directed her back.

“Not so fast, Sunshine.”

Before Robin could make another attempt, the door swung open and a bubbly vivacious blonde flew out to wrap Patrick in a bear hug. “I couldn’t wait any longer for you to open the door.”

She drew back and fixed a bright smile on Robin. “I’m Cecily Stewart, but you can call me Cece.” She ignored Robin’s offered hand and hugged her. “I hope you don’t mind, but I figure any woman brave enough to take Pat here on is a friend of mine.”

Robin laughed and patted Cecily’s back before drawing back. “They’re thinking about erecting a statue of me in the locker room.”

Cecily eyed Robin’s ring and recognized it, throwing Patrick another grin. “Well, if that isn’t the most gorgeous rock–let me congratulate you because according to Pat, y’all are newlyweds.”

Robin opened her mouth to respond but Cecily barreled right over and took Robin’s hand. “Listen to me, where are my manners? Come in, come in!”

Once she had the duo in the foyer, Cecily gave Patrick a nudge toward the back of the house. “Park’s out in the backyard, fiddling with the grill. Why don’t you go pretend you know what you’re doing and let me hassle your new wife for a while?”

Patrick laughed and kissed Robin’s cheek before disappearing out onto the patio. Feeling slightly overwhelmed, Robin trailed behind Cecily as the blonde moved towards the kitchen and resumed cutting up fruit that sat out on the counter. “I’m sorry if I seem a little–”

“No, it’s okay,” Robin cut in. “Now I know how Patrick felt when my best friend Brenda was planning the wedding.” She leaned against the counter and laughed at the memory. “She’s somewhat–” she paused, searching for the best term. “Detail oriented,” she settled for. “She had folders and folders of things she wanted him to make decisions about and he really could have cared less.”

Cecily snorted. “Sounds like our junior prom. I don’t know about your high school, but where I come from, you start planning in January. The dresses, the limo–we did practice runs and booked our rooms at the shore early. Patrick, of course, didn’t realize he’d have to secure a date in January in order to pay for the limo, so he just paid for it by himself. And then when he finally started to look for a date, all the most popular ones had given up on him and he kind of had to think outside the box.” Cecily smiled at the memory. “So he picked the shyest freshman girl he could find, gave her a dozen roses and asked her. It was really very sweet of him, even if it was because he was a slacker.”

“Well, he can certainly be sweet–when he wants to be,” Robin said dryly. She smiled. “It’s nice hearing stories from before–” she shrugged and looked away.

“Before Mattie died,” Cecily nodded. She turned and fixed a sad smile on the other woman. “You would have thought the sun rose and set by her the way Patrick idolized her. Some guys go through a phase where they can’t stand their parents, they want to be away from them but–” she shook her head. “Pat wasn’t like that. Mattie and Noah were fabulous and they were like second parents to Park and me, especially after mine divorced.” She shrugged. “He smiled a lot back then–I mean, he still smiles now I guess but that first summer, after she died…”

She cleared her throat. “Noah closed this house up that same summer–she died right before we graduated from high school and I guess we all thought they’d come up for the summer like always but instead, Noah came up early without Patrick, got roaring drunk and burned all the pictures of Mattie that were in the house.” Cecily sighed. “Patrick showed up about a week later to find the house trashed, Noah drunk out of his mind and all the pictures of his mother gone. They had an awful fight and Patrick stormed out. That was the last time anyone saw him until yesterday, in the grocery store.” She moved forward and caught Robin’s hands in hers. “Thank you for bringing him back to me, to my husband. And thank you for giving him that smile–the one where his eyes lit up when he told me you were due in January.”

Robin flushed and pressed a hand to her abdomen. “It’s been a bumpy road,” she admitted. “But I think we’re going some place really wonderful. He’s going to be a wonderful father, I just know it.”

“How are things with his dad?” Cecily asked softly. “Did they ever patch it up?”

Robin laughed, a little shakily. “Noah was part of the bumpy road. I met him first, actually. In a bar in New York. He was one of the only neurosurgeons that could have performed a procedure on a friend of mine. But when Noah couldn’t do it–he was still drinking then–he recommended Patrick.” She briefly filled Cecily in on the events of Noah’s illness and the transplant–to which Cecily rolled her eyes and muttered something about stubborn idiots under her breath.

The sliding door to the patio opened and Patrick poked his head in. “Park wants to know if you intend on bringing the rest of the food today or sometime before we pass out from starvation.”

“Here,” Cecily thrust a plate of food at Robin. “Come meet my other half.”

This entry is part 22 of 27 in the Sanctuary

Just a dream, just an ordinary dream
As I wake in bed
And the boy, that ordinary boy
Or was it all in my head?
Did he ask if I would come along
It all seemed so real.
But as I looked to the door
I saw that boy standing there with a deal.

August 3, 2006

Martha’s Vineyard: Beach

“Something’s been bothering me.”

Robin glanced up from the sand castle she was carving and smirked. “The fact that I am whooping your ass at this contest?” she teased, digging out a trench for the moat.

“Very funny…” Patrick lobbed a pile of sand her way, careful not to aim for her face. It had taken almost an hour to convince Robin to come down to the waterfront that morning since she had tried on all the swimsuits she’d brought with her and realized that after four months, she was finally beginning to show. Just the slightest and, in his opinion, cutest bump but Robin wouldn’t hear of exiting the house in anything less than a full set of clothing.

He’d tossed her one of his t-shirts that hung down to her knees practically and hid her figure. After all that, she’d started to have fun and had suggested the sand castle contest. It was nice to see her grinning like a little kid and looking happy.

“No, I’ve been thinking about Elsie Horowitz. Something she said at the wedding struck me as odd–more than the rest of it.”

Robin sighed. “Can’t we just forget the whole awful thing? It’s the one thing that mars an otherwise perfect day.”

“Just answer me this one question and I promise, we’ll forget all about it,” Patrick pledged. He frowned at his sadly crumbling tower on his castle. Clearly, it had been too long since he’d attempted one of these.

“Fine,” Robin huffed.

“When she came up to me, I was standing with Elizabeth and Elsie insinuated that it was odd that Elizabeth was there and that it was vulgar that she’d accepted the offer to be a bridesmaid at all,” Patrick remarked. “I thought that was strange since everyone knows you and Liz are best friends.”

Robin’s lips thinned and she shook her head. “Nope, I’m not answering that.”

Patrick frowned. “Why would you not answer that? It can’t have–” he narrowed his eyes. “What does it have to do with you? The only reason you wouldn’t tell me is if you’d think I’d go do something you’d think was stupid and the only times that’s happened recently–”

“You are such a pain.” Robin tossed her shovel aside. “I guess it’s probably better if you know. There are some…things being said about the fact you’re letting Liz stay at the condo, rent-free.”

Patrick scowled. “I haven’t heard anything–”

“Well, after the way you threatened Kelly Lee, no one’s going to say anything within a hundred feet of you.” Robin dug her toes into the damp sand. “Look, if you want the truth, it goes back to when we broke up in the spring. The only other woman you were around was Liz and there was just the barest bit of gossip that there might be something going on there. And then when she left Lucky, the rumors were a little stronger. And now that it’s common knowledge that she was going to move into the condo after the wedding, a lot of the staff think…” she sighed impatiently. “They think you’re having an affair with her and you’re setting her up so it’ll continue after the wedding.”

“We work with some of the stupidest people in the universe,” Patrick muttered. “An affair with Liz–of all people. She’s like…a sister to me. I haven’t even hit on her since she whacked me upside the head with that chart after Christmas.”

“Well, I know that,” Robin rolled her eyes. “And everyone who’s actually friends with us knows that but it’s going to take people some time to accept the truth.”

“And what truth is that?” Patrick asked curiously. “That I understand the definition of fidelity?”

“Well, yes but what I meant was that the female employees seem to have trouble with the idea that sexy Dr. Patrick Drake would willingly commit himself to marriage, no matter who the woman.” Robin grinned impishly. “I think they’re a little angry with me for taking you off the market.”

Patrick scoffed. “If they only knew I almost had to wrestle you to the ground and shove the ring on your finger.” He abandoned his sad excuse for a castle and pulled Robin into his arms. “They’ll just have to get used to the idea that I’m no longer a single man.” He pursed his lips. “It may take some time and intensive therapy–”

Robin swatted him. “Patrick, honestly, the gossip doesn’t bother me. I trust Elizabeth and more importantly, I trust you. And Liz couldn’t give a damn about it either. So really, you don’t have to worry about me.”

“It’s now my job to worry about you,” Patrick said. “And in return, you have free reign to run my life.” He frowned. “Not that my lack of permission ever stopped you before.”

“Oh…I was merely giving you advice, not running your life.” Robin rolled her eyes, tilting her face up to kiss him lightly. “I really am having a wonderful time. The only thing that would make this better…”

“Why, Mrs. Dr. Scorpio-Drake,” Patrick teased, “you are insatiable.”

“Well, I wouldn’t mind that,” Robin that, “but I was referring to….pickles.”

“Pickles,” Patrick repeated. He wrinkled his nose. “This is another craving isn’t it?”

“And while you’re out,” Robin continued, ignoring her new husband’s amused tone, “you can pick up the chocolate and peanut butter that I was promised and did not receive.”

“I didn’t realize that I had volunteered to go,” Patrick replied. “Why can’t you go?”

Robin twisted around his lap and wounded her arms around his neck. “I’m feeling a little sleepy,” she almost purred. “I thought I’d wait for you…in bed.”

In other words, he would be rewarded for his sacrifices with more sex with his wife. Patrick quickly started gathering the various items they’d brought to beach. He didn’t need to be asked twice.

Martha’s Vineyard: Grocery Store

Fifteen minutes later, Patrick stood in front of row of pickle jars and contemplated which one suited Robin better. She hadn’t been specific and he hadn’t realized how many types and even if he could pick from the type, which cut did she want? He cast a look into the shopping cart where he had thirteen different types of peanut butter and eight different bags of chocolate.

With a sigh mixed with exasperation and amusement, he started to load his cart with all the different types of pickles.

“Is that Patrick Drake I spy?” a familiar voice called from behind him. He set a jar of dill sliced pickles in the cart and turned to see a pretty blonde standing behind him, with a wide grin that had earned her a Best Smile spot in their senior high school yearbook.

“Now I know that’s not Cecily Hawthorne,” Patrick shook his head. “You’re way too old to be Cecily.”

The woman took a magazine from her cart and whacked him over the head with it. “Jerk!”

Patrick clutched his head and feigned pain. “Well, not as bad as the calculus book you cracked over my head but…”

Cecily laughed and hugged him tightly. “I haven’t seen you here at the vineyard since…” she drew back and smiled awkwardly. “Well…it’s been a while.”

“Since my mom died,” Patrick confirmed. “I didn’t think anyone still came here–”

“Oh, well my parents gave me the house when I got married,” Cecily flashed her hand and he saw the glint of her wedding band. “They moved to Arizona.”

“You actually suckered someone into marrying you?” Patrick teased. “How drunk was he?”

She arched a brow and took his hand in hers, examining the gold band on his own finger. “No more drunk than your wife.” She grinned. “I married Parker, of course. Who else?” Cecily started digging in her purse. “I have pictures of the kids–”

“You and Park procreated?” Patrick winced. “God help us.”

Cecily scowled. “Your charm has clearly deserted you. How did you ever sucker a woman into marrying you? And while we’re on the subject…” She tapped her chin. “What did make the great Patrick Drake take the plunge? If I remember correctly, you told Park that it would have to take some kind of miracle or a gun to your head.”

“I was fifteen,” Patrick replied, defensively. He sobered. “I’m glad I ran into you, Cece. It’s been a while since I saw anyone that I actually gave a damn about.”

“Well, I’m glad to see you, too.” She squeezed his arm. “Now, tell me about Mrs. Drake.”

“That would be Mrs. Dr. Scorpio-Drake,” Patrick corrected, dryly. “And she’d be the first to tell you that. She’s a researcher at the hospital where I’m working in upstate New York.”

“Another doctor…” Cecily clucked her tongue. “Never would have imagined that. I was sure you’d go for the simpering housewife who fawns all over you. She must be some girl. How long have you been married?”

“Three days,” he admitted. “I should have invited you and Park, Cece–”

She waved that away. “I didn’t invite you to ours. Of course, the way you stormed out of the vineyard that last summer, no one thought we’d see you here again. Three days? Newlyweds?” she sighed dreamily. “That’s the best time, the happy time before the screaming kids.” Cecily smiled when she said that, and the love she had for her children was clearly written on her face. Patrick wondered if he’d look like that in a few years.

“Well, we’ll only have a few months,” Patrick remarked, “Robin’s due in January.”

Cecily’s eyes widened and she smacked him in the arm. “Get out! You’re not only married but you’re going to be a daddy?” She squealed again and hugged him more tightly this time. “I knew it! I knew you’d fall hard one day!” She drew back. “We have to go out for lunch, all four of us. It would be great to catch up and I know that Park will want to meet your Robin as much as I do.”

“I’ll check with Robin but I’m sure she’d jump at the chance to hear all the humiliating stories you and Park won’t be able to hold in,” he remarked wryly.

“Well, that’s our duty as your childhood best friends,” Cecily grinned. She glanced in the cart and laughed. “Pregnancy cravings. Park did the same thing when I was pregnant with Marian–she’s our oldest. I told him I wanted potato chips and he was at the store and panicked so he brought home forty different kinds.” She reached up and kissed his cheek, not even bothering to hide the glossy sheen of tears in her eyes. “I am so thrilled that you’re back, Pat. And that you look so happy and that you’re married and are going to be a daddy–I’m so relieved.” She sniffled.

“Cece…” Patrick shifted uncomfortably. “I’m sorry I didn’t keep in touch–”

“No, you were going through a rough time and it’s our fault as much as it is yours. But it’s not too late. Listen…” she grabbed his hand and took a pen from her purse, scrawling her phone number across his palm. “You talk to Robin and let me know when you want to get together. And if you don’t call in two days, I will just drop by,” she threatened. “Park is never going to believe this.”

This entry is part 21 of 27 in the Sanctuary

And he said take my hand,
Live while you can
Don’t you see your dreams lie right in the palm of your hand
In the palm of your hand

August 1, 2006

Martha’s Vineyard: Vacation House

Robin looked up at the two-story Cape Cod home that stood before her. Situated just off the beach, it was an absolutely breathtaking view and she decided that there would be more weekends away in her future. They’d left the reception early to make the two hour drive to the Vineyard and would be staying until the following Sunday night. “You guys used to stay here?”

“Yeah…” Patrick set their bags on the porch and came back down the steps to join her on the walk. “Dad sold the house on Long Island where I grew up but Mom actually left this place to me.” He jingled the keys a little and looked at the house with a melancholy expression. “Her parents bought it for them as wedding gift.”

“And to think all my parents gave you was a copy of your official WSB background check,” Robin joked. She wrapped her arms around his forearm and leaned her head against his shoulder. “It’s beautiful, Patrick, I’m glad you decided to open it back up.”

“Well, I know it’s not Hawaii but I didn’t think you’d want to be too far from your doctors.” Patrick turned and surprised her by lifting her into his arms. “Might as well start this marriage off right.”

“Besides, in a few more months, you won’t be able to lift me at all,” Robin giggled, curling her arms around his neck. He carried her effortlessly up the stairs and through the open door.

Inside, the house looked much as it did the last time Patrick had been here on vacation with his parents shortly before his mother had been diagnosed with the tumor that had eventually taken her life.

Robin watched his eyes fill with sadness and she bit her lip. “We can go to a hotel,” she offered softly. “Maybe go to the city instead and see a show–”

“No…” Patrick shook his head and gently slid Robin down his body until her feet hit the floor. “No, I just haven’t been back since before my mom got sick. The last time we were here, we were still a family.”

“You’re a family now,” Robin reminded him. “You and Noah, you’re a family again and I’m sure that would have made her happy.”

“She would have hated how we spent the last decade,” Patrick admitted. “With my dad trashing his career and me…” He met her eyes. “What would have really made her happy is the fact that I’m married, that I found someone to spend my life with that she would have loved too.”

Robin blushed and looked away from his intense stare. The more he said things like that, the more he acted the way he had this afternoon with that board member, the more Robin began to believe that he might actually love her. That he wasn’t telling himself that he did so that he could believe it, but that it was true. She reached up and toyed with one of the buttons on his shirt. “So…this honeymoon…does it include food?” she asked, changing the subject.

“We stopped on the highway so you could eat, you can’t possibly be hungry again,” Patrick remarked. But he took her hand and led her towards the back of the house and the kitchen. “Actually….I had little late night snack planned before we…” he turned back and wrapped his arms around her waist, “began our vacation.”

“Mm-hmm…and when you say began,” Robin said with a grin, “just what did you have in mind, Dr. Drake?”

Patrick’s grin mirrored hers and his dimple winked at her in the moonlight that filtered through the windows. “Well, Mrs. Dr. Drake–”

“Scorpio-Drake,” Robin corrected good-naturedly.

“Mrs. Dr. Scorpio-Drake,” Patrick repeated with his face set in a serious expression, “I thought we could start here…” he pressed her mouth to the skin just underneath the curve of her jaw. “And see where we end up.”

Her eyes fluttered shut and her lips curved into a wicked smile. “Or we could just go upstairs.” She opened her eyes to see his somewhat surprised look. “Patrick, let me explain something to you about pregnancy.” She gripped the fabric of his shirt and pulled him closer. “There is a stage where all I’m going to want to do is tear off your clothes and have my way with you as often as possible.”

“I’ve heard of this stage,” he remarked soberly. “And let me just tell you that I will do whatever I can to support you in your time of need. When will this be occurring so I can circle it in red on my calendar?”

“Oh…” Robin undid the first few buttons on his shirt. “It started about a week ago.”

Vineyard House: Bedroom

Several hours later, Robin curled up into Patrick’s side. “I’m having the strongest craving,” she said conversationally as if seconds ago she hadn’t been panting and demanding that he move faster and harder.

Patrick blinked and looked at her oddly. “You have the capability for rational speech at a moment like this?”

“Mmm-hmmm…do we have peanut butter and chocolate downstairs?” Robin asked, her wide brown eyes looking up at him.

“I don’t think you’re asking out of academic curiosity.” Patrick leaned back against the pillow and closed his eyes. She couldn’t expect him to move right now could she? “I don’t remember if we do.”

“If you go check…” Robin’s fingertips traced a pattern on his bare stomach, “I’ll make it worth your while.”

“Well…” Patrick grinned into the darkness of the room. “The sacrifices a man makes for his kid.” He kissed her, and then untangled himself from her body before searching for his boxers.

“We might have left them on the steps,” Robin said with a grin. “Or I could have flung them over the banister. It’s a toss-up, really.”

“And I left our bags on the porch,” Patrick muttered. He finally settled for a towel that he wrapped around his waist and started downstairs.

He found his boxers underneath a plant in the hallway which was somewhat mystifying. Patrick didn’t even remember being in this area. Robin had some arm on her. He slipped them on and retrieved their forgotten luggage from the porch. He set it in the foyer and started to walk through the living to check on Robin’s peanut butter and chocolate.

A gift wrapped box on the coffee table distracted him and Patrick frowned, wondering where it had come from. The wedding presents were actually waiting for them back at Robin’s apartment.

He reached for the card and instead found a letter with his name scrawled across it in Noah’s familiar handwriting. Patrick shook the letter free.


When your mother found out that her tumor was inoperable, she was more devastated than she let on. Not because she was dying, but because she would leave you when you were just becoming a man and still finding your place in life. She was worried that you wouldn’t know what to do in certain situations and that you would suffer from the lack of a mother at certain points in your life.

She filmed all of these prior to the operation and it was my instruction to give these to you in the event she passed away. Just one more way that I failed her. I had forgotten them in the intervening years and came across them when I opened the house for you and Robin this week. I thought it would be a fitting wedding present for you.

I’m proud you, Patrick. A father couldn’t ask for a better son.

The letter was unsigned and Patrick set it aside. He withdrew the first video tape and smiled at the label. “For Patrick, on his graduation from college,” he murmured out loud. There were dozens of the tapes and Patrick wondered how she’d managed to keep the filming of them a secret.

They ranged from events like his graduation from medical school to inane moments such as his first day as an intern. His mother had thought of every occasion and every possibility. Which didn’t surprise him.

There were three videos grouped together with a rubber band and a post-it from Noah. I thought you’d want to watch these first since they’re the most relevant.

“For Patrick when he falls in love,” he murmured. “For Patrick on his wedding day.” His throat closed and he couldn’t even say the third out loud. For Patrick, when he finds out he’s going to be a father.

“Patrick?” Robin’s voice floated from the steps. “Did you…” she emerged from the shadows at the foot of the stairs, wearing Patrick’s shirt that she’d scrounged from the upstairs hallway. How she’d managed to get his boxers off before the shirt she wasn’t sure. She paused, seeing him seated on the couch a stack of tapes at his side. “What you’d find?”

He turned and held out a hand to her. She took it and curled up at his side, reaching for one of the discarded tapes. “For Patrick, when he takes the MCATS,” she read. Her dark eyes found his in the dark room, illuminated only by the soft lamp to Patrick’s right. “From your mother.”

“My father found them when he opened the house back up. All the stuff from our old house was stored here when he sold it and I guess these got lost in the shuffle.” He bit his lip. “He thought they’d be a good wedding gift.”

“Do you want to watch one?” she asked. He didn’t answer. Instead, he stood and crossed to the cabinet where the television and VCR were set up. He turned the TV on, slipped the tape in and retrieved the remote control. Patrick returned to the couch and put an arm around Robin before pressing play.

The screen flickered for a moment before a delicate blonde woman appeared on the screen, seated on a sofa in a sunny room. Her smile was bright and cheerful but her eyes were a little glossy, as though she’d been crying. She had a dimple in her right cheek and Robin could see Patrick in her face. “She’s beautiful,” she murmured. Patrick pressed pause and Mattie Drake’s image froze on the screen.

“I thought she was the prettiest girl I’d ever seen,” Patrick admitted. “I told her when I was six that I wanted to grow up and marry someone who looked just like her.”

“What’d she say to that?” Robin asked, thoroughly charmed.

He met her eyes. “She told me not to worry about the outside so much. It wasn’t really that important but she hoped someday I’d meet someone beautiful inside and out.” He looked away for a moment. “I didn’t really understand what that meant for a really long time but I get it now.”

Uncomfortable but pleased all at the same time, Robin reached across him and pressed play.

“Well, if you’re watching this, Patrick, then I assume you’re married,” Mattie Drake began. “And if your new wife is watching this with you…” she gave a little wave. “Hey, there, sweetheart. Welcome to the family. I wish…” Mattie seemed to struggle for a moment to find her composure. “I’m sorry that we’re not going to get a chance to meet, honey. I know my son, though and I know you must be wonderful. I wonder sometimes what kind of woman Patrick is going to marry. He tells me that there are too many girls to just be with one and if he ever settles down it won’t be until he’s too old to hit the singles bars.” Mattie laughed. “My boy thinks he’s charming.”

“Oh, I like her,” Robin smirked.

“But I know my Patrick and I know how much he’s like his father. And I want to tell you, my son’s wife, that when he gets that look on his face–and I’m sure you know which one I mean–that intractable, I’m right, you’re wrong, get over it smug look–” Mattie grinned. “The best way to distract him and make your point…” she paused. “Patrick, darling, leave the room for a moment so I can tell your wife all my secrets.”

“Yeah, she’s kidding,” Patrick remarked. He pressed pause for a moment. “Because there’s a bundle of tapes for you.”

“For…?” Robin hesitated. “Are you serious?”

He retrieved a few tapes he’d set aside. “For Patrick’s Wife, when she has her first child. For Patrick’s Wife, on her wedding day. And one you’re never going to watch…For Patrick’s Wife, all the embarrassing stories and highlights from your husband’s childhood.”

Robin giggled and took the trio of tapes. “I definitely like her now.” She tucked the tapes away. “Let’s watch the rest of yours.”

Patrick nodded and pressed play.

“I’m kidding,” Mattie said with a smile. “I’ve already made a new tape for my daughter to watch and I’d like to make more. She’s going to need a manual to handle you, my boy, and there’s no reason she should have to learn as she goes like I did.” She clasped her hands in her lap. “Marriage is wonderful, Patrick. It was the best decision I ever made and I just know that you’ve picked a wonderful girl. I expect no less from you, of course. She’s going to be strong enough to handle your innate arrogance and gentle enough to love you the way I hope she loves you.”

Mattie smiled again and there was a look of mischief in her eyes. “The first time I met your father, we were both on separate dates. We met at the bar and he hit on me seconds after spilling his drink on my new blouse.”

“I did not,” Noah’s voice came from behind the camera. “It was a full minute, Madelyn–”

“It was seconds–” Mattie corrected. “I was repulsed, naturally and went back to my date. Your father, never one for subtlety, sent a bottle of champagne to the table and when I gave it back, he told me that he always got what he wanted and he’d decided he wanted me.”

“Oh…it is so clear where you got your cheesy pick ups,” Robin laughed. She swatted Patrick’s shoulder. “Although I will say you were slightly better.”

“I refused him for two months straight,” Mattie continued.

“It was six weeks,” Noah said exasperated.

“But he won me over finally and I’ve never told him why I said yes. But I’ll tell him now because I want to tell you. Your father is one of the most gifted surgeons I’ve ever seen and I can say with some confidence because I was a nurse and I know my doctors. He was gifted but even the most gifted surgeons lose a patient and I saw your father’s face when he had to explain to a little girl that her father was never coming back.” Mattie hesitated and her eyes drifted higher, meeting Noah’s presumably. “It was that moment that I saw Noah Drake for who he was and I saw the man beneath the smug confidence. The next time he asked, I said yes and I’ve never regretted it for an instant.”

“I want you to live like that, Patrick and today is the first day of a wonderful journey but you have to be open to it. It takes two people to make a marriage work. So here is what I’ve learned in the years I’ve been married.” Mattie held up one finger. “One, never go to bed angry. Two, when your wife is pregnant, just smile and nod. She’s always right when she’s pregnant. Three, treat each other with love and respect and support each other even when you don’t agree. Four, don’t be afraid to say what you’re feeling. Express yourself and be honest with each other.”

“I wish you all the love and the joy in the world, Patrick and to you, too, my new daughter. I wish that I knew your name but…” Mattie shrugged. “Maybe I have a miracle and I’m sitting next to you and we’re laughing about my paranoia.” 

Robin felt Patrick’s muscles tense and she pressed her forehead into his shoulder but said nothing.

“But if not and you’re watching this after I’m gone…I love you, Patrick. There is nothing that could ever change that. I know that I will always be proud of you and all that you do. Be safe, be happy and above all else, love each other.” 

The tape flickered to static and Patrick pressed stop. He took a long, shaky breath. “So…out of curiosity…”

“Hmm?” Robin raised her eyes to meet his.

“When did you decide I wasn’t a useless idiot?” Patrick inquired.

“When you blackmailed me into our first date,” Robin replied. She laced their fingers together and stared at her new gold wedding band. “The way you spoke about your mother, and how your father handled it…it was the first time I thought I could understand you.” She bit her lip. “To tell you truth, when you spoke about her, I wanted to hug you. To do something to take away the pain I know you still feel.”

“I don’t think anything’s going to take away that pain,” Patrick said after a moment. “But I know more than ever that my mother would have liked you and it helps.” He brushed his lips over her forehead. “It helps that she would have been proud of me because I’m not sure that she would have been before I moved to Port Charles.”

Robin nodded and was silent for a moment. Finally…”I’ve been thinking about names for our daughter,” she said. “And I think the one that I like the most is Madelyn Devane Drake.”

“And what if we have a boy?” Patrick asked with a smile.

“In the unlikely event that I am wrong,” Robin remarked, “and if you remember what your mother said, that’s not a possibility, but if I am…I was thinking Malcolm. For my uncle.”

“Malcolm Scorpio Drake,” Patrick agreed. “I think it has a nice ring to it. We’ll have to keep it in mind in case Madelyn makes her appearance first.”

“Oh…you want to have more kids?” Robin teased.

“I’m undecided but I don’t think I want just one. It’s lonely being an only child, don’t you think?” Patrick asked pointedly.

“I suppose.” Robin leaned up and kissed him softly. “Do you want to watch another?”

“Actually…” Patrick slowly unbuttoned the top button on Robin’s shirt. “I think I’d like to get back to our previous activity.”

She grinned. “Well…if you insist…”

This entry is part 20 of 27 in the Sanctuary

But he was looking to the sky.
And as he asked if I would come along
I started to realize
That everyday you find
Just what he’s looking for,
Like a shooting star he shines

August 1, 2006

Quartermaine Estate: Gardens

If anyone had stood in front of Patrick Drake a year ago and told him that he would not only be getting married, but that it would be his idea and his persuasion that brought it about, he would have told them they were smoking crack.

If anyone had told him that he would be expecting a child and be looking forward to the experience, he would have directed the unfortunate soul to the nearest insane asylum.

And if anyone had told him that he would meet a woman that would make all those that came before her pale in comparison, he would have said that he’d already met her and she’d been dead for a decade.

Those thoughts occurred to Patrick as the ceremony began and the attendants began their slow march down the aisle–Georgie, Maxie and Elizabeth all in matching dresses and differing colors. Emily Quartermaine escorted Cameron Webber with his pillow on which rested the wedding rings and little Kristina Davis-Corinthos prancing with her basket full of rose petals. And of course, Brenda looking elegant in her gray dress that she had fought for so fiercely.

The crowd was full of people that had known for Robin for years and had spent them morning–and much of weeks leading up to this day–sending warning glances in his direction. But those looks faded away when Robin stepped up to the end of the aisle, her arm wrapped around her uncle’s, a bouquet of white lilies in her hands.

Robin was smiling and her eyes were sparkling and he realized that that look was for him and it was that look that seemed to finally convince the crowd at large that Robin had indeed made the choice best for her and not just for their child.

He watched her come towards him and not for the first time, he wished that his mother was sitting in the front row; he wished that his mother could have met Robin because he knew she would have not only approved, but loved her. And she would loved a grandchild.

Mac and Robin finally arrived at the end of the aisle and Mac reluctantly placed Robin’s hand in Patrick’s. “If anything ever happens to her, I have a .45 and a shovel,” he threatened and those who could overhear laughed.

“Uncle Mac,” Robin hissed but she was smiling. She kissed her uncle’s cheek and then Mac moved away to join Felicia and Robin’s parents in the front row.

“You look beautiful,” Patrick said softly and her grin widened.

“You don’t look so bad yourself.” She handed her bouquet to Brenda and they looked towards the minister.

“Dearly beloved…”

Quartermaine Estate: Gardens

“It was so beautiful,” Emily sighed, propping her head on her chin and looking out over the dance floor. “And she looks really happy.”

Elizabeth sipped her champagne. “I sure hope this turns out better than the last wedding I went to.”

Emily arched a brow. “Hey. That wedding was fabulous. It was not the fault of the planners that bride’s ex-husband got drunk and made a fool of himself and it certainly wasn’t the planners’ or the bride’s fault that the groom sucks.”

“I meant the marriage,” Elizabeth rolled her eyes good-naturedly. “But thank you sticking by me during this. You and Nikolas have been so great.”

“Not as great as Dr. Drake of course. With whole rent-free condo,” Emily teased. “He’s so sweet, isn’t he?”

Elizabeth snorted. “Yeah…no. He has his moments, but they’re usually reserved for Robin. As they should be of course.”

Noah cleared his throat and stood, tapping the side of his champagne glass to get everyone’s attention. “As the best man, I was informed by the maid of honor that it was my job to give a speech.”

“You didn’t write it for him, did you?” Patrick asked Brenda, eliciting a lot of laughs from the crowd at their respective tables.

“He wouldn’t even let me proofread,” Brenda muttered.

“Now, now…Brenda did a wonderful job planning this,” Noah remarked. “And it was a lot of fun watching her torture my son with menus and folders and fittings.” He cleared his throat. “I had the pleasure of meeting Robin Scorpio a full week before my son–” he grinned. “And she certainly packs a wallop of a first impression, what with the tossing of cold water over my head and all.” He looked at his blushing daughter-in-law. “It was the best thing anyone’s ever done for me. I’ve liked you from the first, Robin. You’re loyal, you’re dedicated, compassionate and kind and you’re all the things that Patrick’s mother and I ever wanted for our son. You gave him back to me and I can never repay you for that.” He looked to Patrick. “You are the best of the people who made you and you are a better man than I could have dreamed of. And I don’t include your surgical skills in that description. Your mother would be proud of the man you’ve become.”

When Patrick looked down at the table, Robin squeezed his hand, lacing their fingers together.

“I have had the experience of working with the two of you as you fought your way to the point where you are right now and when I say fought, I literally mean fighting each other,” Noah continued with a lot of laughter from the hospital staff. “And it has been my privilege to watch the journey that began not so auspiciously in an operating room nine months ago. I wish you all the luck, the love, the joy and the wonder in the world as you embark on your lives together.”

He sat down and Brenda stood immediately. “Well, okay, he did better on his own,” she admitted with a grin. “Great job, Papa Drake.” She raised her champagne glass. “I’ve had the honor and the incredible joy of knowing Robin Soltini Scorpio for a very long time and honey, we have been through rough moments together,” Brenda directed at Robin. “We have been down and we have been out but you have handled your life with courage, dignity and grace and I have always admired and loved you for it. I want to be you when I grow up, Robin. I am so proud of you and I am so happy that you’ve found someone to share your life and dreams with.”

She turned to Patrick. “After Robin told me about Patrick for the first time, I knew my girl was smitten. Because she’d never used so many adjectives to say the same thing about a guy since…” she smirked. “Ever.”

Robin gasped. “Brenda, that’s confidential information!”

“No, no,” Patrick grinned. “Go on.”

“Her words…and I quote–‘I have never met a more infuriatingly stubborn and arrogant jackass in my entire life. He thinks that he is God’s gift to the world and no amount of arguing will change his mind.'” Brenda grinned. “Clearly, it was love at first sight.”

“Hardly,” Robin snorted.

“But anyway, I had my doubts about you, Dr. Drake, until you agreed to let Robin have the wedding of her dreams when you probably would have been happier in a judge’s chambers like a month ago. You put up with me–and I know I can be a trial at times–and you’ve put up with this entire town giving you death glares and threatening you with bodily harm. You’ve proved yourself worthy of my little sister.” She looked to Robin and placed a hand on her shoulder, her voice suddenly thick. “Stone would have approved.”

Robin bit her lip and looked down, a tear slipping past her lashes. “Thank you.”

“Enough sap.” Brenda raised her glass high in the air. “To Patrick and Robin!”

The guests raised their own glasses and echoed the sentiment. Brenda downed her glass in one shot. “Let’s get this party started!”

Later, as Brenda instructed the DJ to play the song she’d picked out, Robert pulled Robin out onto the dance floor set up in the gardens.

Back when I was a child, before life removed all the innocence
My father would lift me high and dance with my mother and me and then

“Thank for you letting me do this,” Robert said kissing her cheek and drawing her into the dance.

“Thank you for being here.” Robin bit her lip and looked up at him. “And thank you for staying.”

Spin me around ’til I fell asleep
Then up the stairs he would carry me
And I knew for sure I was loved

“So, this Drake guy’s going to stick around then,” Robert remarked.

Robin laughed. “Yes, Dad, I think he’s going to stick around for a while. What tipped you off? The vows or the ring?”

“The fact that he put a tuxedo on in the middle of the summer in an outside ceremony, actually,” Robert admitted.

I could get another chance, another walk, another dance with him
I’d play a song that would never, ever end

“Brenda can be amazingly persuasive,” Robin remarked. She rested her head against his chest and closed her eyes. “I never thought I’d be able to be in your arms again.”

“I never thought you’d let me,” he said quietly.

How I’d love, love, love
To dance with my father again

“I’ve been given a miracle,” Robin said after a moment. “I have my parents back and I don’t want to be angry anymore. I want us to be happy, I want us to be a family. I want you in my child’s life.”

“That is something that I can grant.” Robert kissed her forehead. “You looked absolutely breathtaking today.”

“Brenda has good taste in music,” Elizabeth remarked, joining Patrick at the bar as he watched Robin dance with her father. “This was a good choice for them.”

“Mmm.” He glanced at her. “I don’t think you look like a duck, by the way.”

She rolled her eyes. “Gee. Thank you so much.” She shifted. “So, I’m going to pay you rent whether you like it not. If I have to sneak it into Robin’s locker or make really large donations to the baby’s college fund, I’m going to pay.”

“Liz…” Patrick set his drink down and looked at her. “I don’t need the money–”

“No, I know that…I just…I don’t want people to have any reason–” she stopped, coughed. “Never mind. I’m paying you and that’s all there is to it.”

Patrick narrowed his eyes. Clearly there was something he was missing here and he was going to get to the bottom of this. “Elizabeth, you are a rotten liar–” he began.

“Dr. Drake!”

Patrick cut off his interrogation and turned to find Elsie Horowitz, an elderly member of the hospital board of directors, at his elbow. “Mrs. Horowitz,” he said politely. “Thank you for coming.”

“It’s a lovely place for a wedding,” Elsie said. She looked oddly at Elizabeth. “I find it odd that you’re here, Nurse Spencer.”

Elizabeth coughed again. “Yes, well, I should be–look, there’s a nail. Let me go jab my eye with it.” She hurried away.

“Why is it odd that Elizabeth is here?” Patrick asked curiously. “She’s Robin’s bridesmaid–”

“Very vulgar of her to accept, of course.” Elsie cleared her throat. “Dr. Drake, we enjoy having you on staff. You’ve brought the hospital a great deal of success and publicity in your short tenure.”

“Thank you,” Patrick said, still bewildered about Elizabeth’s reaction and Elsie Horowitz’s comments. “I enjoy working at GH–”

“But it worries me, Dr. Drake, the chances you have taken with your career,” Elsie continued. “You nearly lost your medical license over that business with your father and Dr. Scorpio–”

“I was able to keep it,” Patrick cut in. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Horowitz, there are so many people here that I have to talk to so if there’s something specific–”

“Of course, Dr. Drake, you’d probably appreciate if I were candid.” Elsie smiled, but there was a look in her eyes that put Patrick on guard. “I was disappointed to hear that you’d chosen to marry Dr. Scorpio.”

And then suddenly, Patrick realized that this was the board member that had screwed with Robin’s mind and caused all the problems to begin with.

Across the garden, Elizabeth darted between guests. “Excuse me, excuse–oops, sorry Ned. I’ll have that cleaned–excuse me–”

She finally caught Robin as she was stepping off the dance floor. “Robin, you have to go save Elsie Horowitz from Patrick.”

“Oh, no,” Robin groaned. She picked up the hem of her dress. “Dad, I’ll be right back.”

“Who is Elsie Horowitz?” Robert asked Elizabeth curiously. She shook her head.

“Oh, no–I am not answering that.”

At the bar, Elsie was digging her own grave and not even realizing it. “Dr. Scorpio, of course, is a wonderful researcher and an asset to the staff but you must realize that your career will be stalled with a woman such as her by your side, Dr. Drake. I only say this because I am so certain of your potential. I understand that she is pregnant–a regrettable event to be sure–but–”

“Mrs. Horowitz, how nice of you to come,” Robin said breathlessly, emerging from the crowd so fast that she nearly knocked Patrick over. “It’s lovely to see you.”

“Elizabeth to the rescue, I imagine,” Patrick rolled his eyes. “Honestly, that woman.”

“Patrick,” Robin began. He held up a hand.

“Mrs. Horowitz, I’ve been trying to find out who you are for weeks, so thank you for making my life a lot simpler.” Patrick cleared his throat and Robin groaned into her hands. “My career will succeed no matter whom I choose to spend my life with. I have the necessary talent and the drive. I’m not at all worried about my career–”

“You should be if you’re so inclined to take the blame for another’s foolish actions,” Elsie replied, shooting a disdainful look at Robin. “Shame on you, Dr. Scorpio, for allowing Patrick to take the blame before the ethics committee.”

“The ethics–” Robin broke off and slugged Patrick in the arm. “You lied to me.”

Patrick sighed, resigned. “Can we have this argument later after I set Elsie over here straight?” Without waiting for Robin’s response, he looked back at the speechless board member. “Robin is my wife and she deserves nothing less than your respect. If I find out you’ve even breathed a word of anything less than happiness for me, my wife, our marriage or our child, I will quit General Hospital and take any number of the job offers that I receive weekly.”

“Patrick–” Robin hissed.

“That would be a mistake, Dr. Drake–” Elsie began, rattled by the threat.

“And don’t think you can black ball me at any hospitals or for any positions that I might be applying for within the hospital,” Patrick continued. “You will only be revealing yourself for the ignorant bigot that you are. Now, if you’ll excuse me, this day is about my wife, not you.” He took Robin’s arm and walked away from the stunned woman.

“I cannot believe you just did that,” Robin moaned. “She is going to be out for your blood–”

He tugged her behind a hedge and out of sight. “Robin, you must know that General Hospital is not the only place that I can operate. right? And that no one is going to not hire me because I married a woman with HIV–I’m too good for that and I can perform a lot of difficult procedures other surgeons won’t even attempt. My career will survive an ignorant bitch like Elsie Horowitz, okay?”

“Yes, but–”

“I get three job offers on average a week,” Patrick continued. “I have for almost two years and I used to just take the best one and go with it. I never stayed anywhere that long. In fact, nine months is the longest I lived anywhere where since my internship. Your family is here, my father is here. I would rather stay here but I swear to God, if one more person badmouths you–”

“Okay, okay…” Robin put a hand over his mouth. “I appreciate it and I know you’re trying to protect me. Believe me, it means a lot to me.” Her soft look turned into a glare. “So I imagine Alexis and Ric were your lawyers when you went before the ethics committee.”

“Yes,” Patrick admitted.

“And I suppose the reason no one ever found out that I forged that signature was because you took the blame for it,” Robin continued, her hands on her hips.


“You nearly lost your license, you idiot!” Robin whacked him in the arm and burst into tears.

“Oh, Jesus…” Patrick panicked. “Don’t–don’t cry, Robin. I’m not at all good–stop that!” He jerked a napkin from his pocket and handed it to her. “Please don’t cry–I’m sorry–”

Robin patted her eyes, her tears quieting into sniffles. “I’m-I’m sorry, I cry at commercials these days.” She sniffled again. “Your career is everything to you–I can’t believe you’d risk it–”

“It used to be.” Patrick tilted her face up. “It’s not anymore.”

Robin stood on her tips of her toes and kissed him softly. “That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

This entry is part 19 of 27 in the Sanctuary

Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
And others just read of
Others only read of the love, the love that I love

August 1, 2006

Robin’s Apartment: Living Room

The morning of Robin Scorpio’s wedding did not get off to an auspicious start. In fact, her morning started in the bathroom, as it did most mornings except for some reason, Robin’s unborn daughter (she had now decided she was having a girl and no amount of arguing with her would change her mind) had decided this would be a good morning to begin early training for the Olympics gymnastics team.

Brenda tapped on the bathroom door. “Sweetie, you know that Maxie, Liz and I are out here, right?”

Her only answer was a tortured moan.

Elizabeth emerged from the kitchen, some sort of frothy concoction in her hands. “This is going to make her perk right up,” the nurse announced.

“Yeah?” Maxie asked. “What kind of alcohol did you put in it?”

“She can’t drink alcohol,” Brenda admonished, smacking Maxie’s arm, “She’s pregnant with Brenda, Jr.”

“She is not naming this baby for you,” Maxie rolled her eyes. “She’s going to name it for…” she bit her lip. “Hey, Robin!” she called. “What are naming the baby?”

“Why don’t we ask her that later?” Elizabeth suggested. She stepped up to the door and knocked lightly. “Robin? I’ve got a surefire remedy to curing morning sickness.”

The door was slowly slid open and Robin peered up at the blearily from the floor. “Gimme.”

Elizabeth handed the glass to her friend and Robin gulped it down eagerly. When the glass was empty, she set it aside and leaned her head against the tiled wall. “She’s a gold medalist already.”

“Right,” Brenda nodded, clueless but Elizabeth just laughed.

“Cam was a silver winner, I think, by the time my sickness wore off.” She held out a hand and with Brenda’s help, they got the bride to be off the ground. “Now…let’s get you ready for your wedding.”

Quartermaine Mansion: Bedroom

“Okay, let’s run through this,” Anna said, clapping her hands together. “Something old, something blue, something borrowed, something new. Do we have it all? And the dress doesn’t count as new,” she added as an afterthought.

“Well…” Felicia stepped up and twirled the blue garter around her finger. “Here is your something blue.”

“And…” Emily held up an elegant silk handkerchief with Lila Quartermaine’s initials sewn into the edges. “Grandmother would have wanted you to use this, so this is your something old.”

Maxie held out a silver bracelet. “Mom gave me this when I turned sixteen and it’s my favorite bracelet so I thought you could use this for something borrowed.”

“You guys…” Robin sniffled.

“Don’t cry!” Brenda yelped. “You’ll ruin your make up and we’ll never get it done again in time for the ceremony.”

“Well, don’t cry before I give you the something new anyway,” Anna smiled. She took out a slim jewel case and opened it. “I thought it would look lovely on you.”

Robin stared at the slim gold necklace with a delicate diamond and sapphire heart dangling from it. “It’s beautiful, Mom. I can’t believe…”

“When I saw this in the store…” Anna removed the chain from the case, handing the case to Felicia, “I knew it would be perfect. Turn around.”

Robin obeyed and lifted her hair up so that Anna could clasp it. “Mom…” she turned back around and embraced her tightly. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

Quartermaine Mansion: Gardens

It had been Brenda’s idea to hold the ceremony in Lila Quartermaine’s rose garden and the family had been more than happy to open their estate for the wedding. Patrick seriously underestimated the amount of people that loved Robin and wanted to see her happy. As if the pre-wedding death threats hadn’t been enough, he was now getting glares from her nearest and dearest.

Not that it bothered him–those death threats only became a possibility if he hurt Robin and he was pretty sure that wasn’t going to happen. At least not soon.

He hoped.

Anyway, he was ignoring those glares and studying the members of the hospital board very carefully. Robin had refused to leave the asshole who had insulted her off the list, fearing (and rightly so) that Patrick would be able to find out who it was by process of elimination and for his career aspirations, they couldn’t very not invite any of them so Patrick knew that he was here today.

The ceremony was due to begin in a half hour so Patrick was just milling around, feeling very uncomfortable in a tuxedo during August, wishing like hell he’d put his foot down in June and gone for the quick elopement.

“I have been sent to check on the groom.”

Patrick rolled his eyes and turned to find Elizabeth staring back at him, dressing in a strapless tea-length baby blue gown. “Well, you checked on me.”

“Your tie is crooked.” She strode forward and reached up to adjust it. “So, are you nervous?”

“Am I supposed to be?” Patrick asked wryly. She huffed and looked up at him, annoyed. “No, I’m not,” he answered. “I know that I’m making the right decision. Why should I be nervous about it?”

“Because it’s the thing to ask,” Elizabeth murmured. She finished adjusting the tie and patted it. “Robin looks beautiful, you know. You’re very lucky she decided to look past that face of yours and marry you anyway.”

“Hey,” Patrick grumbled. “Well at least I don’t look like a duck.”

Outraged, Elizabeth planted her hands on her hips and glared at him. “I do not look like a duck. You…you look like a horse’s ass!”

“Now children,” Noah admonished joining them. “This is happy day.”

“She started it,” Patrick said, somewhat childishly. Elizabeth stuck her tongue out at him when Noah wasn’t looking.

“Ah, the joys I was spared when you ended up an only child,” Noah sighed dramatically.

“Oh, you didn’t get the memo?” Patrick asked, slinging an arm around Elizabeth’s shoulders. “I adopted the pain in the ass. If she’s going to treat me like an annoying brother, I’m going to treat her like a bratty sister.”

“I have one brother, that’s quite enough,” Elizabeth sniffed. “Actually, since he ended up in jail that one night, it’s more than enough. He is way too old to be going around trying to beat the crap out of people.”

“Since the person he was arrested for assaulting was your idiot husband, I’d say he was justified. If I didn’t value my hands more than you, I might have thought about doing the same,” Patrick countered.

Noah arched an eyebrow. “Clearly I’ve missed something in translation.”

“I’m going back to Robin and the girls. Now that Brenda is satisfied you haven’t run out, my work here is done.” Elizabeth poked him one more time before leaving them.

“What’s that about Steven Webber assaulting Elizabeth’s husband?” Noah asked curiously. “Does it have anything to do with why you’re giving up a perfectly good condo to move into Robin’s smaller apartment?”

“Her husband was cheating on her, Elizabeth moved into her grandmother’s, Steven found Lucky and beat the crap out of him, getting himself arrested. I’m letting Elizabeth stay in the condo after the wedding because I don’t need it anymore and she does. And that’s the short version.”

“Right,” Noah nodded. He hesitated. “Patrick, I know that we spent most of the last decade at odds but I’m honored at that you asked me to be your best man, even if Brenda Barrett decided for you.”

“Brenda decided but I agreed,” Patrick pointed out. He shoved his hands into his pockets and was silent for a moment. “You are the reason that I have Robin in my life. She came to you first and you sent her to me. For the rest of my life, I will never be able to repay you.” He paused and swallowed hard. “I wish Mom could have met her.”

“She would have liked her,” Noah said. “Mattie would have adored her, I can promise you that.” He put a hand on Patrick’s shoulder. “And you know…your mom’s here. She’s always going to be with you.”

Quartermaine Mansion: Terrace

“I want to speak with you for a moment,” Mac tugged on Robin’s arm to keep her back from the rest of the wedding party. Robin had finally sat down with her uncle and her father and explained her inability to decide who should walk her down the aisle and who she should dance with. It had been argued out between the two of them, but Mac finally got the right to walk her down the aisle.

“What’s up, Uncle Mac?” Robin asked curiously, adjusting the full skirt of her dress around her.

“First of all, you look absolutely breathtaking,” Mac began. “I can’t get over how much you’ve grown up and how fast it all went.” His face sobered. “Robin, I just…I want to make sure you’re doing this for the right reasons.”

Robin frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“I know why Patrick proposed–your mother and I all but threatened him into it. I realize that, sweetheart, but I just want to make sure this is what you want. I don’t want you to do this because I want this life for you or because Anna wants this or because you didn’t know how to say no–”

“Uncle Mac…” Robin pressed her fingers to his mouth to keep him from speaking. “Patrick did not propose because you and Mom threatened him and I didn’t say yes because this is what you guys want. I know why Patrick asked and why I said yes and believe me, Uncle Mac, I am more than okay with those reasons. This is what I want. This is a good thing. Patrick is going to be a wonderful father and we’re going to be happy together, I promise you.” She kissed his cheek.

“Okay,” Mac agreed. “But if he makes you cry even once…”

“I am my mother’s daughter, “Robin remarked. “I’ll make him cry twice as hard.”

Mac shuddered at that thought. “God help him.”

Brenda came to the door, “Hey guys…the ceremony is about to begin, let’s go!”

This entry is part 18 of 27 in the Sanctuary

And I know that you try so hard
And you wait so long
And you don’t know the moment when you went wrong
But I think you should know
It doesn’t make you unbeautiful

July 18, 2006

Robin’s Apartment: Living Room

Robin sleepily shuffled to the front door and unlocked the two padlocks before unlocking the door lock. She pulled it open and peered blearily up at Patrick. “It’s late isn’t it?”

“Ah, if eleven is late, sure.” Patrick rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m sorry for waking you up–I meant to be earlier but there was an emergency at the hospital and then–”

Robin shook her head and held up a hand. “Say no more, it’s okay.” She stepped back. “Come on in.”

“If you want to go back to sleep,” Patrick began, “I’m sure this could wait until then. I just didn’t want you to think that I flaked out on you.”

“I’m awake now,” Robin sank onto the couch and curled her legs up underneath her. “I fall asleep all the time right now. Steven says that after the first trimester, my appetite and sleeping habits should level out again. At least for a while.”

Patrick sat next to her and absently let his hand drift over the warm skin on her knee, his fingers tracing little circles. “So I know we never finalized which apartment we were going to use after the wedding but I’ve been thinking we should use yours.”

“Fine with me but you just bought that condo,” Robin said, a little more awake now. “And I only rent, so–”

“Yeah, but…” Patrick shifted uncomfortably. “Elizabeth went home on her break this morning and saw Lucky cheating on her.”

Robin’s eyes bulged. “Are you serious? She’s sure?”

“Yeah, I asked her if she was when we were picking her things up from the apartment tonight to take to her grandmother’s. That’s the other reason I’m late. She didn’t want to ask Nikolas because that’s Lucky’s brother, her brother Steven might kill him and the only other guy friend she has is Jason, who apparently might also kill him.”

“It was nice of you to help her–what did she say when she asked?”

“Well, she replied–and I quote–the naked bouncing and the grunts and groans are pretty hard to mistake.”

Robin bit her lip. “Oh. Well, yeah that would be hard to mistake.” She propped her elbow on the back of the couch and rested her hand against her face. “That’s so awful for her, she was so happy. So happy that she kept trying to set me on blind dates the entire six weeks we were broken up.”

Patrick frowned. “And she was encouraging me to work it out–that little brat.”

“I think she was trying to make a point,” Robin considered. “Because I came up with a lot of creative excuses to wiggle out of those dates and after a while, she was just making guys up I think. She has a twisted sense of humor and she liked to see me squirm.”

“Yeah, well…she feels funny staying with her grandmother so I offered her the condo.” Patrick tugged on his ear, slightly uncomfortable. “Rent-free.”

Robin smirked. “You’re just a softy when it comes to her, I think. It’s cute, really. If I didn’t know Liz any better, I might be jealous.”

“Hey,” Patrick said, trying to decide if he was insulted. “I thought we were working on trusting me.”

“We are, which is why I’m not smacking you,” Robin replied. “Besides, I know you and Liz are just friends. And it’s good for you to have a female friend. You don’t think I know some of your words are actually hers?”

Patrick grimaced. “I’ll have you know that I am one hundred percent original–”

“The lame come-ons, sure,” Robin giggled. “No, I just mean I recognize Liz’s brand of advice, that’s all. Anyway, it’s nice of you to offer the condo. I just hope she’s making the right decision. She and Lucky were together for so much of their lives…it’s a shame.” She looked down at her hands.

Patrick took her hand in his, his thumb rubbing over his mother’s ring. “It is a shame but I can’t blame her. I mean, fidelity is pretty important.”

Robin arched an eyebrow. “Are you, Dr. Patrick Drake, speaking in defense of fidelity? I’m shocked.”

He scowled, “I never cheated on anyone, Robin. I never dated one girl for more than a few weeks at the most but I never made any promises I couldn’t keep either.” He straightened and slid away from her, a little hurt by her obvious low opinion of him.

Robin sighed and followed him, tucking her head into his chest, “I was just teasing, Patrick. I know you wouldn’t cheat. You may not have been monogamous but you certainly weren’t a cheater.” She bit her lip. “And you’ve never broken a promise to me, which is important. I know I can trust you.”

“Well.” He would find it difficult to be upset with her after that. “It’s getting late, I should probably head home.”

When he would have stood, Robin put a hand on the inside of his forearm to stop him. “Why don’t you stay?” she asked softly. When he looked at her curiously, she flushed and ignored the urge to look away, choosing instead to meet his eyes. “We’ve made the decision that this not going to be a marriage of convenience, right?”

“Right,” Patrick drawled. “But–”

“So we’re going to have to share a bed in the near future. C’mon, Patrick, it’s late and you’re exhausted. I would feel much better if you stayed here tonight rather than getting behind the wheel of car.”

“Are you sure?” Patrick asked quietly. “I don’t want you to think–”

“I’m not saying we have to…do anything. We can just sleep, or whatever.” She bit her lip and smiled shyly at him. “You’re not going to make me worry about you driving are you?”

He grinned and leaned forward to kiss her softly. “I wouldn’t want you to worry on my account.”

July 19, 2006

Robin’s Apartment: Bedroom

Patrick stirred and reached across the mattress, frowning when his arm met empty space. He cracked an eye open and rolled over when he saw Robin’s side of the bed was still warm, but deserted. “Robin?” he called blearily.

His only answer was a rustling from the bathroom. He sat up and shoved the sheet off his body. They had done nothing the previous night except sleep though he wondered if that would have been the case if Robin hadn’t passed out almost as soon as her body hit the mattress. He grinned to himself–less than two weeks until that changed.

He heard another sound from the bathroom–and this time, he recognized it as the sound of retching. Morning sickness, he thought to himself and stood to pad out to the kitchen and get a glass of water. He took a wash cloth, ran some warm water over it before taking both into the bathroom.

Robin was seated next to the toilet, her feet planted flat on the ground, her arms resting on her knees and her head leaning back against the cool white tile. “Hey,” he said. “Water?”

Robin cracked her eyes open and groaned. “Patrick…really…you don’t want to be in here right now–”

“No, but you don’t want to be in here either so I’m staying.” He sat next to her and rested the cloth against her cheek. “I haven’t been able to here for you for this and I want to be, Robin. Going to doctor’s appointments isn’t all there is. I want to help.”

Robin smiled wearily and rested her head against his shoulder. “You’re really sweet, Patrick,” she murmured, taking the glass of water from him and taking a long gulp.

“Shh, don’t let that get out,” Patrick said with a half grin. “I have a reputation to protect.”

This entry is part 17 of 27 in the Sanctuary

So tell me the story about
What goes around comes around
Why you’re so afraid to say what you’re thinking
And why I have to keep on guessing for you

July 18, 2006

General Hospital: Nurse’s Station

Very aware of all the eyes on them, Patrick swallowed hard and reached for the ring. But he didn’t take it. He closed his hand over Robin’s hand, forcing her to curl the ring into her fist. “No.”

Robin licked her lips again and her eyes looked around at the interested stares. She narrowed her eyes at the female nurses who looked way too invested in the outcome of this scene. “Patrick, this is your mother’s ring,” she began quietly.

He took her by the elbow and directed her towards the stairs that led to the roof. “We’re not discussing this here.”

Robin tightened her fist around the ring to keep from losing it and reluctantly followed Patrick out onto the roof. “You should give this ring to someone–”

“I gave it to you,” Patrick shook his head. He opened her hand, plucked the ring from her grasp and then unceremoniously shoved it back onto her finger. “This is your ring, do not take it off.”

Robin sighed. “You don’t make any sense. I thought you wanted to call this all off, do joint custody–”

“Well, I’ve had about twelve hours to think about it and look–” Patrick sighed, irritated that his father was right and now Patrick would have to at least open up a little instead of being able to sail through this entire thing without risking anything. “You were right last night. You think I asked you to marry me because of the baby and then I got angry when you acted like I asked you for the baby. I’m sorry for that.”

Robin hesitated. “I’m not following you–”

I’m not following me sometimes,” he muttered. He turned away from her and braced his hands against the stone ledge, looking out over the city of Port Charles. “You probably think that any girl could have turned up pregnant at this point and I would have proposed.”

Robin shrugged and looked away. “Isn’t that true?”

“No!” Patrick cursed under his breath and turned to look at her. “I’ve got high standards, Dr. Scorpio. Do you really think I would have tied myself to just anyone?”

Robin rolled eyes. “If you’re not going to be serious, I’m leaving.” She pulled open the door but Patrick grabbed her hand.

“I asked you because I knew we could make it work,” Patrick admitted. “Those other women, they never meant anything to me. And I know I didn’t mean anything to them. You are different. You’ve always been different.”

“Different how?” Robin pressed. “They had bigger boobs? I’m not as tall, what?” Frustrated, she pulled away from him. “What does different mean?”

“Because you get to me and they never did. Christ, Robin, do you think I talk about my mother on all my first dates?” Patrick demanded. “Do you think I tell everyone about my alcoholic father that threw away his career because my mother died? Robin, you are the first woman I’ve ever dated that’s even known my mother was dead.”

“So I’m supposed to feel special because you told me a few things you’ve never told anyone?” Robin cried. “Well, we’re past that now, Patrick. That might have impressed me a few months ago but–”

“I didn’t tell you to impress you. I didn’t tell you to make a point,” Patrick cut in, irritated. “I told you about my mother because I couldn’t not tell you. You opened up to me about Stone, about Jason. And you were the reason that I even spared a second thought about my father and helped him go to rehab! How could I keep you out after that?”

Robin breathed in shakily and shook her head, tears sliding down her cheeks. “None of this means anything, Patrick, if we’re still in the same place we were then.”

“You’re so damn thickheaded,” he muttered. “Robin, I asked you to marry me because I knew we could have what my parents had!”

Robin huffed. “Your parents were in love, how could we possibly have what they had–” And then she shut up and met Patrick’s turbulent gaze. Recognition flickered in her expression and she bit her lip. “Oh.”

“Oh?” Patrick repeated in disbelief. “That’s…that’s all you can say to me right now?”

“Uh…” Robin tried to search for coherent thoughts trapped in the hazy recesses of her mind. “I can’t–I can’t think right now.”

Speechless, he could settle for. Before he could press her, his beeper vibrated and he swore under his breath. “I have a surgery–are you on shift today?”

Robin blinked and tried to focus. “Ah, no. I–I took a leave until after the wedding. To deal with–stuff.”

“Okay, will you be home later then?” Patrick asked, slightly amused at her scattered words. “We still have a few things to iron out.”

“Ah, yeah.” Robin was beginning to recover from the shock. “Patrick–”

He cut her off with a short but intense kiss that curled her toes and scattered her thoughts again. “I’ll see you then.” He left her alone on the roof, blinking at him.

Scorpio-Jones House

“It’s about time you got here,” Georgie muttered as she ushered a still somewhat bemused Robin into the house. “Brenda has lost her mind.”

“I resent that!” Brenda called from the living room. “Black is a perfectly lovely color for a bridesmaid gown.”

“Black?” Robin echoed. She followed her cousin into the living room where Maxie, Brenda, Felicia and Anna were surrounded by swatches and design books. “Brenda, they can’t wear black.”

“Sure they can,” Brenda shrugged. “It’s the bride that can’t wear black. And it’s not really black, it’s like a gray color.”

“I look better in jewel tones,” Maxie sniffed. “Black washes me out.”

“And I’m totally better in pastels,” Georgie nodded.

Anna was about to interject when she realized that beyond her first few comments, Robin hadn’t joined the conversation and then she saw the circles beneath her daughter’s eyes. She stood, took Robin’s elbow and steered her towards the kitchen. “Quick conference to discuss, ah, flower arrangements.”

“If you like the gray so much,” Maxie began, “you use it for your maid of honor gown. Georgie, Liz and I will pick out a dress we like and order different colors. How does that sound?”

Brenda’s reply was lost when Anna closed the kitchen door behind them. She directed Robin into a seat and then sat adjacent to her. “What’s wrong, luv?”

“Ah…an hour ago, I might have been able to tell you,” Robin said slowly. “An hour ago, I was giving Patrick back the ring and the wedding was off.”

“What?” Anna said, surprised. “What happened?”

“We had an argument last night and he said the wedding was off. I went to return the ring today and he wouldn’t let me and I think he might have told me he loved me but I’m not sure.”

“Uh huh.” Anna pursed her lips. She decided to take this one step at a time. “What was the argument about?”

“It wasn’t an argument so much as…a misunderstanding I guess. A lack of communication. He had started seeing the marriage in a different way than I thought he had and I was still trying to pretend that the whole thing really didn’t matter to me so we got into a fight about that. He didn’t like the thought that I felt like I was making this whole sacrifice for the baby. He didn’t think he deserved that and he doesn’t.” Robin bit her lip. “I started to think that this was all a mistake. That no matter how much I loved him, we couldn’t make it work. So I went to the hospital today to give him the ring.” She stared at the diamond on her finger. “It was his mother’s.”

Anna nodded. “And he wouldn’t take it back.”

Robin bit her lip. “No. He took me to the roof and we argued about why he’d asked me to marry him and then he said it was because he knew we could have what his parents had.” She laughed softly. “And I started to say that wasn’t possible because his parents were in love and then I stopped because I realized what he was trying to tell me but now I’m wondering if he was trying to tell me that because that’s the way he feels or if that’s because he knows that I want him to feel.”

Anna sighed. “Darling, you know you’re the light of my life, but you overanalyze things. Would Patrick lie to you about something like this?”

“Yes,” Robin said without hesitation. “He wouldn’t mean to, and he wouldn’t do it on purpose but I think he wants to feel that way because he wants what he had growing up so maybe he thinks if he tells himself he feels that way, he’ll believe it.”

Anna stared at her daughter. “I can’t decide if I want to smack you or Patrick. I might settle for both at this point. He asked you to marry him, he gave you his mother’s ring, he’s not had one complaint about this huge wedding and God knows, even I’ve complained about it. Robin, the man clearly feels something.”

“I know,” Robin said hesitantly. “And I told myself from the start that if he feels even a little of what I feel for him then we’ll be okay.”

“And what’s changed?”

Robin met her mother’s eyes and smiled miserably. “I want him to love me. Is that so awful?”

Anna sighed. “It was so much easier when all you wanted was a dog. At least that I could handle.”

General Hospital Operating Theater: Scrub Room

The surgery finally over, Patrick stripped his gloves off and started to wash his hands. Elizabeth, who he had added to his permanent surgical team weeks ago, joined him, muttering something under her breath about blondes.

“What’s with you?” he asked. “You’ve been cranky since you got back from your break this morning.”

“I hate men,” Elizabeth grumbled. She dried her hands and started out of the room but Patrick grabbed her elbow and held her back.

“What did my gender do now?” Patrick asked, glad to have a chance to nag her about her problems for a change.

“Your gender has issues about keeping their pants zipped,” Elizabeth replied hotly. “Do you really want to continue this conversation?”

“No,” Patrick admitted. “But I’m going to anyway.” He tipped his head towards the door to the hallway. “Come on, I’ll buy you a cup of coffee.”

He led her down to the cafeteria and once they were seated, Elizabeth blurted out, “Lucky’s cheating on me with his new partner.”

Patrick stilled in the act of stirring sugar into his coffee and stared at her. “Come again.”

“His new perky blonde partner,” Elizabeth clarified through clenched teeth. “We’ve both been working a lot and haven’t spent a lot of time together and he was irritated that the one day we both have off coming up is your wedding so I told him we were going to that but he was angry about it. I went home on my break this morning to talk to him about it and you know what he was doing on his break?”

“His partner?” Patrick suggested, somewhat crudely.

“His blonde perky partner with the large breasts,” Elizabeth confirmed. She clenched her fists, trapping the sugar packet within. “God damn blondes, I do not understand it!”

“What’s wrong with blondes?” Patrick asked, confused.

“Oh, this is only the millionth time in my life I’ve been passed over for a stupid blonde,” Elizabeth told him. “First when I moved town, Lucky couldn’t concentrate on anyone but Sarah, my perfect blonde sister. Everyone loved Sarah, everyone wanted me to be like Sarah. But Lucky and I were dating and then four years later, who does he cheat on me with? Perfect Blonde Sarah.” Elizabeth took her plastic fork and stabbed a sugar packet with it.

“Uh huh,” Patrick said slowly.

“Then Jason cheats on me with Courtney Matthews,” Elizabeth continued. “He says he didn’t but while I was waiting in his penthouse, scared that he was hurt or injured, he was at the Oasis, watching that stupid twit strip. Supposedly he was just protecting her.” Elizabeth snorted. “Right, so that’s why two weeks after we broke up, he’s kissing her in the goddamn rain and then a month later after she kicks her husband out, he’s sleeping with her. Fine, whatever.”

Clearly words were no longer necessary, so Patrick just sipped his coffee.

“And then Ric asked Courtney to marry him instead of me to get at Sonny. God damn Courtney,” Elizabeth muttered scathingly. “And then he slept with Faith Roscoe, a psycho blonde that caused my miscarriage.”

Patrick winced. “I’m sorry, Liz–”

“So that’s three separate guys that have tossed me over for blondes and Lucky has the nerve to do it again!” Elizabeth stabbed another sugar packet repeatedly.

“Okay, Sparky, I think we’re going to take the weapons away from you now–” Patrick plucked the fork out of her grasp. “If it makes you feel any better, clearly they have no taste. I would never sleep with a stripper or a psycho rather than you.”

Elizabeth frowned. “Thanks. I think.” She exhaled slowly. “Anger is better. Anger is easier. This will teach me to brag about my wonderful marriage, huh?” she said darkly. “Just the other day in the locker room, with you and that stupid guest list. Boy, what an idiot this makes me.”

“This does not make you an idiot,” Patrick told her. “This makes Lucky an idiot.”

“I hope he gets shot again,” Elizabeth said. “And this time, it hits him right in the–”

“Okay, okay,” Patrick cut her off, not wanting the visual image. “Is there anything I can do? Do you need a place to stay?”

“I’m going home after work to get Cam’s things and then we’re going to my Gram’s,” Elizabeth sighed. “I don’t know what comes after that.”

“Well, here’s something. After the wedding, Robin and I are moving into her apartment until the baby is born but I haven’t put my condo up for sale or rent yet. I can sublet it to you until you know what you want to do.”

Elizabeth shook her head. “I could never afford the rent–”

“You don’t have to, I don’t actually need the money,” Patrick shrugged. “It’s close to the hospital, it’s in a decent neighborhood.”

She hesitated. “If you’re sure. Just…for a while.”

Patrick nodded. “Okay, so after wedding and I’m moved out, you can move in. It’s actually saving me the hassle of renting it or selling it.”

“Well, glad this situation works for someone,” Elizabeth sighed. She shook her head. “Okay, let’s talk about something different. For example, why Robin tried to give you your ring back.”

“Oh, I fixed that,” Patrick told her. “I told her I loved her and that’s why I asked her to marry me.”

Elizabeth stared at him for a long moment before shaking her head. “No, you didn’t. You would never say that.”

Patrick frowned. “Well, I didn’t say those exact words but Robin got the idea.”

“Yeah, this is going to end well,” Elizabeth sipped her coffee and grimaced. “There’s no sugar.”

“Well, you killed them all with your trusty fork there, Sparky,” Patrick said dryly. “Those mean sugar packets won’t be bothering you again, I can tell you that.”

This entry is part 16 of 27 in the Sanctuary

Baby, you can hold on to the ending
Hell, go on pretending as long as you can stand it
Maybe you got something to believe in
A superficial feeling
But deal me out, I’m going home

July 17, 2006

General Hospital: Cafeteria

Brenda sat a stack of CDs in on the small table and sat across from Patrick. “Okay, these are all the songs that I need your opinion on for your reception.” She slid a folder over to him with the now familiar red and blue pens clipped to the front. “Here’s the list. Draw a red line through those you’re vetoing and use the blue one to add any–”

“Brenda, I didn’t ask you here to talk about song choice.” Patrick slid the folder back to her.

Brenda gasped. “You lied to me!”

“Yes,” Patrick said without shame. “Look, we need to have a talk about…” he waved his hands toward the CDs and folder. “The wedding.”

Brenda narrowed her eyes. “If you think you’re backing out–”

“No–” Patrick glared at her. “If you would let anyone ever get a word in edgewise, you wouldn’t jump to nearly half the ridiculous conclusions you come up with.”

She sniffed and sat back. “Fine. I’m listening.”

“This wedding stuff…look, I appreciate what you’re doing but I didn’t agree to this big wedding because I wanted it, I agreed to it because Robin wants it.” He handed her a stack of folders. “So here is the catering menu, the decorations menu, the wedding vows folder and the honeymoon folder, okay?”

Brenda took them and leveled an irritated glare at her friend’s fiancé. “If you think you’re not taking Robin on a honeymoon–”

“I am,” Patrick interrupted. “But it’s going to be one that we pick out, not you. But anything else for the wedding that doesn’t involve tux fittings and showing up to the ceremony, you and Robin can handle it because frankly, I don’t have an opinion.”

“You don’t care about your own wedding?” Brenda demanded.

“No,” Patrick replied bluntly. “I care about Robin and what will make her happy so from now on, whatever she wants, she can have. But I don’t care about flowers and caterers and for God’s sakes, I don’t care about song choices, okay?”

“Fine,” Brenda huffed. “It’ll save time if I don’t have to run this stuff by you anyway.” She bit her lip. “I know I can be pushy and overbearing but Robin is the best person I know and she deserves to be happy. I just want to make that happen for her.”

“I know and I’m sure the wedding will be fine but you don’t need my input and you know it. I think you’ve just been torturing me to see how much I can stand,” Patrick said with a note of teasing in his tone.

Brenda considered that. “Probably.” She hesitated. “Okay, I’ll lay off with the choices but there is one thing I do think you should do. There’s a part of the reception that’s usually for the father daughter dance. I mean, there’s usually a mother son one too or so I’m told but I guess…” she shifted uncomfortably. “I mean, that’s not an option here.”

Patrick coughed. “Right. So…Robin can’t decide who to ask.”

Brenda nodded. “Exactly. She still hasn’t decided who to ask her to walk down the aisle and this isn’t helping and she thinks if she chooses one for the walk and the other for the dance; it won’t be fair to either of them. It’s really upsetting her and I can’t think of what to say because both my parents sucked. Maybe you can help her.”

“I’ll give it a shot,” Patrick agreed.

Robin’s Apartment: Living Room

Robin was listening to the first mix CD and absently drawing lines through Brenda’s list. Honestly, she wasn’t sure if Brenda picked some of these to be funny or if she were being absolutely serious.

She was choosing to go with the former.

“That is some cheesy music,” Patrick remarked as he pushed her front door open. Robin arched an eyebrow at him and gestured towards the door. He grinned. “It was open.”

“Hmm…” Robin turned her attention back to the song list. “Has Brenda given you the list yet?”

“I gave it back. Look, Robin, I’m…not into this stuff.” Patrick lowered himself onto the couch next to her. “I hope you’re not mad but I gave back the catering and flower folders too.”

Robin laughed and used her remote to switch off her CD player. “Brenda totally beat me. I bet her twenty bucks you’d last another week.”

“Ah, so this was a setup. I knew it.” Patrick reached for the song list folder. “You know, I didn’t even look at some of this. Should I be scared?”

“With Brenda involved, probably.” Robin bit her lip. “So if you gave her the folder back, I guess you didn’t see her list of suggested songs for our first dance.”

“Don’t need ’em,” Patrick remarked. “I was thinking I’m Too Sexy.”

Robin snorted. “Yeah, that’ll happen.” She took the list back from him. “Seriously…do you care?”

“Nope.” Patrick scratched his temple. “Listen, the dance stuff is partly why I’m over here. Brenda mentioned you don’t know who to ask for the father daughter dance.”

“I should pick my uncle Mac,” Robin said after a long moment. She bit her lip. “And I was thinking that I could ask my dad to walk me down the aisle but then I thought what if my uncle gets upset? I mean he’d never say it, but I think he’d be disappointed and my dad would think it meant I hadn’t forgiven him yet and I mostly have.” She exhaled slowly and shook her head.

She stood and crossed the room to stand in front of her windows. “It’s silly when you think about it. All the effort and the worry I’m worrying about and it’s not even real.”

Patrick tensed and stood. “What do you mean?”

Robin didn’t look back at him or she would have seen the way his fists clenched at his side, at the look of irritation on his face. “I mean…” she sighed impatiently. “Every time someone in my family wants to know some detail about the wedding or the reception, I feel like a fraud.”

“A fraud,” Patrick echoed.

“Well, yeah. I mean, there a lot of people in our lives that didn’t get the memo that this isn’t real. That we’re not getting married because we’re in love but because we’re having a baby.”

“Taking vows in a church feels pretty real to me,” Patrick said and Robin turned to him, finally catching on that he wasn’t entirely pleased with the direction of the conversation.


“Having a family feels pretty real to me,” Patrick continued. “And I’m sorry, but I didn’t realize you hated this so much–”

“I don’t hate this,” Robin interjected, surprised.

“The hell you don’t. You think I don’t see the brave little smile you have every time someone talks to you about the wedding, like you’re making some huge sacrifice for the baby?” Patrick demanded. “I don’t need that, Robin. I don’t deserve that–”

“You’re not making any sense–Patrick, your entire proposal was about the baby. Of course we’re getting married because I’m pregnant–” Robin shook her head. “I don’t understand where this is coming from.”

“Excuse me for assuming you had any feelings whatsoever for me. That must have been my mistake,” Patrick retorted. “You know what? Don’t even bother taking one for the team. There’s no need to make a huge sacrifice just for the sake of the baby–”


“I’ll have my lawyer call you about custody.” Patrick stalked towards the door and yanked it open.

Robin rushed after him but he had already taken the emergency stairs and was gone. She stood in the doorway, the diamond ring glinting on her finger.

July 18, 2006

General Hospital: Lounge

Patrick muttered an oath under his breath as he grabbed his coffee mug too quickly and the liquid sloshed over his fingers. “Damn it!”

“Bad night?” Noah asked, flipping through his surgery schedule for that day. “Get used to them. Once the baby is born, you and Robin won’t sleep through the night for about two years.”

“There is no me and Robin and there isn’t going to be,” Patrick muttered. He set his mug down and reached for his first patient’s chart.

Noah glanced at him oddly. “I just got poked and prodded at a tux fitting yesterday. There’s going to be a you and Robin if I have to beat you with a stick.”

“I called off the wedding last night,” Patrick said, bracing himself. He hadn’t said it out loud yet but now that he heard himself saying the words, he flinched. Remembering that he was not going to get married out obligation, he shook his head. “It’s better this way.”

“Right,” Noah said, clearly not buying what Patrick was trying to sell. “So what happened? Because you know, Robin’s going through some hormonal changes and she’s bound to get emotional and you don’t exactly have a good track record where emotional problems are concerned.”

“Gee, thanks for your concern,” Patrick said darkly. “Fine, if you want to hear the whole story. I went to Robin’s last night because Brenda–it doesn’t matter why I went. I was there and she started talking about how she felt guilty because everyone’s making this out to be a big deal and it’s not even real. So you know what? I’m tired of seeing her smile like she’s about to sacrificed in a den of lions and she’s playing brave little girl anyway, okay?”

Noah nodded. “Okay.” He didn’t say anything else and made some notations on a chart.

Patrick slammed his chart shut. “It made me feel like a fool,” he burst out. “I gave her Mom’s ring and I’m doing this stupid big wedding because it’s what she wanted and I was going to open the house on Vineyard for the weekend after the wedding but she’s spent all this time worrying about how everyone in her family is taking this too seriously!”

“Uh huh. So you ask her to marry you because she’s pregnant and then you get mad because she acts like that’s the reason you asked her.” Noah sipped his coffee.

“That’s not–that’s–you’re completely missing the point,” Patrick muttered.

“No, you’ve been missing the point since day one.” Noah set his cup down, pushed the charts aside and leaned towards his son. “You and Robin decided that marriage was the best idea for the baby because it was convenient. The truth of the matter is you were going crazy without her and she missed you and this baby–while a wonderful surprise–gave you the reason you needed to be back in her life. But you didn’t think she’d go for that so you sold her the spiel on getting married for the sake of the baby. She loves you, Patrick, though only God and Robin know why at this point, so she said yes. But she thinks you asked because she’s pregnant so the last thing she’s going to do is tell you that she loves you.”

“Oh, so this is my fault now,” Patrick said disgusted by the fact his father was completely right and unwilling to admit that. “Look, maybe this marriage thing started out as a convenience but Robin knows it’s different now. Or it should be different.”

“How?” Noah challenged. “Have you told her? Or have you done everything to demonstrate it except tell her? Because yeah, giving her your mother’s ring and going along with a huge wedding tells the male population of this world that you’re going down for the third time but females are not the same way. They need words, Patrick. And you’re not ready to give her those words.”

Patrick glared at him. “You’re supposed to be on my side here.”

“I am on your side. I want you happy and I know that Robin is the person who makes you happy. When you let her. So if you had a working brain cell, you’d go see her before your first patient, tell her you’re an idiot and fix this before she thinks you’re serious about calling off the wedding.”

Before Patrick could answer, he was paged over the loudspeaker. “I have to go, but…this isn’t finished, okay?”

He stormed out of the lounge and took the elevator to the nurse’s station. When the doors slid open, he stepped out and stopped still at the sight of Robin staring back at him. Her eyes were red and there were circles under them–she hadn’t looked that way the night before. He was such a bastard.

Robin licked her lips and stepped towards him. “Ah…I had Liz page you. I wanted…” she looked away. “You were right last night. And this is all–it was all a huge mistake.”

Patrick couldn’t speak, couldn’t formulate a coherent thought. So she continued. “It would have been a disaster and–you were right so I thought…” she held up her hand and started to tug the engagement ring off her finger.

She held it in her hand and stared at it for another moment before holding it out to him. “You should…you should have this back.”

This entry is part 15 of 27 in the Sanctuary

So, since you want to be with me
You’ll have to follow through
With every word you say
And I, all I really want is you
You to stick around
I’ll see you everyday
But you have to follow through
You have to follow through

July 7, 2006

General Hospital: Nurse’s Station

Brenda handed Patrick a folder with two pens clipped to the front–one red and one blue. “Okay, this is the guest list. I need you to draw a line through anyone you don’t want there with the red pen and then add any names you want to invite with the blue pen and then make sure to initial the bottom of every page so I know you didn’t skip any and then sign and date the last page so I know you approve.”

Patrick stared at her for a long moment before speaking. “You’re not serious, are you?”

“Absolutely,” Brenda said without hesitation. “The guest list is the second most crucial thing about planning a wedding. You said you’d do whatever you were told.”

“Well, yeah but I’m not signing a contract here, Brenda, it’s a guest list.”

“Don’t argue, just do it,” Brenda rolled her eyes. “Believe you me, it’ll make every thing easier if you just smile and nod.” She checked her to do list and marked off the item about giving Patrick instructions about approving the guest list. “Oh, okay, it’s a good thing you brought up contracts because I need to know if you want to do a prenup.”

“A prenup?” Patrick repeated. “No! I don’t need a prenuptial agreement–Brenda, this is insane.”

“Well, they’re pretty standard,” Brenda shrugged. “And if we wanted to get it drawn up and signed before August 1, then we’d need to start it now. But you don’t want one and Robin looked at me like I was crazy so that takes care of that.” She drew a line through that item. “Liz wanted to know if you could take Cameron to the fitting with you and Noah next week because she and Lucky both have to work.”

“Yeah sure.” Patrick checked his watch. “Is that all? Robin and I have an appointment with her new doctor.”

“Hey, I am doing you two a favor here, buddy. Just be glad it’s not Lucy Coe planning this. You think I’m a pain?” Brenda snorted and put her planner back in her bag. “I need that guest list back by the end of the week.”

General Hospital: Conference Room

“I see Brenda gave you the guest list,” Robin remarked as Patrick entered the room. She bit her lip. “She’s very…thorough.”

“Thorough is one way to put it,” Patrick replied. He tossed the folder and his other files on the table before studying Robin. He hadn’t seen her in a few days–she and Brenda had been rushing around with wedding plans and when she hadn’t been doing that, she’d been with her parents. “How are you feeling?”

“A little better. My appetite is coming back,” Robin shifted, feeling somewhat uncomfortable. “I heard Dr. MacMillan is retiring. Are you going to put your name in for his job?”

“I haven’t decided. It would be a long shot with the problems I had with the medical board this year but to be the head of the neurosurgery department before I’m even thirty…” Patrick shrugged.

“Well, yeah but look at everything else you’ve accomplished since you started here,” Robin protested. It was unlike Patrick to be anything less than confident regarding his surgical skills. “You performed Jason’s surgery with not only a penlight but a raving psycho in the background holding someone hostage and everyone knows about all the great work you did during the epidemic–”

“That’s all true,” Patrick admitted. He decided now would not be the time to tell her just how close he’d come to losing his license in April. She would not take kindly to knowing that that he’d lied through his teeth to shield her from repercussions. “But it’s unlikely they’re going to choose someone my age.”

Robin huffed. “Well, if they base it on age rather than skills and leadership, then they deserve what they get.”

“I guess you’ve finally raised your opinion of me,” Patrick smirked.

“I never doubted your surgical abilities,” Robin mumbled. She looked as though she might go on but a strange expression filled her eyes and she pressed her hand to her abdomen. “Oh…”

Panicked, Patrick stepped towards. “What’s wrong?” he demanded. “Are you in pain?”

“No,” Robin shook her head. She looked at him and for the first time in weeks, there was something else in her eyes. Something soft and gentle–something that tugged at him in the pit of his stomach. “There was…this fluttering and I felt the baby.”

Patrick reached out hesitantly but eventually let his hand drop to his side. “That’s…” There were no words and for someone who never ran out of words, this was an uncomfortable and surprising turn of events. He cleared his throat. “Robin–”

But she stunned him into complete silence when she grabbed his hand and placed it over her stomach, looking at him in excitement. “Can you feel her?”

He wanted to–the desire was both sudden and strong but no matter how much Patrick concentrated, there was nothing but the feeling of Robin’s soft skin–which didn’t really help. “I wish I did,” he said regretfully.

“Oh…” Robin pursed her lips in disappointment. “Well, it’s probably too early for anyone else to feel her.”

“Her?” Patrick felt the corners of his lips turn up. “How do you know it’s a girl?”

“I just have a feeling,” Robin said stubbornly. She bit her lip and looked up at him, realizing just how close they were. His hand moved from her stomach to curve around her waist. “Patrick…” she breathed.

“For once,” Patrick murmured, his warm breath tickling her lips, “just go with it.” Before Robin could protest, he closed his lips over hers swallowing her words.

This was a bad idea, Robin managed to think before all thought was rendered impossible. It had been so long since he’d kissed her, so long since she’d felt this weightless and dizzy feeling. She sighed and curled into his embrace, content to let him take the lead.

There was a strange sound–a coughing. Patrick blinked and raised his head from Robin’s and when he met the amused eyes of the man standing across the table, he remembered where he was. In a conference room at the hospital waiting for Robin’s doctor.

Robin flushed with embarrassment and quickly tried to untangle her self from Patrick’s arms. He didn’t let her get that far and kept his arm around her waist. “I guess you must be Dr. Webber,” Robin mumbled.

“Steven,” Steven Webber corrected. He extended a hand across the table and Patrick shook it. “We’re going to be working together for the next seven months or so, no need for formalities.”

He gestured for them to take seat and after everyone was comfortable, Steven opened Robin’s file. “I’ve read over your medical history, Robin–can I call you Robin?” When she nodded, he continued. “I’m going to need to run a few tests for my own benefit but your last blood work was excellent–your viral load is lower than ever which is excellent news for your baby. The risk is below two percent and a viral load like yours just reduces the risk even further. We’re going to have to start you on a different drug regimen as soon as possible.”

“Is it if safe for the baby?” Robin asked. “I mean, I know a lot of women take them during pregnancy but does anyone know…?”

“It’s a good question and unfortunately, we don’t have all the answers. I can tell you that there doesn’t seem to be any effects on the children who have been born using this regimen and I believe the oldest child that I’m aware of is about fifteen but I would have to double check.”

Steven flipped through his folder and removed a batch of prescriptions. “I went ahead and wrote these out for you. We’ll have to change the dosage as the pregnancy advances because the doses are based on weight and you’ll be gaining some.”

“Just what every woman wants to hear,” Robin said with a small smile as she put the prescriptions in her purse.

Steven grinned. “We’ll also want you on the standard prenatal vitamins as well as upping your folic acid intake. I want to schedule an ultrasound for sometime next week if that’s agreeable.”

“I have to check our surgery schedule but we work on the same surgical team so it shouldn’t a problem,” Robin looked to Patrick who had been somewhat quiet so far. “Patrick…do you have anything you want to ask?”

“The drugs that Robin’s going to take…” Patrick hesitated. “Are they going to interfere with her progress? I mean, she’s doing so well, I don’t want her to get sick.” He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and saw her looking at him with some surprise.

“It’s in our best interest to keep Robin healthy of course but it’s a fair question. We have had some women’s viral load get higher because one of the drugs doesn’t work the way it should but they usually return to their normal levels after delivery. We’ll be monitoring Robin very closely and I’d like to get blood taken often.”

“Morning sickness, weight gain and needles,” Robin sighed. “Every woman’s dream.”

General Hospital: Locker Room

“How am I supposed to know if I don’t want these people at the wedding?” Patrick grumbled. “I don’t even know half of them.” He sat on a bench and tossed the folder aside.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and reached for it. “Here, let me help. Okay, inviting Jax is tricky because he’s a guy and he won’t be able to comprehend why Carly is a bad idea. So you’re going to want to make sure he gets an invitation that doesn’t let him bring a guest.”

“There are different types of invitations?” Patrick repeated.

She took the blue pen from him and wrote Invite Type B in neat letters next to Jax’s name. “Okay, the Quartermaines are all good–they’ve known Robin forever.” She flipped the page. “Did you want to invite the board member that was nasty to Robin?”

“No,” Patrick said darkly. “Which one is he?”

“Yeah, like I’m going to fall for that. I’ll let Brenda know which one he is.” Elizabeth flipped to the last page. “Well, it looks like anyone Robin ever met is on this list but I didn’t see any red flags unless there are some nurses that should probably stay home.”

“Believe it or not, the only person I’ve been with since I moved to Port Charles is Robin. I dated other women but I didn’t…that was the only thing I did.”

“You’re so cute when you’re being modest.” Elizabeth pinched his cheek and handed him the list. “All you have to do is add anyone you want to invite, sign and initial it.”

“Thanks. Does everyone one do this for their weddings?” Patrick asked. “Or is Brenda special?”

“Brenda’s special,” Elizabeth replied. “Thanks for asking Cam to be the ring bearer,” she continued. “I’ve been teaching him to walk really straight and he’s going to look absolutely adorable in his tux.”

“He’s the only kid under age five that I even know,” Patrick shrugged. “It’s about the only thing I got to suggest for this. I think Brenda even decided my dad would be the best man.”

Elizabeth bit her lip. “Does that bother you? That Brenda and Robin are doing everything?”

“Oh, God, no.” Patrick stood and closed his locker. “I didn’t even want a big wedding. I was all set to suggest something small but Robin looked so excited and I think she wants one.”

“So you agreed to this entire thing because you want to make Robin happy.” Elizabeth sniffled. “That’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard.” She paused. “From you.”

“Yeah, yeah, well it’s not like most men are usually thrilled about big weddings, right? But Robin has a lot of family and friends and they all want to make sure she’s okay and that she’s happy and if helps with the death threats, I’m all for it.”

“Well, for what it’s worth, I think it’s very nice that you agreed to it, even if its only for Robin.” Elizabeth stood. “I was going to have a small wedding myself because Lucky and I couldn’t afford much more but Emily knew that I really had my heart set on something more so she and Nikolas threw a lavish wedding with all our family and friends. It was a wonderful experience and there’s really no better way to start a good marriage.”

This entry is part 14 of 27 in the Sanctuary

Can you hear it in my voice
Was it something I let slip
Does the whole world know
Isn’t it obvious

July 1, 2006

Kelly’s: Courtyard

Robin shifted and sipped on her iced tea waiting for Patrick to meet her for lunch–it would be the first face to face meeting since getting engaged. She wanted to make sure that he was okay with the wedding plans she and Brenda were making–for all she knew, he’d prefer a small ceremony and if that’s what he wanted, Robin didn’t think it’d be right to force something much larger down his throat.

She nervously lined her silverware up next to her empty plate, making sure the fork and knife were perfectly straight and parallel to one another. When she heard someone sit across from her, she looked up and frowned. “Carly.”

Carly sighed. “Look, I’m not here to fight, I’m not here to argue, I’m here to apologize so just let me get this out so that I can pretend it never happened.”

Stunned, Robin sat back. “Apologize?”

“I made some comments when I found out you were pregnant that I shouldn’t have,” Carly sighed. “Something about irresponsibility and being selfish.”

Robin snorted. “Real rich coming from you.”

Carly glared at her. “Just be quiet so I can say this and go, okay? I ranted and raved in front of Jax and he flew off the handle and informed me that women with your condition have an excellent chance of delivering safely and that I was a bigot for even saying differently. In short, we had an argument and the only way for me to make it up to him is to apologize. So, I’m sorry.”

Robin pursed her lips. “Are you actually sorry or are you just saying to make Jax happy?”

“You’re a pain,” Carly complained. “I’m actually sorry. I made a comment based on ignorance and I’m trying not to be that person anymore. In fact, I’m glad that you have a good chance. I love my boys and being a mother has changed me for the better, I like to think. And if you want to have a family, then I hope it works out for you.”

Robin bit her lip. “Thank you.”

“Oh, and I have also been instructed to make amends for bitching about your engagement to Patrick,” Carly muttered. “I based that on the fact that you may have put him at risk and…I’m sorry for that, too. I just…I like Patrick. I’m sorry we can’t be friends but I can understand why he’d want to put you first. You’re the mother of his child and his fiancée.” She hesitated. “It’s good that he’s making you a priority–that he’s making you a top priority because I’ve been in relationships where that doesn’t happen and it doesn’t end well. And I can understand why you wouldn’t want me to be friends with Patrick after what happened with Jason.”

Robin stared at her for a long moment before pinching herself. “I just wanted to make sure I was actually awake. Are…is this really happening?”

Carly rolled her eyes. “Yes. I told you, Jax won’t talk to me unless I make this right and as much as I hate to say it, he’s got a point. What happened between us was years ago and it mostly turned out for the best. Except for some choices later made by myself but I can’t really blame that on you. I mean, I can and I have but I just don’t like taking responsibility for myself.” She shifted. “Look, I know that you have a lot of friends and family in town that have probably threatened the pants off Patrick but I doubt anyone’s done the same for him. Don’t hurt him, Robin.”

“Why…why would you think that I would?” Robin asked hesitantly.

“Because you’re getting married for the same reasons that Sonny and I were going to six years ago,” Carly said after a moment. “Or for the same reasons that we said we were getting married. We were both crazy about each other but we both had too much pride to admit it. We’d both been burned and we drove each other insane while we fought how we actually felt. So we said it was for the baby and that was the end of it. I know that I hurt Sonny a lot during that period and he hurt me, too. I just…I wouldn’t want history to repeat itself because I lost my baby. And I wouldn’t want that to happen to Patrick. So…just be careful with him.”

“Carly, I don’t–” Robin licked her lips. “I don’t think you understand what’s going on here.”

“No, I do,” Carly tapped her fingers against the empty water glass. “I know you’re telling yourself that Patrick is marrying you because of the baby and I’m sure that’s what he’s said, and that you’ve told him that’s your reason for saying yes but Robin, a man like Patrick doesn’t do things out of obligation.”


“And you’re blind if you don’t see that.” She hesitated another moment. “Just…don’t hurt him. He deserves to have someone in his corner saying that.” Carly stood. “I’ve said my piece, I’ll go now.”

“Carly…” Robin sighed. “You’re right. What’s in the past should stay there. And that includes the whole debacle with Jason. If Patrick wants to be friends with you, I won’t protest. Just…” she smiled faintly. “Try really hard not to sleep with him.”

“Oh, it’ll be tough,” Carly joked. “But I think Jax might have a few things to say about that. Thanks, Robin. I’ll make my next apology to him then.”

“What apology would that be?” Patrick asked as he joined them. He scanned Robin’s face but she just looked more bewildered than upset so maybe Carly hadn’t said much yet. “I thought we talked about this Carly–”

“Carly was just apologizing to me,” Robin said quickly. “And she wished us luck.”

Patrick frowned and looked at Carly skeptically. “Why?”

“Because Jax is the eternal white knight,” Carly grumbled. “And he has impossibly high standards. Plus,” she sighed somewhat dramatically. “He has a point in this. What you do, what Robin does, it’s not my business and I’m just being a pain in the ass when I do what I think is helping so I’ve apologized to Robin about some comments I made and we had a nice little discussion about how our past should stay in the past.”

“We talked for five minutes and no bloodshed, I promise,” Robin swore.

“And I should apologize to you for that scene in the hospital,” Carly told him. “It’s none of my business what you do and why you do it. Brenda just…taps a special nerve and I go crazy. I’m working on that. If you and Robin are getting married, then that’s great. It’s good for a kid to have a stable family. God knows how I might have turned out different.” She hesitantly patted Patrick’s arm before leaving the courtyard.

“Is she for real?” Patrick asked, taking the seat that Carly had just vacated.

“I’m not sure. But I think maybe the violent and nasty chapter of my relationship with Carly has ended. Which is good, because she cares about Jax and Jax means a lot to me.” Robin hesitated. “If you want to be friends with Carly, that’s fine. She’s promised not to try and seduce you which takes care of my number one problem with her.”

“I’m glad you threw the word try in there,” Patrick remarked. “Because she wouldn’t succeeed.”

Robin smiled shyly. “Yeah, well, I’m starting to let myself trust you. And I want you to know that it wasn’t really what you’ve did in the first few months we knew each other, it was mostly my issues.”

“Yeah, I’m aware of that.” Their conversation was halted as Robin’s cousin Georgie came to take their orders. When she’d disappeared back inside, Patrick cleared his throat. “So…how are you feeling?”

“Better…since Brenda came to town. She’s staying with me right now and practically bullies me into sleeping and eating. I wasn’t doing a lot either before.” Robin bit her lip. “She’s part of the reason I called. Ah, she’s got this whole kick about a huge ceremony and I just…I wanted to see what you wanted to do.”

It was on the tip of his tongue to say that he’d rather go small and get it over with soon but Patrick stopped and watched her expression as she waited for his answer. Her fingers were tapping nervously against the edge of her empty plate and he could hear her foot tapping against the rung of her chair. And the hopeful expression that lingered just underneath the surface sealed the deal. “A big wedding is fine, Robin.”

Robin blinked in surprise. “I wouldn’t have pictured you–”

“Hey, wedding are for women anyway,” Patrick shrugged. “You just tell me what to wear, where to stand and when to do it, that’s fine. Men just go for the food.”

Robin laughed and sat back. “Are you sure, though? I don’t want you to do something you don’t want to…”

“Hey, this is your town, Robin. And judging from the amount of death threats I’ve received since we first started seeing each other, there are going to be people lined up and down the block to see you get married.”

“Yeah, that’s what Brenda said. And it’s true, there are so many people that I want to come just so that they can stop worrying…” Robin broke off and looked away. “And I’m sorry about my parents, and my family and anyone else who’s said anything to you. They still think I’m a little girl.”

“No…” Patrick cleared his throat. “It’s good to have people that love you so much and as for that thing with your dad last night, I’m sure the bruises will heal eventually.” He laughed as Robin gasped. “I’m just kidding. He stopped by my apartment, shook my hand assured me that if you cried even time that wasn’t due to hormones, and he’d kick my ass. He doesn’t want to make you a widow after all.”

“Oh my God, this is mortifying,” Robin groaned. “Well, if it helps, Carly just warned me not to hurt you so at least you’ve got one person in your corner.”

“Well, that’s nice of her. Unnecessary but nice.” Patrick looked up as Georgie brought their orders.

“So, do I get to be a bridesmaid?” Georgie asked, placing Robin’s chili in front of her. “Maxie said you probably weren’t going to have any but I wanted to check.”

“Well, if I remember Brenda’s diagram correctly, she’s the maid of honor,” Robin frowned in thought. “You, Maxie and Liz are the first choices for bridesmaids.”

“Aww…what about a flower girl and ring bearer?” Georgie asked. “You have to have them.”

“I’m not sure,” Robin said hesitantly. She looked to Patrick. “Maybe…?”

“Cameron’s probably old enough,” Patrick pointed out. “Whether he can make it down the aisle with some rings, that’s something we’d have to find out. And doesn’t Alexis Davis have a daughter?”

“How do you know Alexis?” Georgie asked curiously.

“She and Ric were my lawyers during the transplant thing,” Patrick explained.

“Oh.” That satisfied Georgie but Robin frowned. Before she could say anything, Georgie continued. “I’m sure Alexis would love to let Kristina be in the ceremony. After everything you did for her and Molly in the train crash…”

“Oh, it was nothing,” Robin brushed if off.

“Nothing?” Georgie repeated. “Performing a C-section and saving two lives in a collapsed tunnel is not nothing, Robin.”

“A C-section?” Patrick repeated.

“I have to go,” Georgie said. “Enjoy your meal.” She disappeared back inside.

“You performed a C-section in the Glencoe tunnel,” Patrick stated, somewhat stunned. “What…”

“Alexis was pregnant with her daughter Molly and went into labor after the crash.” Robin shrugged. “It was touch and go and we couldn’t turn the baby, so Jason gave me his knife and we used a bottle of whiskey to help Alexis cope with the pain. She nearly died, but it all worked out. Patrick, about the transplant–”

“I can’t believe you never told me that,” Patrick interrupted. “How could I not know that?”

“It’s not a big deal,” Robin said.

“Robin, if it were me, you had better believe for like the next five years, I would have been introducing myself as Patrick ‘I performed a C-section with a knife, some string and no casualties’ Drake.”

Robin laughed. “Oh come on, Patrick. You don’t introduce yourself as Patrick ‘I performed complicated neurosurgery with a pen light and the patient survived’ Drake.”

“You were just never on the receiving end of that particular come on,” Patrick teased.

“Oh, I’m so disappointed,” Robin said dryly. She hesitated. “Patrick, why did you need a lawyer during the transplant mess?”

Patrick froze and stared at her. “What?”

“You told Georgie that Ric and Alexis were your lawyers during the transplant stuff. We didn’t need lawyers–Noah dropped the lawsuit and that was the end of it,” Robin said slowly. “So when did you retain them and why?”

“Oh.” Patrick coughed. “It was before my dad dropped the lawsuit. I just…I wanted legal advice about you know, the situation. I mean, Sneed came after you and the only reason they didn’t come after me was because I was recovering. After I got out of the hospital, that would have changed and I just…I thought we should have lawyers.”

“Uh huh,” Robin said, clearly unconvinced. “So you technically didn’t retain them.”

“No, but that’s how I know them.” Patrick pointed his fork at her chili. “You should eat.”

“Why didn’t you mention it to me?” Robin pressed. “What if I had another lawyer?”

“Because I didn’t get a chance to. Dad dropped the case and there didn’t seem to be a point.”

“Okay,” Robin allowed, deciding to let it go. It didn’t really seem important anyway. “But Kristina is a good idea for a flower girl.” She bit her lip. “Are you sure you don’t mind letting Brenda run wild? Because she can get kind of uncontrollable.”

“Robin,” Patrick began. “If having a big wedding with all your family and friends will make you happy, that’s what I want.” He reached across the table and took her hand in his, rubbing his thumb across her engagement ring. “However, you will be making it up to me on our wedding night,” he continued, lowering his voice an octave.

Robin flushed, jerked her hand out of his grasp and jammed a spoonful of chili in her mouth.