Flash Fiction Update – Schedule Changes & Other News

Your Update – A King’s Command, Part 6

Hope everyone had a good week! I’m so excited everyone who finished Book 3 enjoyed it. I found a strange typo in Chapter Sixty-Nine near the end of the chapter where half of the line was deleted. It’s fixed now 🙂

Letting you guys know that starting next week, there’s a slight adjustment to the Flash Fiction schedule. I’m found myself scrambling to get things done on Wednesday. It’s kind of a mid-week craziness, I think, LOL. So I’m moving Shot in the Dark to Sundays, starting — NEXT week. So this week’s entry is done. And you’ll get your next one on October 19. I’ll update four days straight – Friday-Monday, then have three days off in the middle of the week to get things done, relax, etc. I think this will be a lot better.

I did some sidebar work — I added an Instagram feed for the CG instagram account which is basically just a Sasha fan account, LOL. She always manages to sit right in front of my computer when I need to work or write. I also added a link to follow me on Spotify and embedded FMT’s soundtrack.

I’m working on my Site & Status post and video which is going to be for October & November. That should be up Sunday. And finally – I updated the Production Schedule. I rewrote the page, splitting it into two sections. The first is just a simple list of dates and releases. The second is a more streamlined writing schedule.


  • You just always amaze me with all that you get done. I’m excited. I haven’t had a chance to read Mad World so I can’t wait until I actually can read it.

    According to arcoiris0502 on October 10, 2020