Chapter Eight

This entry is part 9 of 13 in the Fiction Graveyard: True To Your Heart

If you could give me one good reason
Why I should believe you
Believe in all the things that you tell
I would sure like to believe you

— Toni Braxton, You Mean The World To Me


Lesley Lu Spencer did not surprise easily. After the life she’d led, it was nearly impossible to stun her.

Until her cousin sat across from her at Kelly’s and told her that his mother had had no idea who his father was when she’d gotten pregnant.


“You don’t have to keep saying that,” Michael said.

Lu blinked. “Sorry. So, do you know what you’re going to do?”

Michael shrugged. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. Am I supposed to disown my parents, confront my birth father, what?”

Lu shrugged. “It’s really up to you.” She glanced around. “Hey, daughter of the owner here–do I get served or what?” she called to no one in particular. She turned back to her cousin. “Do you know what you want to do?”

“I want to smack my father,” Michael muttered. “Sonny, that is.” He frowned. “How am I supposed to walk up to AJ Quartermaine and say, remember me? I’m the son my mother kept from you and the one you signed away to avoid jail.”

“Wait, wait. What’s the last part?” Lu asked, leaning forward.

Michael smirked. “My mom told me the rest of it this morning. How AJ set the warehouse on fire and in order to stay out of jail, he signed away all rights to me. Lovely, huh? With parents like these, it’s amazing I’m not a serial killer.”

“Mikey, listen,” Lu began. Before she could continue, her cell rang. “‘Ello? Hey, Jase. How’s Liz? Oh…oh…uh huh…yeah…sure. I’ll be right there.” She clicked it off and shoved it into her purse. “Let’s take this conversation to the Morgan abode, shall we?”

Michael frowned even as he stood and followed Lu to the door. “What’s wrong?”

Lu pushed the door open and headed into the courtyard. “Liz is still sleeping and Jase had planned on staying home with her today, but someone from the warehouse called.” She turned around and eyed Michael. “Sonny never showed this morning and Jason feels like he’s got to at least check in. But he didn’t want to take the kids, so he wants me to stay with them.”

“Sonny probably had a breakdown,” Michael said.

“Do you feel bad?” Lu asked.

“No,” Michael replied. “Not really. He’s the one that lied to me and kicked Mom out. I really don’t see how it’s my fault.”

Lu shrugged. “Just checking.”


Jason sat on the edge of their bed on Elizabeth’s side. She wasn’t asleep, but she was doing her best to pretend otherwise. As soon as he sank onto the mattress, she rolled away from him. He put a hand on her hip and rolled her back.

“I know you’re awake,” he said softly. “Come on, Elizabeth.”

Her eyelids fluttered a little before opening up. They weren’t sleepy or unfocused but very alert and clear–she’d been pretending for a while. “Hey,” she said softly.

“I have to go to the warehouse for a few hours,” Jason said apologetically. “I called Lu to look after Dee and Davie–unless you’re feeling up to it.”

“I thought you were off,” Elizabeth replied, stretching a little.

“I was,” Jason replied. “But Sonny never showed for work.” His eyes strayed to her abdomen which was almost as flat as it had been before the pregnancy. Her gaze followed his and she sighed.

“It takes a little getting used to,” she admitted. He looked up to meet her eyes. “I can see my feet again.” She bit her lip and turned her face away. “I wish I didn’t.”

His large hand splayed across her tummy, covering it. “I know, honey.”

Her hands came up and covered his hand. “I can see your face when you felt Dee kick for the first time.” A small smile crossed her face. “And how you looked the first time you held her.”

“I love you,” he said softly. “I hope you know that.”

“I know,” Elizabeth replied. “I know I haven’t been all that easy to deal with these last few days.” She frowned and looked up at him. “Why didn’t Sonny go to work?”

He sighed, not wanting to dump Sonny’s problems on her shoulders. “Elizabeth–”

She pulled herself into a sitting position and leaned towards him. “Did something happen with Carly?” she asked, searching his eyes.

Jason frowned. “How…how did you know?”

“Carly came to see me while I was in the hospital,” Elizabeth explained. “She…was struggling with something and she wanted to tell someone–even if was me–but she couldn’t. What happened, Jason? Is she okay? Is Sonny okay?”

“Carly moved out,” Jason told her. “Sonny found out she’d kept another secret.”

“What secret?” Elizabeth asked softly.

“Christina Ashton is Sonny’s daughter,” Jason replied. “And Carly knew.”

“She didn’t move out did she?” Elizabeth asked. “Sonny kicked her out, didn’t he?”

“Yeah,” Jason admitted. “And Michael overheard the fight and found out that AJ is his father.”

“He didn’t…he didn’t know?” Elizabeth asked, her eyes wide. “I always assumed that he did.”

Jason shook his head. “No. And he walked out after that. Sonny was upset last night, which is why he didn’t go to work.” And now Jason was reluctant to leave–was worried Elizabeth would withdraw again and they’d lose this tenuous connection. “Hey…why don’t you get dressed?” he suggested. “I’ll check in at the warehouse and maybe we can go for a ride?”

She shook her head. “I’m so tired. I just wanna go back to sleep.”

Disappointed but trying not to show it, he nodded. “You sure?”

Instead of answering him, she leaned forward and kissed him. He returned the pressure but did nothing to deepen it. She pulled away after a few moments and smiled. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

“I’m going to be okay,” she assured him. She leaned her forehead against his. “I just…I want to sleep for a while.”

He pulled away to kiss her forehead. “All right.” He heard the downstairs door open. “It sounds like Lu is here. Get some sleep. I’ll bring home dinner.”

“No pizza,” Elizabeth admonished. “Get something from Kelly’s if you have to.”

“All right,” Jason agreed. He kissed her again quickly and stood up. “I’ll see you later tonight.”


Michael was with Lu when Jason came down the steps. David was sitting on Lu’s lap while Delilah was sitting in between Lu and Michael, chattering incessantly to the older boy.

“Hey,” Jason said.

“Hey,” Lu greeted. “How’s Liz?”

“She’s good,” Jason said. “Much better.” He stood at the bottom of the stairs. “I’ll only be gone a few hours–just to make sure everything’s under control.” He reached into his wallet.

“Don’t you dare try to pay me, Morgan,” Lu warned. She stood up and shifted Davie to her hip. “You know I love you like part of the family and Liz is like a sister to me–I’m more than happy to donate my time.”

“Still,” Jason pressed. “I wish you’d let me give you something.”

“Let’s make a deal,” Lu said. “If you name–” she stopped and bit her lip before beginning again. “If you stop trying to pay me, I’ll stop letting Dee watch MTV.”

Jason’s eyes went immediately to his daughter who was glaring her baby-sitter.

“Lu!” Dee cried.

“All right,” Jason agreed. “I’d better get going.”

After Jason had kissed the kids goodbye and was gone, Lu turned to Michael with a stricken expression. “I am such an idiot.”

He frowned and switched the television to Disney so Dee and Davie’s attention would be take care of. He then turned back to his cousin. “What are you talking about?”

“I almost told him that if they named their next kid after me, I’d let him pay me.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe myself.”

“Lu, don’t beat yourself up over this.” Michael shrugged. “I bet Jason didn’t even notice.”

Lu looked up towards the ceiling. “You think she’s really doing better?”

“If Jason says so, then she is,” Michael said.

“Yeah…you’re right.” Lu turned to face him and tucked her leg up underneath her body. “So. Do you know what you’re going to do yet?”

Michael frowned. “Not a damn clue.”

Dee twisted and gave him a dark look–well as dark as a four-year-old could handle. “You’re not supposed t’curse!”

“Sorry,” Michael apologized. He turned back to Lu. “I think I want to talk to AJ. I think.” He drove his fingers through his hair. “But that makes me feel like I’m betraying Sonny and it shouldn’t–because AJ is my natural father.”

“Sonny raised you,” Lu reminded him. “Of course you feel loyal to him.”

“But he’s not my father and he knew it.” Michael shook his head. “He adopted me and I heard him throw it in my mother’s face. And it makes me wonder…was that the first time he’s done it…or has he always brought it up when she does something he doesn’t approve of?”

“Sonny’s…he’s a difficult man to live with,” Lu tried to explain. “I know how he feels about honesty and all that–and no offense, but your mother lies like some people breathe.”

“Yeah,” Michael admitted. “She does. But it’s a defense mechanism. And Sonny knows it.”

“You’ve stopped calling him Dad,” Lu noticed. “Why?”

Michael looked away. “Because I want to remember that he’s not my father and that no matter how much he might love me or how much I love him, he threw that fact in Mom’s face. He didn’t hesitate and I can’t…I can’t handle that. After ten years of marriage, he threw her out for a lie when I know for a fact he’s lied to her countless times.” He chuckled. “I’m actually glad he’s not my father. Isn’t that horrible?”

“Aww….Mikey,” Lu sighed. “I can’t say I blame you. I mean, from what you’ve told me about the fight…it was cold. Your mom…Sonny should know how Carly is by now and she shouldn’t have change who she is to make him happy.”

“They’ve had their problems in the past,” Michael said, carefully. “I don’t remember a lot of it, but I know they were divorced for like a year. But they’ve always come back to each other.” He looked at his cousin. “I don’t know if that’s possible this time.”


“I’m fine. Really.”

Jason peered at his best friend and finally nodded. “All right. But if you need anything–”

Carly waved him away. “You have enough to worry about without getting involved in another one of my messes.”

“Carly, you’re my best friend–”

“And Elizabeth is your wife. She’s going through a difficult time, not to mention with Sonny out of commission, you have both businesses to run. The last thing you need is to worry about me.”

“That’s an awfully mature stance to take,” Jason decided.

Carly shrugged. “When you live in a hotel, and your oldest child has just learned what slut you were once, it’s a lot easier to be mature.”

“Michael’s at the house with Lu watching Dee and Davie,” Jason said. “He seems okay.”

“I think it’s your influence,” Carly said. “Because he’s taking this entirely too well.”

“Carly, I think you give me too much credit where Michael is due,” Jason protested. “I only had him for a year.”

“You’re absolutely the only constant he’s ever had,” Carly argued. “You were his entire world for a year and I know Michael adores you. He doesn’t look up to Sonny, he looks up to you.”

“He shouldn’t.”

Carly rolled her eyes. “God. How does Elizabeth put up with this? Doesn’t she tell you what a great guy you are?”

“She does,” Jason said. “I just don’t listen.”

“You’re absolutely infuriating,” Carly said. She sighed. “Actually, the reason I’m here is to ask you if you’ve seen Sonny.”

“I saw him last night,” Jason told her. “Lu came over and told me what happened.”

“Is he okay?” Carly asked. “Because I know Michael found out right after I left.”

“You mean after he kicked you out,” Jason corrected.

Carly frowned. “Don’t tell me you’re taking my side.”

“I’m not taking sides,” Jason insisted. “I don’t agree with what you did and I don’t agree with what he did. And he seemd pretty out of it last night. I asked Johnny to look in on him, but I don’t know if I can handle taking care of Sonny the rest of my life.”

“And you shouldn’t have to,” Carly said. “I don’t know what I’m going to do. Everything in me tells me that I shouldn’t go back to him–that I deserve so much better. But I love him. We’ve been good these ten years. That has to count.”

“Everyone has their limits,” Jason replied. “Even you, Carly.”

“So, I wouldn’t be like a horrible shrew if I decided this was the last straw?” Carly asked.

“If you want a divorce,” Jason said, “I’ll support you. You know that.”

“No. I didn’t know that, but thank you,” Carly replied. “How is Elizabeth? Is she better?”

“Yeah. She’s doing a lot better. All she wants to do is sleep, but she was awake before I left and we talked about you and Sonny. She was worried about you.”

“Me?” Carly was surprised. “Why?”

“Because of the visit you paid her in the hospital,” Jason told her. “You should stop by and see her.”

“Would she want to see me?” Carly asked. “You know, we’ve gotten along better these last few years, but that’s because I finally decided she was good enough for you.”

“Which wasn’t your decision to begin with.”

Carly shrugged. “Details. Anyway, she makes you happy and that’s what matters. But we’re never going to be best friends.”

“I know,” Jason saod. “But I know you’re concerned about one another, so you should satisfy your curiosity.”

“How much longer are you going to be here?” Carly asked, looking around the warehouse office.

“Another hour or so,” Jason replied. “Why?”

“You’re going to pick up the slack, aren’t you?” Carly said. “Because Sonny’s not coming in and he probably won’t be, you’re going to leave Elizabeth with Lu and the kids, and come in when you’re supposed to be at home with Elizabeth.”

Jason shrugged. “Someone has to do it.”

Carly leaned forward. “Let me do it.”


“I can handle it. I ran Deception.”

“With Laura.”

Carly frowned. “I ran the place like a well oiled machine. Laura’s the one who wanted to Elizabeth to be the Face of Deception when everyone and their mother could tell the girl was rotten at modeling.” She smirked. “Come to think of it, knowing what I know now, she probably tried to tank a lot of those test shoots.”

“She didn’t want to be a model,” Jason murmured. “She was only trying to please Lucky.”

“Well, I know that,” Carly replied, exasperated. “But she knew she had no business being a model.” She waved that away. “That’s not the point. I can look after things here–at least until Elizabeth is feeling better.”

“I don’t know,” Jason hedged.

“It’ll give me something to concentrate on,” Carly said.

“I hate shoving this off onto you,” Jason said–but the temptation to take her up on the offer was incredibly strong. He would rather be at home with Elizabeth.

“Besides, like I said, you already have enough to worry about between Elizabeth and the territory and we both don’t want me trying to help there.”

“That’s for sure,” Jason agreed. “Speaking of which, I do have a meeting tonight. I forgot to tell Lu about it earlier.”

“Have you ever thought about going legit?” Carly questioned curiously. “I know Sonny has ruled it out. But what about you?”

“Sometimes,” Jason admitted. “Especially now…with Elizabeth and the kids. I was out of town when she found out she was pregnant all three times. I missed so much of this pregnancy because of Tagliatti and then there was the honeymoon thing.”

Carly frowned. “What honeymoon thing?” she asked, leaning forward. “You and Elizabeth spent a month in Italy, I thought.”

“Elizabeth spent a month in Italy,” Jason corrected. “I spent the first and last week there. The other two weeks, I was here in Port Charles, trailing someone.”

“You’re telling me Sonny called you away when you were supposed to be on your honeymoon?” Carly questioned. “Is he nuts?”

“Elizabeth was pretty pissed at him,” Jason said. “I think that’s when she argued with him for the vacation time.”

“Oh…the one where you get a weekend off every month and three weeks in the summer, right?” Carly said, smiling as she thought of that particular argument six years ago. “Truly inspiring of her.”

“I was mad at her when she did it,” Jason confessed.

“Because she was interfering in business, I remember. See, when it comes to venting about the job, I’m the one she comes to,” Carly explained. “We’re the only two people who understand, y’know?”

“Yeah, I know.” Jason leaned back in his chair. “But I know I’m in this for life and for some reason, Elizabeth chooses to be okay with that.”

“If she asked, would you give it up?” Carly asked, curiously.

“In a heartbeat,” Jason told her. “But she’d never ask.”

“Must be nice to have that assurance,” Carly said. “See, she understands that this is part of who you are. It’s not all of it, but it’s part of it, y’know? Asking you to give it up would be asking her to stop…I don’t know…breathing. That’s how I feel when Sonny demands complete and utter honesty.”

“It’s not the same thing,” Jason argued.

“Yes it is,” Carly insisted. “I lie like people breathe. It’s a defense that Sonny used to understand. And I’m sick of having to always be the honest one in this relationship while he can lie any time he pleases. Do you know that this Alexis paternity thing was the last lie I ever told Sonny? That this was my last secret?” She shook her head. “Not once in ten years have I lied or kept a secret. Does that matter to him? Nope.”

“I’m sorry,” Jason said.

“I am, too,” Carly replied. “Anyway, you go home to your wife. Let me look after things here.”

“You know what?” Jason said. “This can hold until tomorrow. Come with me to Kelly’s. We’ll grab dinner and swing by the Spencers and grab the twins. We’ll eat dinner at my house.”

Carly stood. “I do need to decide what to do,” she said. “It’s nice of Luke and Laura to keep Mandy and Drew until I figure it out, but it’s not fair to keep it open-ended like this.”

“You know, we’ve got the extra guest room,” Jason reminded her. “And there’s the sofa bed downstairs that Michael could use. You and the kids could stay with us. I can put Dee and Davie in the same room. You take the guest room, and the twins can stay in the extra room.”

Carly patted his arm. “Thanks, Jase, but I can’t depend on other people anymore. I think I need to stand on my own two feet again. Be independent. And then I can decide if my marriage is worth saving.”

“It’s always worth saving,” Jason told her as he steered her towards the door of his office. “It’s more of deciding whether you want to or not.”


Alexis was reading quietly to Christina when Ned threw the door open. “We have a match!”

Alexis stood and stared him, her jaw open wide. “Are you serious?” she demanded.

“Amanda’s a match,” Ned said. He looked to Christina. “You’re going to be okay, baby.”

Christina frowned. “Why did Mandy get tested?”

Some of Ned’s euphoria evaporated and he remembered that Christina didn’t know the truth.

Had the time finally come?


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