Welcome to Crimson Glass

This is a General Hospital fanfiction archive that concentrates on the pairing of Jason Morgan and Elizabeth Webber. You will also find a lot of stories that feature Sonny and Carly Corinthos, Patrick Drake and Robin Scorpio, and Nikolas Cassadine and Emily Quartermaine. The stories are written completely by me, Melissa (LissieLove) and features novels, short stories, and other GH-related material. It has been online since September 19, 2002.

If you don't like Jason and Elizabeth as a pairing or you have any fondness for the character of Franco, then you should probably click the back button and continue on your way. Happy travels. I hate Franco. He is a lying, violent, sociopathic piece of shit, and I hope this character gets yeeted into the sun. Thank you.

Update Blog

February 11, 2025

Update Link: Dear Reader – Part 11

Trying something a little different — coming home and doing Flash as early as possible instead of the last thing I do at night, lol. Flash is moving for one week to Monday next week because I’ll be releasing These Small Hours, Book 2 on Tuesday and I don’t want anything to conflict.

See you then!

February 10, 2025

Update Link: These Small Hours, Chapter 34

Happy Monday! I’m writing this on a happy morning for my region. My superintendent is a huge sports fan, so we got a delayed opening for the day after the Super Bowl. We were getting that win or lose, but we won so yay!

This is your last preview chapter before the story drops next Tuesday. Can’t wait for you guys to read it!

Couple of updates here at Crimson Glass!

  • Flash Fiction is scheduled for tomorrow — another update of Dear Reader.
  • I’m launching a new Patreon feature: Flash First Draft. I’ve got a few ideas that have been sitting on the back burner for nearly a decade without time to plug them in. So I’m going to be writing the first draft as a flash fiction on Thursdays for my Obsessed tier. Then, when the draft is all done, I’ll put it through edits and have another novel for you guys. I’m not and will never lock my work behind a paywall — Patreon gets the work in progress and early drafts, but all final products will always be published here for free. First up is Malice, a long-planned sequel to my 2016-18 novel, Bittersweet, in which I rewrote 2002 and the Jason return/Alcazar story.

See you tomorrow!

February 4, 2025

Update Link: Dear Reader – Part 10

Hello 🙂 Hope you guys are as relieved as I am to be back on schedule. January was, uh, a slog, but it’s behind us now. I’m happy to get back into writing flash and hope my elbow is up to it. I had a cortisol injection and that gave me some relief, but not a lot so I have to get into physical therapy. So right now, I’m really only doing one Flash update a week until I can be somewhat consistent free of pain.

See you next Monday for your next bonus chapter!

February 3, 2025

Update Link: These Small Hours – Chapter 33 | Book 1 | Crimson Swift

Hello! We’re kicking February with a return to posting! I took off most of January (which was not the plan) but I’m determined to get back to normal here and not doom scroll my life away on social media.

I’ll be dropping preview chapters of These Small Hours, Book 2 this Monday and next before publishing the entire book on Tuesday, February 18. The book ended up being 27 chapters, and around 110k words. I’m really happy with the final product, and I hope it was worth the delay!  I’m already scheduling the chapters, and have pretty much turned the page on this project.

The site needs to be set up for Book 2 — I’ll be working on that this weekend. I had to reset my whole computer last week and not all my programs are reinstalled. The problem isn’t fixed either, so I might even have to do it again, ugh.


Flash Fiction returns tomorrow! We’re on Tuesday this week and next, but then probably moving to Mon or Wednesday the week of book release just so Hours gets its own day. I’m hoping to kick back up to two updates a week in March, but we’ll see.

I’m already hard at work on “The Black Dog” collection for the first Tortured Poets installment. It’s long overdue, but I’m excited to take a break between Books 2 & 3. I’ll let you know when I think that will be out.

See you tomorrow!

January 28, 2025


These Small Hours, Book 2 is FINALLY done. The posting draft has been completed, and I’ll be starting my final stage: proofreading and scheduling chapters. This is extremely good news, lol. So let’s talk about when the book goes live, and what’s next.

January – Early Access on Patreon

  • 28 – Stalker Tier
  • 29 – Obsessed Tier
  • 30 – Devoted Tier


  • 4 – Flash Fiction Returns & Preview Chapter 33 posted.
  • 11 – Preview Chapter 34 posted
  • 17 – Early Access for Fan Tier
  • 18 – Book goes live — Chapters 35-59 posted.

I’ll be taking a break between Book 2 and 3. I’ve been working on this project for a full year and need to refresh my brain. Flash Fiction returns Feb 4 on Tuesdays, and I’ll be writing “The Black Dog” story collection.

This week, I’m going to rest, recharge, get caught up on some household tasks, and prep for work.

See you next Tuesday!

January 18, 2025

Uh, hello 😛

Sorry about disappearing this week. Couple of things happened at once (as it always seems to do), and I just couldn’t do Flash Fiction.

I’ve been fending off tendonitis in both my elbows (thanks to having a second career as a writer and content creation as a teacher), but my right elbow just got really aggravated over the last few months and it just got too painful to spend a lot of time typing. Especially flash fiction which is sustained typing for an hour with no breaks. I took  a little time off from writing and content creation for work and well, my elbow feels better.

I have a doctor’s appointment for this on Monday, and hopefully we’ll get some treatment options that let me come back semi full-time to my previous activities. I’m going to take another week off from Flash Fiction because it really does seem to help, and any writing time should be editing.

Speaking of editing, obviously, this elbow issue has delayed These Small Hours by a few extra weeks. I’m nearly halfway through my final round of edits, and will hopefully be picking that back up this weekend with my day off on Monday.  As soon as I can put out a publication date, I will.

I also had a small cold that just took out the extra energy. Nothing bad enough to lay me out flat, just a lingering one that made it difficult to do anything after work but stare at walls.

We’ll hopefully be back to our normal situation in February. Until then, read some of the backlist and have a great week!

January 7, 2025

Update Link: Dear Reader – Part 9

soooo heeeeyyyyyyyyy

Sorry for totally disappearing on you for the last *checks notes* week. I’d like to tell you I was hunkering down and finishing the edit on Book 2, but it would be a lie. (I did edit and we’re making good progress but it’s not where I want to be just yet). I just, uh, didn’t want to write? Is that allowed? I don’t know, lol. I was just feeling blergh on inspiration and wanting to do anything, even prep for school. Probably just a little bit of burn out. I felt better by Monday and did an insane amount of school prep thanks to the snow day and our two-hour delay this morning.

I also got some encouraging health news. I had my annual bloodwork done, and it turns out I’ve got a Vitamin D deficiency which could (and hopefully does!) account for a few lingering issues — some extra muscle aches, some mental fog, extra fatigue — I started supplements last week and I hope to feel better soon.

I’m not committing to a second update this week just because I really do want to focus on editing Book 2 and getting that out this month.


December 31, 2024

Update Link: Dear Reader – Part 8

I’m feeling a little sad, lol, because tomorrow I’m doing a 2024 Retrospective & 2025 Preview video for the channel (well, it’s in my schedule — will it get done? who knows!) and after that, the Recent Updates page gets archived. I relaunched it this year with a better organization, and it’s just honestly crazy to me how much I wrote this year.

I published Book 2 of Fool Me Twice and Book 1 of These Small Hours. I wrote the skeleton of the Hours trilogy which is going to let me publish two more novels within the first six months of next year. I also wrote three full-length Flash Fictions: Hits Different, Chain Reaction, and Warning Shots (each of which was more than 80K), an entire short story collection (Folklore), two novellas, and an episode tag.

In the first nine months.

I honestly find that kind of stunning. It’s hands down the best year since 2020, and it’s probably even better than that because of how much of the Flash I wrote and how regular I was with posting.

Anyway, none of that is possible without you guys reading. The supporters at Patreon who keep the light on and keep me funded so that I don’t need a second job in the summer and can write more or less full-time.

Thank you, and I’m looking forward to another great year!

December 27, 2024

Update Link: Dear Reader – Part 7

Updating a bit early tonight because I wanna log off the computer for a change and take a break from social media. We finally got a preview from the GH writing team, and well — I’m not particularly thrilled. I’ve enjoyed GH more in the last eight months than in the last decade, and even more so since August but it looks like they’re going with Lucky and Elizabeth as a couple, and I’m just soooo completely over that pairing. The preview dropped and it’s all over my feed, so I wanna take a break, lol. I’m used to not having Liason — that’s why I write fanfiction — but I was realllly looking forward to enjoying Elizabeth’s stories with the OLTL pets gone. Still holding on to hope that they’ll change their minds but well, who knows.

Anyway — it’s been an annoying day for lots of reasons, and that didn’t help so writing early and then going to do something else tonight. See you on Monday!

December 26, 2024

Update Link: Dear Reader – Part 6

Hello!  Glad you’re enjoying our usual holiday marathon! I’m leaning towards updating everyday next week as well, but it really is going to depend on how the next few days go. I’m almost done my draft notes for the final draft of These Small Hours, Book 2 — I just have to organize the changes for back half of Act 2 and 3, but the front half is where most of the changes were coming. I’m adding one chapter towards the beginning, then cleaning up a bunch of the next few chapters, adding a few scenes to expand a storyline, but for the most part, the back half of the book will just need clean up.

Very much hoping to go into the proof copy by Jan 1 and hoping to have the book to you by that Jan 17 date at the last. Let’s kick off 2025 strong! It’ll be hard to top the output in 2024, but I’m willing to try.

See you tomorrow around the same time!