Weekly Roundup/No Flash Fiction

Hey! I’m not doing Flash Fiction this week. This was a last minute decision based on how my Friday and Saturday went. I have a huge school event this week coming up and I spent most of my Saturday working on it. It derailed my entire schedule, and I have to play catch up today.  It’s more important to hit my Mad World editing goal than Flash Fiction, to be quite honest and I have two more chapters left for this week.

News & In Case You Missed It

  • I started editing Mad World and I’ve completed 4 chapters, including a brand new Chapter 79.
  • You can keep up with my progress by using the widget in the sidebar or my Pacemaker link.
  • Mad World is tentatively set for release on April 4 with a posting schedule of one chapter a day Monday – Friday.
  • Karma was completed at Liason Haven on January 8. I will be publishing it on all platforms on March 1.

Patreon Posts

  • Crimson Discovery #4 and Counting Stars – Alpha Draft post was added for Crimson Obsessed ($10) and Crimson Stalker ($15) tiers. The Alpha Draft post just includes the old Chapters 1-4 and Discovery material. Counting Stars is my April NaNoWriMo project.
  • Mad World  – Beta Draft – Chapters 76-79 posted for Crimson Stalker ($15)
  • Crimson Check #8 for all tiers.
  • Check and Discovery are weekly blogs.  Check does a surface level walk through of everything I worked on that week and Discovery is a deep dive into all the projects with spoilers and brainstorming.
  • For a full explanation, check out the 2022 Tiers & Perks.


  • No worries! You have so many stories here that we all can read. I hope your huge event at school goes well. Take care.

    According to arcoiris0502 on January 23, 2022
  • Take your time.

    According to Shelly Wendy Samuel on January 23, 2022