Updates Not Returning, But–?

So with yesterday’s posting of All We Are, Chapter Eight, I am officially out of story chapters to post. I’ve been relatively good since I came back in November of not letting too much time pass between chapters but in late December, I caught a nasty cold and sinus infection I honestly don’t think I’ve kicked in the last few months. I spent last week sick as a dog AGAIN. It’s so frustrating. I’ve been so sick that I can’t work, my room looks like a pit and my brain feels fried.

Pretty sure I can trace my writing troubles back to that point in January, so now that my health insurance is kicking in on Wednesday, I can go to a doctor finally and hopefully begin to clear things. It’s so frustrating to me to want to write and feel unable to do so.

You guys are wonderfully patient, so I wanted you guys to know what was up and hopefully look forward to an end of my brain drain 🙂



  • Sorry to hear about your illness. I have been in the same boat. I caught the Type A flu and it’s been over 4 weeks ago, but I still don’t have my energy back. Plus now the tree pollen has kicked in. Dang those Bradford Pears. They are beautiful but they kill my allergies. Dr. told me that it could take up to 8 weeks to feel free of the flu symptoms. I have 4 to go. I started on seasonal allergy meds as soon as I saw the trees blooming, but that stuff makes me sleepy.

    I know you and I both will get back in the swing of things soon.

    Thanks for letting us know what’s going on!

    According to Karen Jones on March 28, 2015
  • Hope you get well soon!! My family and I (3 kids and the hubby) were all down last week with a nasty cold and/or flu bug. I was in bed for 3 days, and never have been that sick. So I will definitely be crossing my fingers that you kick the nasty bug you have quickly, not just for you, but for us readers! 😉 So glad that I found this site, love all the stories here,

    According to Jenn on March 28, 2015
  • I hope you feel better, it’s horrible you have felt bad so long. Selfishly I also hope that when you feel better your muse comes back. Take care of yourself first though

    According to Jen on March 28, 2015
  • You have graced us with the awesome gift of your stories. How could we not wait until you are in better health to write?! I would rather see you feeling better than to be reading stories that drained you of your passion. Thanks for keeping us, your friends(?), in the loop.

    According to Carla on March 29, 2015
  • Hi Melissa!
    Hope you feel better soon!! I adore your stories and writing and will patiently wait for you to return healthy and rejuvenated.

    According to Maureen on March 29, 2015
  • Hey Melissa,

    I hope you feel better soon!

    According to Oldwoman53 on March 29, 2015
  • Hope you get well soon!!! Thanks for all of your work although you were not well

    According to Debbie on March 30, 2015
  • I hope you feel better soon, Melissa.

    Don’t worry about us; we’ll be here waiting when you’re ready to write again.

    According to Jane on April 9, 2015