This Is Not A Drill. An Actual Update!

So yes, The Best Thing has finally been updated after nearly four months. Unless there’s there’s some sort car accident in which I am immobilized, we are going to finish this story sometime in February. I have three chapters beta’d and ready to go and my plan is finish things this weekend. I know, I know, I’ve said it before but this time I’ve figured out why I’ve been stuck.

It’s my own fault, too. This story has been difficult to write all along because I’ve constantly challenged myself to write from Jason’s POV at least as often as I write Elizabeth–if not more–and to really explore Sonny’s illness. And that’s hard because it forces to get inside the head of a paranoid egomaniac suffering from bipolar disorder. It’s hard and it takes longer, but every time I stop challenging myself to write this story the way it should be, it suffers. I’ve stopped fighting it. I’m over my bronchitis, and other than grocery shopping tomorrow and seeing Star Wars, I have completely cleared my schedule for two and a half days.

As always, thanks to Cora, who with her invaluable feedback, helped me to stop pretending the end of this story could be written any other way.

I’m updating The Best Thing tonight. If I finish the last three chapters and get them to Cora on schedule, I’ll do another update on Wednesday, and then next Wednesday as usual. Thanks for your patience, guys, it’s about to pay off.

I’ll be posting The Best Thing in January, Bittersweet in February, and then Damaged, Season 3 in March. See you guys next week 😀


  • Loved Chapter 30. Hoping all is well with you now and looking forward to all the new updates you have planned. Can’t wait!

    According to Living Liason on January 14, 2016