Some Housekeeping

Just a small post to keep the main page updated.  I updated the Recent Updates page with the last week’s worth of news. I also fixed the Flash Fiction page which now lists the Micro Fictions in their correct order and now lists the new series, Sky is Falling.

An on that note, I added a new chapter to Sky is Falling yesterday: Flash Fiction #12: Sky is Falling, Chapter 2.

Please remember that I am writing this particular story in 60 minute or less chunks and have sworn a blood oath to myself not to reread for editing or spelling as a way to shut my inner editor up during first drafts. When this story is done, I plan on looking at the whole thing and making changes to make a full-fledged regular novel, but I’m work shopping it in Flash Fiction. It’s basically the same thing I’m doing with A King’s Command, but that one is kind of stalled because I don’t know who the villain is and I either have to introduce a new character (which means there’s no mystery) or make it one of the existing characters (and I limited my options). So I might just scrap it and start that one over again. We’ll see.

Thanks to everyone who commented, wished the site a happy birthday, and said nice things 🙂 After so many years, it’s just kind of amazing that we’re all still here 🙂


  • Melissa, I am late with my happy birthday wishes for the site, but so glad that you are here and still writing. I have enjoyed each and every story you have ever written, and love to come over and re-read them. So glad that you are still writing, and hope it will go on for a very long time. Congratulations!

    According to Jo-Ann on September 21, 2017