So A Good Day, My Friends. A Good Day.

I am beside myself with the amount of happiness I feel right now. If you’ve been following Crimson Glass since we first moved to this address and converted to WordPress, you know I’ve been painstakingly try to gather all the stories I’ve ever written since 2002. Between rewrites, computer crashes, and board bannings, I lost many of them. Thanks to some readers and the Internet Wayback Machine, I managed to find around fifteen or so of them. I’ve been putting old versions and abandoned stories in the Fiction Graveyard as well, though that’s been on hiatus due to editing issues.

Today, I connected with Joanna, one of the old crew at The Canvas. I had been missing four particular stories — ones with chapters and written in 2002 and 2003. Joanna saved two of them: No One Else Sees Me and The Ends of the Earth. I haven’t even read them since 2003 as both were lost in a computer crash that summer.

I’m going to go through them and edit them, and hopefully re-add them to the site at some point in the next few weeks. I can’t even…I am so happy right now. Thank you, Joanna!

Also, Damaged has been updated. It’s a good day and I can’t seem to stop smiling ๐Ÿ™‚


  • “Itโ€™s a good day and I canโ€™t seem to stop smiling ๐Ÿ™‚ ”

    You and me both! Great news!;) ๐Ÿ˜‰

    According to Carla on October 16, 2015
  • That is so exciting. Thank you for always keeping us updated. I don’t always post but I do appreciate all the writers and those that keep the board running so we can enjoy them

    According to Burtonlover aka Shelly on October 17, 2015
  • I wish I knew how to down loads the Word Presss there a link you can send me s I can save it in my favorites Thank-you

    According to Debbie on October 18, 2015