Signs of Life & Not Knowing When Completed & Flash Fiction News!

Update Links: Signs of Life – Epilogue | Not Knowing When – Part 6

It feels so bittersweet (ha) to be finishing up Signs of Life. I added it to an already overloaded writing schedule in September 2020 because I wanted to do something to mark the 18th anniversary of the site. It’s taken me two years and a few breaks to bring it to completion. I’m so proud of this story — it’s definitely my best flash fiction — and I’ve been overwhelmed by the support you guys have given this one. If you’re one of my wonderful readers who aren’t into replying, please give me a thumbs up if you’re happy with how the story ended. The little icons are at the end of the chapter.

It’s also the last day for (re)posting Not Knowing When. I hope you’ve enjoyed revisiting this flash fiction. I’ll be cleaning up Signs of Life and getting it ready to repost and distribute to the other archives.

And in the last bit of news, we’re juggling the flash fiction schedule a bit. For the #Becky25 project,  I was organizing clips from Jake’s kidnapping and got sucked into the summer of 2007 with my clips which is something I should have done before writing Watch Me Burn. I think this was probably the wrong story to put into a slot where I only write 20-40 minutes — it should definitely be a 60 minute story. It wasn’t until I wrote yesterday’s Jason/Elizabeth scene (Part 5) that I think I really found the voice for Elizabeth and the path I want to take for Liason. Plus, I have some of my timeline wrong for the summer. So the first few parts honestly don’t work for me. I hurried some scenes, and it’s going to drive me insane, which usually ends in tears for me, lol.

So, starting next week — here’s the schedule:

  • MondayInvisible Strings 
  • TuesdayScars (returns!) Skipping this week, though because I have an interview for a history job (yay), but after this week
  • WednesdayRight Where You Left Me – rewrite of Metro court hostage crisis, picking up from the elevator. Part of the original Patreon vote and nearly won until Watch Me Burn slid in from behind.
  • Thursday – If it’s ready, Watch Me Burn (relaunched and rewritten)
  • FridayScars (returns!)
  • SundayWatch Me Burn

Mad World continuing to be posted on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

When Scars ends, Watch Me Burn will slide into that slot. I’ll be updating on Tuesdays starting August, and Scars will be updated twice a week. I’d like to finish that before I go back to school.  Right now, I think I’ll be bringing back Flash Fiction Weekend — one story updated on Fridays & Sundays, and a second one on Saturdays. The new story is already planned down to the ending beats. Watch Me Burn is more like Scars and Signs of Life — I don’t know how long until we get into the story and develop the situations.

I hope that makes sense to everyone. Apologies for the switch up, but it’s an important part of my process to do what feels right in the long run, and I think this is the best decision. I’m making up for it by adding more updates.


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