Of course, I got the flu.

So sorry this chapter is so late. I’ve been busy at work and school, and then of course, I caught the flu. I usually get it every other year, so I know the early symptoms. I went in as soon as I felt them, got my Tamiflu, and hopefully caught it before it gets really bad. It just means my four day weekend of getting things done and caught up is shot.

I highly doubt you’ll get workshop from me this weekend, which sucks because I have some good ideas for the next few scenes, but I did manage to get Chapter 17 posted of Bittersweet.


  • Take care of yourself

    According to Shelly Samuel on February 16, 2018
  • Teacher friends have always said when you go into a new classroom, you’ll get sick. I found it to be true everywhere I worked; every new environment is a new petri dish.

    After all of those infections, you probably don’t have much of an immune system.

    The good thing is that after you teach for a while, you’ll be immune to nearly anything.

    Thanks for the new chapter. Take care of yourself.

    According to Jane on February 16, 2018