NaNoWriMo Check In

Hey! I just wanted to let you guys know how it’s going. We’re a week in and I’m at around 14,000 ish words which is great. I’ve written three chapters and I’m about halfway through a fourth. If I keep that rate up (four chapters a week), I might not quite finish Bittersweet, but I’ll only be a chapter or so away.

Had a bit of a setback today after writing 1100 word scene from Elizabeth’s POV that really needs to be from Jason’s POV. I had the same issue writing The Best Thing. My first draft of the opening scene was from Elizabeth’s POV, but TBT is definitely Jason’s journey and everything was easier once I started making his voice more present. So I have to rewrite it. But it’ll be better for it, I’m sure.

Make sure to follow me on Twitter or check out my Twitter feed widget because I’ve posted a few small snippets from Bittersweet thanks to the new 280-character limit.


  • I don’t twitter or tweet so will just follow you here

    According to leasmom on November 8, 2017
  • Beyond excited to hear about all of the progress on Bittersweet and to see you embracing your passion for writing again! Good to see it shining through.
    I, however, am missing those lovely Workshop tidbits you had been sharing.I know, I know . . . . I’m too greedy. I admit it, I own it. But really – you should take a little responsibility for creating it.
    Keep up the great work and, most importantly, keep having fun with it. As long as you do that, you’ll see results with thousands of words each day.

    According to Anonymous on November 13, 2017