More Broken Girl!

Your Update Link: For the Broken Girl – Chapter 2

Hey! Not much to say here. My posting draft editing hasn’t progressed since Wednesday’s update — I’ve been fighting a nasty headache for most of the week. I spend a lot more time in front of my computer screen than I used to, so I’ve been trying to get away from it after I finish working. My district recently started requiring us to teach Zoom classes at least once a week — and I have to teach six classes tomorrow to accommodate my 160+ students so I’m not sure how much I’ll get done tomorrow.

This doesn’t effect the general public in anyway — I’m edited through Chapter 12, and I’m going to schedule those chapters this weekend. That takes us through the rest of the month. I’m actually working on planning the rest of my lessons right now and writing the plans next week. I only have three weeks of instruction left.

I’ll get back to it this week (probably) and finish up soon. The tweaks I’m doing now don’t take long to do, it’s just hard to concentrate with my headches these days.


  • So, haven’t had a chance to read the posted updates but I did finish the 2nd Beta shares and it’s awesome. Let us know if your editing for posting resulted in any changes beyond grammar and fixing typos.

    As for the headache, these have helped my kiddos some as they spend more time on the computer screen:

    Feel better and good luck with everything. You’ve got it!

    According to LivingLiason on May 8, 2020