More Bittersweet!

A few things today. One, my first few weeks back have been extremely stressful, mostly because the bookstore messed up an order on a book I couldn’t get anyway else so my entire study schedule was thrown completely out the window. So I’ve been scrambling to get back on track. If everything goes right during the next two days, I can get back to my plan.

This matters because I literally have not been able to open Mad World since classes started, and I have a few revisions on Bittersweet that have to be done before I can focus on Book 2. So what that means is that I might have a gap in new content. I thought I’d ask for your feedback on exactly how to proceed here.

The options are

  1. Post 2 chapters of Mad World a week, finishing in December, and then waiting maybe 1-2 months for Book 2.
  2. Post 1 chapter of Mad World a week, with no gap in new content.

Please reply and let me know which works better for you guys.

The second thing is that there are two more days to vote in the NaNoWriMo Primary Poll — I posted seven projects and you guys can vote for your top 3 choices. If you clear your cookies, you can always vote again if you want. Right now, the top 4 choices are insanely close, so I might have two more polls with one vote. It closes September 15.

Third, Death Becomes Her, the novella I wrote for GH Mystery Weekend at The Liason Haven is posted there. It’s about 18,000 words so it’s a good long alternate universe murder mystery. I’ll be posting it here at some point this weekend or next.

And last, the thing you all came here for: Bittersweet, Chapter Twenty-Seven


  • I’m good with a chapter a week but you know I’ll take whatever you give me. lol

    According to lovemyqtkids/riasangelina on September 12, 2018
  • Personally, I would rather have the one chapter a week without the gap. I like the continuity.

    According to Kikimoo on September 13, 2018