Mad World Updated & First Week of Writing FMT

Your Update: Mad World – Chapter Twenty-Six.

Going to try to keep the babble short today because I’m not feeling well but a few things happened this week. One, I started the first draft of Fool Me Twice. I’ve written two chapters, but I haven’t been able to write the last two days because I got sick again. Almost as sick as I was in July when I basically died for five days. I went to the doctor this time, and I already feel better. However,  I hadn’t planned to lose so much time and I already can’t write tomorrow because of an appointment, so that’s three days lost.

I also got a full-time job at my local high school as a long-term substitute until November. This isn’t going to impact my writing schedule since I was already going to be a full-time substitute. This is actually a lot better — it’s more money, it’s my own classroom for almost three months, and I get to teach. I’m going to be happier, it’s still close to my house, and I’m more likely to get a lunch and prep period in a long gig which means I can still write at home.

I may need to push the end date for Fool Me Twice‘s first draft to October 31 rather than October 20, but I built in that extra space just in case something like this happened.

I hope you guys like this chapter. Next week’s updates are a doozy!


  • Hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself! Congrats on your new job, it sounds like a great gig and might lead to a more permanent position!

    According to jill on August 22, 2019