Looking For a Second Beta :)

Hey! Just a quick note that I’m looking for another beta reader. I still love Cora to pieces, but I know I’m definitely too prolific for just one person, ha, and if I could afford to pay her I would. That being said, you can tell from my story statuses that I often have several projects going on at a time. I’m usually writing two actively with about six or seven working through the development process.

While I am looking for someone to do a basic read through of chapters before I post looking for typos, I’m also looking for someone who’d be interested in story development. I often create really elaborate outlines to begin my stories and then break them down scene by scene to facilitate the writing. I’m looking for someone to read them with a critical eye — if a character is missing or maybe some subtext, or just an element that isn’t present, I want to hear that.

I like to think this isn’t a time consuming thing — particularly since you wouldn’t be responsible for anything I’m currently writing (The Best Thing and All We Are are in Cora’s hands at the moment), but I also try really hard not to bug anyone who’s doing me a favor.

If you’re interested, just reply to this and I’ll contact you by email 🙂


  • I’m interested. If you want, send me an email with more info.

    According to Jenn Petree on January 20, 2015
  • I don’t feel i’d be helpful in the story development part. But I’d be happy to help with the basic read through.

    According to Aradia on January 21, 2015
  • I am also interested. I am a semi-retired English teacher and I enjoy teaching creative writing to middle school students. I may have some ideas on story development, but mostly, I love reading your stories so this would give me first shot and a reason to read them besides “I want to.” I can certainly do the proof reading for you, if that will help. I do work 4 days a week, so I have a little extra time to help out.

    I am actually trying to finish up my first Liason story. It started as current storyline and moving along quite nicely. Tons of angst for Liz. I was bringing Jason back from the dead, and then in the middle of my story, Billy Miller is hired and they announce Jason is coming back. That has thrown my story off, since it is nothing like what RC wrote.

    I am trying to decide whether to continue it as alternate history. Or just scrap it and start over. I am going to need a beta myself soon, That sounds funny.

    Let me know if I can help you out.

    According to Karen Jones on January 23, 2015