Larg-ish Update Today!

I kpastnow, I’ve really sucked at getting Surviving the Past all updated and finished on this site. I added four more chapters today, and *fingers crossed* I intend to post four more tomorrow, and so on. It’s the plan, anyway.  I feel bad for readers who keep getting to the last chapter posted after seeing I’ve marked it as complete on the AU page and they’re like, yo, dude. Knock this nonsense off you, beyotch. Fair enough 😛

I also updated Daughters, and I am pleased to inform people who care (and even those of you who daughtersdon’t) that I am halfway finished Chapter 19, and the the final chapter is more of an epilogue montage which the most gorgeous song. I wasn’t sure how I was going to end it, until I was walking to breakfast today (FYI! If you live in London, please find your nearest Breakfast Club location, it is absolutely divine) and Family Tree by Matthew West came on my Spotify. And it…said it all.

Matthew West – Family Tree

Also added: new chapters of A Few Words Too Many. I’m going to go ahead with the new plan to post once a day because I simply can’t not post it now that we’re into the good stuff. As I posted the other day, I’m very nearly finished writing it overall.

I added two new polltoomanys. One, which we’re calling Resurrect A Story, in which you get to see the summaries for stories I abandoned for one reason or another over the years and vote for which one you’d like me to pull out and rewrite the frick out of, but finish. The second is almost useless, in which I ask readers if they want me to start labeling stories by word count, so you know going in whether you’re readig a ficlet (0-5000 words), a novelette (5001-1300), a novella (13001-50000) or a novel (50000 +).

I know you just want me to link to your updates, but, ha, what would you do with your day if you didn’t have my ramblings to enjoy?

Surviving the Past: Chapters 13-16
Daughters: Chapters 13 & 14
A Few Words Too Many: Chapter 12


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