Fool Me Twice Updated!

Update Link: Ricochet, Chapter Nine

Well, I’m glad I didn’t promise the Flash Fiction on Sunday because I’m typing this post on Sunday afternoon and literally every piece of me hurts. I wanted to get this post ready for Tuesday morning because I’m not sure how I’m going to feel on Monday.  I’m probably going to take a sick day because I just feel really sore, and I don’t think I’m up to eight hours in that terrible, windowless room with the chair and being stuck on the computer. This has been a very rough start to the beginning of the year, but I have hopes it’s turning around. I only have three more weeks of remote teaching before I’m back in the classroom, I’m fully vaccinated, and I’m going to the specialist for my ear stuff again on Thursday.

Taking care of some housekeeping — I’m leaning a particular way for the next project, but I want to play with it a bit more before I commit. I’m hoping to make a final decision by the end of the week so I can play in Discovery and be ready for Camp NaNoWriMo.

The other thing I want to cover is a release schedule. I’m going to be heavily revising my Production Schedule in the next week or so and I to get some feedback on how you like the updates. Do you want them all at once like I did for Mad World, Book 3, or scatter the updates over a few weeks or months?

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  • When you did For The Broken Girl, I was happy that you dropped it all at once. It was stressful to read and I went to end to see what happened then read it in sequence.

    I like this one in several updates a week because, it gives me something to look forward to.

    All that said, at the end of the day, I think that you should do what works best for you and is less stressful for you. If you continue this way or drop it all at once, I am going to gleefully read it either way.

    According to nanci on March 16, 2021
  • I feel so bad for you, Melissa. It effects everything when you’re not at 100% and that room sounds hideous. I voted for all at once, but honestly, it’s up to you and how you feel. Your stories are wonderful but I prefer one of my favorite writers to be well. Your health and well being is more important. Take care.

    According to arcoiris0502 on March 16, 2021
  • Oh girl! I’m so sorry to hear you’re still struggling. I hope you took that sick day to give your body time to heal, and I hope you have answers from your appointment this week. Congrats on being fully vaccinated!

    I voted for every other day, but I would honestly be okay with anything that works for YOU. I’m always hungry for more, but I wouldn’t want more content at your expense. If you feel up to posting all once, yay! If we would get more content easier when it’s scattered, then also yay! 🙂

    According to Sarah on March 16, 2021