Daughters & FWTM

I’ll post the last chapter of Daughters tomorrow, as well as a double update of Few Words. Once you read Chapter 17 for FWTM, you’ll understand why I couldn’t even wait 24 hours for people to read the next one. I’d bet set on fire.

I spent most of yesterday arguing with the first paragraph of my paper yesterday, but then I took a break for about an hour and worked on Damaged. I updated the About Page, the Introduction Cast Page, added a Current Cast Page, and then posted a new poll. For more explanations, check out the post at the site.

On this site, I just updated the widgets, to separate completed shories from recently updated ones. There are some sections I want to work when I get the chance, particularly the Media and Online section. I also added a new April/May story status post.

Daughters: Chapter 18
A Few Words Too Many: Chapter 16


  • I agree with Leasmom we need more of this kind of Jason.

    According to Lisa on April 24, 2014
  • I like this version of Jason. He is still sort of innocent and yet not really.

    According to leasmom on April 24, 2014