Daughters & A Few Words Too Many

toomanyI may bump up how much I post A Few Words Too Many. I’m halfway through writing Chapter 21, and Chapters 22 and 23 are mostly action, so that always goes a lot faster than conversational, heavy chapters, and I’ve had the ending in my head since I started the story. So as long as I get Chapter 21 done tonight, I can knock out 22/23 at once and that just leaves 24. All of which should be done early next week.  So, rather than twice a week, I may move it up once every other day (possibly one a day, depending on my how my life goes).

I’m also going to change the way I had intended to write Daughters. I sat down, intending to write the last threedaughters chapters of the story based on an outline I wrote in 2008, and I just…realized how much of it was unnecessary. It needs at most two chapters, but I can probably wrap it up in one. With both those stories finished being written, I can turn my attention full-time to Tangle, These Small Hours and Damaged. Damaged is an ongoing concern that gets updated when episodes are ready. I had hoped to have Tangle before These Small Hours, but honestly TSH is shorter and already has a bunch written, so that may be next.

If I make more updates later, they may be cosmetic in nature. As you can see, I shifted around the content in the sidebars to add a Spotify Playlist widget. This playlist is what I generally listen to while writing, and it’s constantly being updated. There’s like 150 songs at the moment.  You do need Spotify installed to enjoy it, but I recommend even the free version, because life is awesome.

Later Cosmetic Updates: I shifted the stories included in the Fiction Graveyard back to their original categories, and decided instead  on that page,  post the stories that I’ve abandoned, including a poll deciding which story you might want to see back. The stories themselves aren’t posted yet, but rather just summaries.


Chapter 11 of A Few Words Too Many

Chapter 12 of Daughters


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