Catching Up on Signs of Life!

Update: Signs of LifeChapter 33 | Chapter 34 | Chapter 35

Eek! I didn’t mean to miss two days. On Tuesday, I was busting ass to get things done — grocery shopping, ACTUALLY cooking LOL, paying bills, and by the time I got that done — it was almost 6:30 and time to write for NaNoWriMo, and honestly, I’m doing really good at meeting my goals. I prioritized it over posting the chapter. Then on Wednesday, I had a late meeting, had to hit the store again (because I forgot cooking spray, ugh), and the day just got away from me.) So I decided to catch and just post the whole week at once.

On the NaNoWriMo front, I’m keeping pace. I’m not writing a lot every day, but the goal is really just 1667 words a day. Outside of 1 day when I wasn’t feeling well and wrote 624, I usually get between 50-300 words over the goal which keeps me on pace and really helped on that one day. This is also the first year where I’ve gotten this far into the month and wrote every day. These Small Hours is only planned at 30 chapters, and I’ve completed 8 which puts me at 26%. That’s actually really great for only two weeks! That puts me on pace to complete by December 31 with just slow and steady pace.

I know I can write 5-9k a day when I’m focused and have the time, but I struggle with remembering that I don’t have to do that and that it’s actually more beneficial to all of us if I just focus on making this slow, incremental progress and keep writing every day.


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