Another Delay in Flash Fiction, Mad World Excerpt, and Other News

Another postponed Flash Fiction — sorry about that! I found out last night that I didn’t get the high school job, and this morning, got the double whammy of not getting the middle school job. This means I need to kind of regroup. I spent most of the morning checking other districts and making other applications as well as looking over my budget to make any cuts necessary to get through September. With COVID, I might not be working much in September, and bills still need to be paid.

With that in mind, I updated the Support page with some new options — you can also find a menu on the side with new donation links for Paypal and Venmo (@melissasmchugh). All work on Crimson Glass remains free but if you can toss me a buck or two, I can hopefully keep from crawling back to my night-time tutoring job during the school year and spend my evenings writing. For the Broken Girl was only written and released in seven months because I was able to teach all day and come home to write. Any one-time donation will earn you the opportunity to suggest an idea for an upcoming story or a flash fiction.

Flash Fiction will be back tomorrow annd I’ll be making double updates on Thursday and Friday to get back on schedule. I just wanted to make sure I was able to write Mad World today.

And because I do feel terrible about missing two days this week, I went through my draft for Mad World to find some Liason fluff that was spoiler free. Enjoy this scene of Liason on their honeymoon, picking baby names.


  • Aww, honey I’m so sorry. We readers appreciate you. Your writing is my guilty pleasure. Thank you

    According to Sandra on June 24, 2020
  • So sorry about the job. I ditto what Sandra says. Thank you so much for all you do for us!

    According to jill on June 24, 2020
  • So sorry about the jobs. Just means that there is some other better plan for you!! Thank you for keeping our couple alive!!

    According to Anonymous on June 24, 2020