3 New Stories Added & Site Features Updated

Note: I’ve updated the registration page with a more thorough explanation on registering and then making sure you’re receiving emails.


So as the first part of my site overhaul, the following changes were made to the site

1. I redesigned the short stories section. They used to be in four categories, but that wasn’t really helpful because what did you guys care if they were episode tags or not? So I merged all the categories together and then split them according to length. Ficlets are stories up to 1500 words, and Short Stories go from 1501 – 9,999. Anything over that will be novellas or novels.

By the way, the short stories section alone has 64 stories. Holy crud. Factor in around twenty novellas and novels, and…wow. That’s a lot of fanfiction.

2. I streamlined some of the menus. The Readers section is now the Extras section, and the Lost Stories page has been merged into the regular short story pages. The Fiction Graveyard remains for now until I figure out how to get better at that. I’m going to be doing a lot more with that section, so stay tuned in the future. Right now, it’s mostly bare.

3. The site section now has the online, about and distribution links. I also added the links for logging in and registering. This is the first post since I changed over my subscription list, so please don’t forget to register for the site and then set your subscription options. I have to overhaul the online and about section. That will happen at some point.

4. I have some more ideas planned (converting some stories into novellas, for example) but the short stories section was annoying me the most. I hope you guys find this slightly helpful.

5. And for being so understanding about my neuroses, I’ve updated with three stories.

Traditions: Set in 2010. Nominally in the Hand Me Down Universe, the Morgan/Jacks clan celebrate the Fourth of July with other prominent families in attendance.

Come On Eileen: Set in 2006. A fluffy fic in which Elizabeth, Robin and Brenda plan an 80s bash to support the Stone Cates Foundation.  The first part is posted, but I need your help to post the rest!

Turning Points, Parts 1-4: Set in 2006. I write a part and ask you guys some questions. You respond, and I pick the responses I like the best or think will be most difficult and write the next part accordingly.  I haven’t set up a story page for it yet, so more information for now, is on the first part.

6. An update to where I think I’ll be going next fiction wise. Thanks to Cora and her amazing input on The Best Thing outline, I’m ironing out some of the kinks, adding some layers. But at some point, I’ll be storyboarding it, and it’ll probably be that and These Small Hours as my next projects. I’ll be finishing the Mad World plot sketch at some point over the next two weeks, and hopefully Tangle will be speaking to me then (and will have its new name).

Oh, so the last two months, I’ve been amusing myself by purchasing  DVD edits. I usually order four at time. First, I ordered Patrick &  Robin,  2005, 2006, 2008. Then I ordered Lucky & Liz, 1997-1998 and Jason & Liz, 1999-2001. Now this month, I’m debating because I actually need to do some research for some of the stories I’m writing, so I’m leaning towards the edits for Elizabeth that go from June 2004-December 2004, which includes some stuff with Jason, as well as the Liason DVD edits from November 2002-November 2006. But ugh, I want the 2002 edits from summer 2002, even though I can’t justify the need through fic writing.

Ugh. It sucks being responsible.

Sorry for the rambles, but admit it, you missed my long updates in which I pretend this is my blog.


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