Chapter Three

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the Fiction Graveyard: Secrets Kept

Jason’s Penthouse

The knock came only an hour and a half after Elizabeth left. It was quiet and soft, leading Jason to believe that maybe she’d rethought her position and decided against telling her father.

He pulled the door open and was confronted with Elizabeth’s tearstained cheeks and red eyes. She clutched a tissue in one of her hands and a small luggage bag thrown over her shoulder.

He exhaled slowly and drew her into the penthouse. He would wait until she’d calmed down before he explained to her why this wasn’t going to work.

She sat on the couch and let the bag fall to the ground. “He reacted exactly the way we expected,” Elizabeth murmured.

Jason lowered himself onto the seat cushion next to her. “I told you, Elizabeth, that I didn’t want to do it this way.”

“I know. I just…I wanted to believe that I meant more to him,” she whispered raggedly. “He just…he just calmly told me it was you or him.”

Jason pushed himself off the couch and crossed to the balcony. “I want you to go home,” he said quietly. He closed his eyes and forced himself not to turn around. “And I want you tell Luke that it’s over between us.”

She waited. She was sure there was a second part of this plan—how they were going to convince her father they were in love and that no one was going to change that.

She waited.

When Jason didn’t continue, only continued to stare out of the balcony window towards the harbor, she swallowed hard and stood on shaky legs. “I don’t understand.”

“I told you that I wouldn’t let you give up your family for me,” Jason said.

Her lower lip started to tremble and she bit hard on it. “You…you’re breaking up with me,” Elizabeth said softly, her blue eyes brimming over with tears. They streaked silently down her face. “You told me you loved me.”

He still didn’t look at her—knew if he had to look in her eyes, he’d crumble and tell her to forget it. That it didn’t matter if Luke accepted them or not, their love was enough.

But he knew better. He knew that it would only be enough for a little while. One day, she’d look at him and would only see the reason her father had cast her out of his life. And she’d resent him. And one day, she’d hate him.

He’d rather break her heart today than earn her hate a month or two from now.

“I do love you,” Jason admitted. “But it is never going to work like this. You need to go back home and tell Luke that it’s over. I don’t care how you do it, blame me if you want to. But I know how much he means to you, and I’m not letting you do this.”

“It’s not your decision to make!” Elizabeth cried. “It’s mine. I get to choose—”

“And so do I,” Jason cut in. “I won’t do this to you.”

“You’re not doing anything to me!” She crossed the room to him but he sensed her approach and backed away. “Jason, please…”

He closed his eyes and turned away from her again. He didn’t know how much longer he could keep this up. “Elizabeth, this is the way it has to be. Please.”

“I’m going to Brenda’s,” Elizabeth told him. “And we’ll talk tomorrow.” Her voice took on an almost desperate tone. “I’ll make you understand why it has to be this way, Jason and I’ll prove to you that we can be happy—”

“And my answer will be the same.” This time when he spoke, his voice was cold and hard. He forced himself to sound unfeeling. “Go home, Elizabeth.”

She blinked at the tone and stared at his back for a moment. Elizabeth Spencer only had so much begging in her and she’d reached her limit.

“Fine.” She turned around and headed for the door, snagging her purse and small suitcase on her way. She turned at the door. “You should come to the company party, Jason,” she told him in a clipped tone. “You’ll be gaining a future sister-in-law.”

She slammed the door behind her and Jason’s shoulders slumped. He turned then and looked at the door, letting out a soft sigh.

Corinthos Estate: Front Hall

Brenda hastily tied her robe as she headed towards the front door. She pulled the door open and sighed immediately. “Aww, honey.”

Elizabeth swiped at the tears streaming down her flushed cheeks. “He doesn’t want me,” she said softly. “I—I left home for him and he just told me to go back. That it was over a-and…”

Brenda cut her off and pulled her into her arms. “It’s okay,” she murmured into Elizabeth’s hair. “You know you’re welcome here as long as you want to be here.”

“I love him, Brenda. What am I supposed to do without him?” Elizabeth cried.

“You’ll be fine,” Brenda promised. She smoothed a hand over her sister’s hair. “Come on. Let’s get you in the guest room and we’ll figure it all out in the morning.”

Spencer Estate: Luke’s Office

Luke glanced up as the door opened, a small beam of light showing through. “Get out.”

The door shut and then the light clicked on. Carly folded her arms and leaned against the back of the door. “Hey, Uncle Luke.”

“Get out,” Luke repeated dully as he poured himself another fifth of bourbon.

“So, I hear the princess has escaped from her tower,” she remarked cheerfully.

Luke flicked his eyes up to the caramel-colored ones of his new-found niece. “I threw her out.”

“You do realize that women can do pretty much whatever they want now, right?” Carly asked. “I mean, if a woman wants to marry someone, she can do it.”

“Not Jason Morgan,” Luke muttered.

Carly shrugged and sat down. “So, what’s wrong with him? He kill someone, maim? Embezzle?”

“Worse,” Luke snarled. “He works for Sonny Corinthos.”

Carly frowned. “Who’s Sonny Corinthos?”

“A jackass with no business sense,” Luke muttered.

Carly nodded. “Ah. So he’s a rival. What’d he do?”

Luke glared at her but before he could order her to leave again, the phone rang. Luke picked it up. “Yeah?”

“You insensitive baboon.”

The words meant nothing to Luke, but the voice was music to his ears. Once upon a time, Brenda Spencer had been his eldest daughter and his princess. She’d been beautiful, perfect…everything Luke had ever wanted in a daughter.

But now hearing her was just another reminder of all Sonny Corinthos had stolen from him.

“What do you want?” Luke growled.

“She’s hysterical, Daddy. It took forever to calm her down, she cried herself to sleep,” Brenda told him.

“What do I care?” Luke replied coldly.

“You care and you know it. Jesus, Daddy, this is Beth we’re talking about. She adores you. And this is so unfair—”

“I don’t have the time for this.” Luke slammed the phone down, causing Carly to jump.

“Who was that?” she asked.

“Don’t worry about it,” Luke grumbled. “You’ll never meet them.” He glanced up at her, as if seeing her for the first time. She looked like Barbara Jean, he could see that now. Carly hadn’t inherited his sister’s fiery red hair like Skye, but her bone structure and her figure resembled Barbara’s.

Carly shifted under her uncle’s close scrutiny. “What?” she asked, warily.

“You really are Barbara’s daughter, aren’t you?” Luke asked reluctantly.

“Uh, yeah?” Carly replied, confused. “I thought we already established that.”

“Never mind.” Luke shifted and sat up. “What is that you want from me, Caroline?”

She shrugged. “What any red-blooded person wants. I need a job and a place to live. Maybe some money, a husband down the line. The normal crap.”

Luke nodded. “Well, Barbara’s daughter is welcome here as long you want to be here. I’ll ask around the company, see if anything’s open. Secretary stuff okay?”

“Sure,” Carly replied easily.

“I can get you a job,” Luke told her, “but you’ve got to keep it. No special favors. I don’t step in when you screw up.”

“That’s fair,” Carly told him.

Corinthos Estate: Foyer

Brenda followed Elizabeth to the door the next morning a little worried. “Honey—”

“This is the right decision,” Elizabeth said softly. Her eyes were red, her hair hung limply in a ponytail. She looked like death warmed over.

“There are other ways,” Brenda tried again.

“Jason isn’t going to change his mind,” Elizabeth told her. “And I…I don’t deserve to beg for his love.”

“No you don’t,” Brenda replied, “but—”

“Brenda, this is what I have to do.”

Brenda sighed and hugged her sister tightly. “I love you honey. I know this is going to work out someway.”

“Don’t get your hopes up,” Elizabeth murmured.

Spencer Estate: Breakfast Room

The room descended into silence when Elizabeth entered. She’d showered since returning home and changed.

She still looked like hell.

Luke stood and gaped when he saw her. “Beth.”

“I’m home,” Elizabeth said softly. Her dark blue eyes bore into her father’s. “He didn’t want me. Not without your approval.” Her lips twisted into a humorless smirk. “At least it still matters to some people.”

Skye stood. “Sweetheart, perhaps we should—”

“I’ll do what you want,” Elizabeth interrupted. “I’ll accept AJ’s proposal when he makes it and I’ll be the perfect daughter.”

Luke’s eyebrows knitted together as he studied her. He felt the twinge of guilt knowing he was responsible for his daughter’s unhappiness. But he shoved it aside, reminding himself that Jason Morgan was never going to be good enough for his daughter.

“Okay,” Luke said cautiously. “Why don’t you sit down and have some breakfast?”

“I’ll be the perfect daughter,” Elizabeth repeated. “In public. But while it’s just you, me, Carly and Skye…I don’t want to talk to you and I don’t want to look at you.”

“Beth—” Luke began a little helplessly.

“You didn’t care what made me happy…only what you wanted and I can’t forgive you for that,” Elizabeth continued. “I can’t forget that my happiness didn’t matter when it came to this ridiculous rivalry with Sonny. You threw Brenda out because she dared to love someone you didn’t approve of. You tried to do it with me. Don’t expect me to forgive or forget.” Elizabeth waited a beat before leaving the room.

Skye resumed her seat, placing the napkin back in her lap. She was visibly shaken—Elizabeth had always been vivacious and spirited. To see her so…lifeless…it was almost scary.

Carly sipped her orange juice. “Way to go, princess,” she cheered quietly.

Skye caught her sister’s eye across the table and against her better judgment, she smiled briefly.

Luke stood at the head of the table, his eyes trained on the doorway, his hands dangling at his sides.

Corinthos Estate: Kitchen

Sonny was frying some bacon and Brenda was in the middle of sipping her orange juice when Jason entered through the back door.

Brenda had already put the girls in the car for school and was prepared for a day of lounging around the house, trying to decide how best to approach Jason. She was thrilled when it looked like she wouldn’t have to do it after all.

“You look like road kill,” she said quietly.

Jason didn’t answer, only hesitated in the doorway, his eyes sweeping the kitchen. She knew what he was up to, knew he was wondering if Elizabeth was here.

She sighed and shifted. “Don’t worry. She spent the night, but went home earlier. You got what you wanted, Jase.”

Jason glared at her. “You think I wanted this? You think I wanted to hurt her?”

“No.” Brenda returned the glare full force and then some. “But you knew what it cost her to turn her back on our father and you turned her away anyway.”

Sonny seemed content to let his wife and best friend battle it out while he perfected his bacon. With their tempers and personalities, he knew it was best for them to just rip into each other and get it over with.

“It was better this way,” Jason said firmly. “She would have ended up hating me sooner or later.”

“You don’t know that!” Brenda declared passionately.

“I do know that!” Jason retorted. “I know how upset she was last night when she had the fight with Luke, it would have destroyed her to keep feeling that way!”

“You don’t think losing you didn’t destroy her?” Brenda demanded. “She was inconsolable last night! She cried herself to sleep and even then she didn’t stop crying. Jesus, Jason, you just don’t get it! My sister loves you!”

“You think I don’t know that?” Jason returned. “I love her, too! I hate what I had to do!”

Brenda stared at him for a moment, took in his rumpled appearance, his unshaved face and decided he was suffering almost as much as Elizabeth.

Made her feel a little better.

“All right,” Brenda decided. “You’ve obviously made your decision and Elizabeth has made hers.”

Jason hesitated, looked away. “She’s going to accept AJ’s proposal, isn’t she?” he asked, hoarsely.

“More than likely,” Brenda murmured. “Unless someone changes her mind and gives her a reason not to.”

“It won’t be me,” Jason said. He said it so firmly, he sounded so sure that Brenda had no choice but to believe him.

Sensing the conversation was over, Sonny set a plate on the table in front of his wife and looked to Jason. “Breakfast?”

Spencer Estate: Luke’s Office

Luke was shuffling some papers, trying to find a business deal. He was in a hurry, trying to make it back to the company party out in the garden before AJ made his announcement.

He heard someone clear their throat gently and he looked up. A young dark-skinned woman with long dark hair in thin braids stood in front of him. She wore a dark spaghetti strapped tank top and dark black slacks.

Luke frowned. “Who are you? How did you get in here?”

She smirked and stepped forward. “I’m a little saddened that you don’t recognize me.”

He tilted his head to the side. “Am I supposed to?”

The woman sighed. “Well, I guess every girl hopes that the first time she meets her father, he’ll know her.”


  • awesome story so far. Jason get off your hide and gpo after the woman you love and hope luke gets there in time

    According to Nicole on December 15, 2014
  • Wow Luke is something else. Carly is going to find Jason and seduce him right then Liz will really hate him. The silent treatment will hurt Luke more then anything. But poor AJ he supposedly loves her.

    According to leasmom on December 16, 2014