Flash Fiction: A King’s Command – Part 16

This entry is part 16 of 27 in the Flash Fiction: A King's Command

Written in 60 minutes.

I can see the future.

The words hung in the air between them for a long moment as Jason stared at his wife, waiting for her to explain what that meant because it couldn’t—

She didn’t really mean—

Her eyes dropped to her lap where her fists were clenched. “You don’t believe me,” Elizabeth said softly.

“I—” Jason stopped, then slowly walked towards her, then sat in the chair cross from her, on the other side of the hearth, trying to gather his thoughts. This was the secret she’d been clinging to so tightly since the day they had met, and he knew the implications of such an ability if true.

Anyone—especially a woman—who claimed to be able to see the future—would be treated by most of the world as either a liar or possessed by evil. If the wrong person heard Elizabeth make this claim, she’d be taken up for a witch.

“You saw the regent being poisoned?” Jason said. “How—how does that—” He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I don’t understand. Does it—do you see it in your head or—”

She raised her eyes to meet his, then squinted at him. “Are you asking me how it works?”

“Aye. I’ve never—the nightmare,” he said suddenly. “Was that a nightmare or did you—”

“I wanted it to be a nightmare,” Elizabeth admitted, her voice soft. “Sometimes they come in my sleep, and I really—I saw nothing more than my hands stained with your blood.”

“But that didn’t happen.”

“No, but it could have.” She swiped a hand under her eye to dash away a tear. “Johnny and Francis—they nearly died. And if one of those men—” Elizabeth took a deep breath. “They almost never happen that way. Not since I was a child. I wasn’t ready for it.”

“Does Albany know about this?” Jason asked, his shoulders tensing. If the duke knew her secret, would he keep it?”

“I think—” Elizabeth’s lips tightened. “I think it’s possible he knew all along. My father isn’t an important man. He doesn’t command armies or warriors. The invitation to court was a surprise, and he would have left me at home if he could. The messengers told my father they were expecting all three of his children.”

“Your brother and sister weren’t there that day,” Jason remembered. “If you were being presented at court—”

“Another message came that morning—Albany wanted to speak with my father and his youngest daughter. Father very nearly brought Sarah, but Steven wouldn’t let him.” Elizabeth tugged at the cuff of her dress. “We went to court, and there weren’t many people in the room. Just the duke and some of his men. I made my curtsy but when I started to stand, he reached for my hand to help me up.”

“And you need to touch someone to see the vision for them.” Jason rose to his feet and paced over to the window.

“Aye. It flashed in my head—the cup sitting behind him on the table. I saw someone putting poison in it—and then I saw the duke drinking it, then falling down—he was in terrible agony,” she whispered, her voice trembling.

Jason turned, a terrible thought occurring to him. “Did you feel it? Is that something else that happens?”

“Aye. It’s part of the reason I couldn’t keep quiet. I—it hurt, and I fell to the ground—and I begged him not to drink the wine—I thought—” She closed her eyes, then rubbed her throat. “He just stared at me, then told my father to take my hand and follow him. We went to that room—and he spilled the wine on the ground. One of his soldiers brought a cage with a rat—the rat—it was—” Elizabeth took a deep breath. “I was terrified and my father was furious. I was sure that he would accuse me of having something to do with it. Father was trying to drag me away, but the duke—he just—he just thanked me and said that I should have a reward for saving his life.”

“It sounds as if he set it up, but how could he know for sure that you’d receive a vision of him falling ill from the poison and not of him planning it?” Jason asked, furrowing his brow. “Wouldn’t that be just as likely?”

“I don’t—” She twisted in her chair. “I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking about any of that. I just—I wanted to find a way to keep my father from being angry. I had no way—I didn’t know—he sent one of his men away, and then you were there—it happened so fast. It wasn’t until later, until after the attack in the woods—”

Jason nodded, almost absently, his mind whirring with the implications of Elizabeth’s story and the idea that the duke knew her secret. Had he sent the men? Why even allow Elizabeth to leave court? Why command a marriage with a Highlander who lived far away?

“I should have told you sooner,” she said softly, drawing his attention, “but I knew—I knew you might not—” Elizabeth rose to her feet and crossed over to him. “I knew you might not set me aside, but I was sure you would not want children from me.”

Jason frowned at that. “Why—is it inherited? Did your mother—”

“I don’t know. She never said, and she tried to keep it from my father,” Elizabeth added. “I—I had a vision of my mother’s death, but she’d told me it was important not to tell anyone—even her—anything I saw, so I just prayed that it wouldn’t happen. After she died, I was—I made a mistake in front of my father. That was when he decided Sarah and I should never marry. He could bear for my curse to be known—”

“My only worry,” Jason told her, “is that I would not be able to protect you if the wrong person found out. We would have to be careful with any daughters—or sons—” he added. He took her hand in his. “Is that why my aunt sent for me? Is that why you’re telling me today?”

“Yes.” Elizabeth’s cheeks heated as she met his eyes. “Barbara thinks it will be sometime next winter, perhaps the early spring.” She bit her lip. “Women die in childbed—”

“You won’t,” Jason said flatly as if he had any control over something like that. He knew she was right—his own mother had died giving birth to his sister.

“But I could, and I can not bear the thought of leaving you unprepared if the babe inherited my curse—”

“It’s not a curse,” Jason cut in. “Only weak men who fear what they don’t understand say things like that.” He paused. “I’m holding your hand now. Should I—”

“Oh. I only—” She stared at their joined hands. “‘Tis like my brother, Steven. I had flashes with him when I was a child, but he was—he was always affectionate. He was the only person who would—I think, after a time, I don’t—it’s not as—I haven’t had more than a flash since we came to Braegarie.”

“But you have had them,” Jason pressed. “I’m sorry,” he said when she looked away. “Should I not ask—”

“No, no. It’s—” Elizabeth bit her lip, then their eyes met again. “The day we wed, you took my hand for the first time. I didn’t have a flash of anything specific, only that you would be kind to me. That I could be safe.”

He remembered now how her expression had changed, her tension had dissipated. “It’s not only the future then? Is that how you knew about my argument with Emily?”

“I—” Elizabeth frowned, shook her head. “I don’t remember.”

“Our last night in Perth, you told me that I never break a promise. No matter what my sister said.”

“Oh.” Her eyes widened. “I don’t remember that.” Then her cheeks flushed. “Unless—sometimes when I’m tired or falling asleep, I—sometimes I can see inside your—I’m so sorry. It hasn’t happened very much. I need to be very relaxed—”

“And you haven’t felt very relaxed,” Jason answered. Visions, reading minds, reading personalities—he exhaled slowly. If Elizabeth had ever learned how to control this—no one wonder someone had wanted to steal her away and keep her.

“I’m so sorry—”

“Don’t—” He shook his head, then brought the palm of her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “Don’t apologize. Not for this. I am glad you’ve told me. I am even more pleased that we’re going to have to have a child. I would be grateful for any flash you might have that you and the babe will be healthy and safe.”

Her lower lip quivered. “You’re not angry with me? Not disgusted? I could be burned at the stake—”

“They would have to kill me first,” Jason promised her, but he saw that his oath had done nothing to calm her. “Elizabeth, my only worry is keeping you and our child safe. Now that I know, we can work together to do so. You wanted children, didn’t you?”

“Aye. And I—” Finally, what looked like a mixture of relief and joy slid into her eyes. “I did see something by the loch. The day you asked me to come here and be your wife. I saw this room.”

“This room?” Jason repeated.

“Aye. We were sitting by the fire as we do so often. I was with carrying a child, but you—you were holding our son. I think our first babe will be a boy. Or if there’s a daughter, I didn’t see her—”

“But you saw yourself surviving childbirth—” And a second child? Jason drew her close, resting his forehead against hers, suddenly overwhelmed with the knowledge that he would have sons and, hopefully, daughters with his wife. He’d wanted it—but now he had the same image in his own mind—

“I didn’t know until I woke here and saw the hearth if it was just my own dream or the future. I—I very much want it to be our future.” She framed his face with her hands. “You have made me feel safe. And happy. I want to give that to you.”

“You do,” he promised her. He kissed her fingers, then her mouth, then—just before he lifted her in his arms—he stopped. “Are you feeling all right? I should—should you be laying down? Aunt Tracy said you were ill—”

“Dizzy for a moment,” Elizabeth told him, “but I’m fine. I am better than fine,” she declared, then rose on her toes to kiss him. “And if you have a bit of time—”

“I have more than just a bit—” He picked her up and carried her to the bed to show her just how much he loved her—even if he hadn’t found a way to say the words yet.

Secrets did not last long in the Morgan clan, and by the time Jason led Elizabeth down to supper a few hours later, it seemed as if everyone knew.

Still, Jason proudly stood and made an official announcement. The birth of a child to the laird was a celebration, particularly the first born. There were toasts and cheers, and many began to trade wagers on whether there would be a lad or a lass in seven months time.

Elizabeth beamed as his aunt drew her into a conversation about traditions and the right way to bring up a Highlander which gave Jason the chance to lean over to Francis with a low conversation.

“After supper, in the solar,” he muttered to his second in command. “Bring Johnny.”


He wasn’t sure how much of Elizabeth’s secret he could tell them—he didn’t want to tell them anything but if he was going to keep his family safe, he needed to know what the duke knew.

Later, Elizabeth went to sit in front of the large hearth in the hall with his aunt to continue their conversation. Jason knew that Tracy was overjoyed at the thought of children—she’d wanted Jason to marry for some time—and would keep his wife occupied for a while.

“‘Tis good news,” Johnny told Jason as he closed the door and turned to his men. “Elizabeth looks very happy.”

“She is. But I cannot forget the attack. Francis, when you went to Edinburgh, you found nothing that would give us their identity.”

“Aye, and as I told you, her family was settling into court. I didn’t see any evidence that her father was planning to leave until the elder girl had married.” Francis frowned. “We’ve been over this. Did something happen?”

Jason hesitated. “I’ve learned what service Elizabeth performed for the regent,” he said slowly. “I knew two months ago, but there’s another part of it. I cannot tell you all, but she saved Albany’s life. I think it’s possible that Albany set her up to do so — that he lured her father to court in order to test Elizabeth. I don’t know if she failed or passed, but he commanded her marriage and then did not do anything to stop me from taking her out of the capital almost immediately.”

“She saved his life?” Johnny repeated. “That’s the dark secret?”

“I’m guessing it’s the how that we’re not to know,” Francis said. He nodded. “All right. What do you want us to do?”

“I don’t know,” Jason admitted. “It’s possible the threat it is over, that Albany’s curiosity has been sated, but I cannot forget that someone sent men here to kidnap Elizabeth and bring her back alive. If they were willing to wait long enough to set that ambush, might they wait a year for me to take her into Perth? Or if Albany was behind this—will he command me to bring her to court?”

“Well, with the babe, you can put off any travel,” Johnny pointed out. “No one is going to blink if you refuse to drag your wife across Scotland while she’s expecting.”

“I suppose it just matters how patient who ever set up that ambush is,” Francis said. “And you can’t tell us more than this?”


“Well, at least the lass finally told you,” Johnny muttered. “What do you want us to do?”

“Milo is assigned to Elizabeth, but he’s still young. I’d like you to take over her protection. Just until the babe is born,” he added when Johnny grimaced.

“Aye. I’d rather you give me a job where I can crack some heads, but I’ll settle for protecting the next Morgan.”

“And me?” Francis asked.

“Albany knew something about Elizabeth and her family. If the Webbers are still in Edinburgh, then you can go to Annan and see if there’s something to know. Some connection between Albany and the father or just anything.” Jason shook his head. “I don’t know how to protect her, but I know that I can’t sit here and hope it’s over. I have to find a way to know for sure.”

“We’ll do whatever we can to keep her—and the babe safe,” Francis promised. “Right, Johnny?”

“Yeah, yeah. But when there’s someone to hit, let me in on it. I didn’t even get to fight the last time,” the man muttered as he headed for the door. “It’s embarrassing.”


  • Thank you for the update. I hope you are feeling better. Jason surprised me with the knowledge of Elizabeth’s secret. I really thought he would be more upset. I’m glad he’s not. I hope Johnny will be able to help Elizabeth and keep her safe. I hope Francis will find out who has set Elizabeth up.

    According to Carla P on January 31, 2021
  • Thanks for the update.

    According to Shelly Samuel on January 31, 2021
  • Finally he knows and yes, he was very understanding and kind. Poor Elizabeth, to live your life, day after day, worrying someone will find out. Very interesting that the duke may have set her up, if so, why marry her off to Jason. Now I’m going to think and think about this. Great chapter, I’m glad they are both happy and on the same page. Thank you

    According to Sandra on January 31, 2021
  • You are my favorite person right now. I know I’ve made my feelings clear but I truly love your ability to transport me to a different world with this story. I love the way you’ve developed the relationships and are building the suspense.
    I hope you feel better. Like I said acupuncture worked miracles on my sinus issues.

    According to LivingLiason on January 31, 2021
  • I was so surprised that Jason took her secret so well and was not upset. I love how he was more concerned about protecting his wife and his baby. I never thought that Elizabeth saving the regent could have been a set up. Is she still in danger? Does Albany really know? If so, how? Johnny will protect her. Leave it to him to make me laugh because he didn’t bust any heads during the ambush. I knew Tracy would take her under her wings.
    I’m glad that you’re feeling better. Take care of yourself.

    According to arcoiris0502 on February 1, 2021
  • Still the best story around. Love it

    According to leasmom on February 1, 2021
  • I’m glad you’re feeling better & I hope your good health continues xxx
    I swear I was half as worried about Jason’s reaction as Elizabeth & I’m so glad he reacted so positively abs was happy about the baby
    I love the twist that the regent could have orchestrated Elizabeth’s vision not just her marriage
    Who were the men at the ambush sent by though?

    According to Jess on February 1, 2021
  • Great update! I’m glad that Jason was so understanding and he is very happy that there is a baby on the way. I loved Francis and Johnny. Johnny may very well still get to crack a few heads. Huh, didn’t see the possibility that it could have been a set up, but to what end? I was thinking it could be someone in Albany’s trusted circle looking for her. Can’t wait to find out the who and how Jason will protect her. Love Tracy taking Elizabeth under her wing. Hope you are feeling better soon

    According to nanci on February 1, 2021
  • loved it glad it is out there. Now to figure out who set her up. Tracy is being wy more understanding than I thought she would be.

    hope Johnny & Francis find info

    According to Pamela Hedstrom on February 1, 2021