Flash Fiction: Desperate Measures – Part 20

This entry is part 20 of 20 in the Flash Fiction: Desperate Measures

Written in 25 minutes. No time for typos. Took a little extra time to end it well.

Elizabeth knocked lightly on the door to Cameron’s bedroom and smiled at him. “Hey. You almost done packing?”

“Yeah, just a few more things.” Cameron looked around the room with a grimace. “I didn’t really finish unpacking,” he admitted.

“I know, I’m sorry.” She sat on his bed. “I know we’ve moved a lot this last year, but—”

“It’s okay, Mom.” Cameron sat next to her. “You feeling okay? Should you be moving around so much?” He drew his brows together. “You’ve only been out of the hospital for—”

“Three weeks. I just a have a slight twing in my side and I still get tired a lot.” Elizabeth bit her lip. “You don’t have to come today. You can relax here with the boys. Make sure they’re packed—”

“Grandma Laura has that covered,” Cameron said with a shake of his head. “I want to go. I mean—” He got to his feet and went over to his bureau to check the drawers again. “I guess I want to make sure she’s really going away.

“You found out a lot about Sam that day, Cam. And a lot about Jason and Drew. I know you’ve struggled with it—”

“Look, I get it—Jason’s a big part of your life, and I guess you’ll always feel guilty about Drew. But we don’t need them.” Cameron turned her, his blue eyes fierce. He lifted his chin. “I can take care of us. I can take care of you—” His voice cracked on the final word.

“I know you can. And it’s not about that. Did you know that I lied to Jason about being Jake’s father?” Elizabeth rose. “That I asked him the day he buried his father to keep lying? That after Emily died, we continued the lie?”

Cameron exhaled slowly. “No, I didn’t know that. Why—”

“Because I am not perfect, Cameron. I’ve made terrible mistakes. And so have Jason and Drew.” Elizabeth closed her eyes. “And so has Sam. We’ve all paid for them with a little bit of our sanity and souls. But I don’t want that for you. Yes, Jason forgave the woman who kidnapped Jake. But I entered into a relationship with a serial killer who kidnapped Aiden. Why do my sins matter less?”

“Because you’re my mother.” Cameron looked away. “Jason never blinked when he found out it was Sam,” he admitted. “And maybe you were right. Maybe we could trust him. I just—” He met his mother’s eyes. “Are you really okay with her not going to jail?”

“She’s sick, Cam. And heartbroken. I can’t forgive her for what she put us through, but I can move on and let her get the help she needs. She’ll go to Ferncliffe, get treatment, and maybe one day come home to her kids.”

“It doesn’t seem fair. After everything we went through—you nearly died, Mom—”

“But I didn’t.” Elizabeth framed his face. “I love you, you know. My brave little boy. All grown up.”

“I love you, too. And I’m glad we’re going home.”

“Me, too. I’ll meet you downstairs when it’s time to go.”


Jason stood up from the bench in the hallway when he saw Elizabeth and Cameron step off the elevator. “I wasn’t sure if you were going to come,” he said, surprised and a little relieved when Cameron met his eyes.

It was the first time Cam had looked at him since Elizabeth had been released from the hospital. “Sorry. We got carried away. The moving truck will be at the house tomorrow, and I wanted to make sure everything was ready,” Elizabeth said. She looked at Cameron. “I’m sure Joss and Trina are already inside if you want to get a seat.”

Cameron eyed them both suspiciously, then sent Jason a dark look before walking away, into the courtroom.

“Everything okay with the paperwork? Diane said—”

“Diane said you pulled in every favor and some of Sonny’s to get us into the house this quickly.” Elizabeth folded her arms, offered him a smile. “Thank you. The boys are excited to be going home. So am I. And Diane said there’s already been an offer on the place I’m at now, so I’ll be able to pay you back.”

When Jason opened her mouth, she shook her head. “Don’t argue. It’s important to me.” She looked to the court room. “Have you talked to Drew yet?”

“No. He’s been in the back with Sam, her lawyer, and the doctor assigned to her. Elizabeth—”

“I don’t want any more apologies. It’s over. And we’ve all made mistakes. Let’s just—let’s just get this over with. I want to get back to my life.”

She went into the courtroom, and Jason followed her, unsure where that left them or their friendship.

The hearing was little more than a formality. The court appointed doctor had found Sam incompetent to stand trials on charges of murder and attempted murder. She had a glassy-eyed look and swayed slightly as the judge committed her to Ferncliffe until a doctor found her competent.

Sam never looked behind her—not even at Drew. And when the hearing was over, she was led out of the room.

Cameron exhaled. “I think I expected something more,” he admitted.

“Well, it’s Port Charles,” Trina Robinson said, patting his shoulder. “There might still be a bomb.”

“Oh, that is not funny,” Joss muttered as she followed the pair into the hallway. “Neither of you have ever been blown up. I have—”

“She’s going to need therapy one day, isn’t she?” Carly asked Jason and Elizabeth idly, then went after her daughter.

“Speaking of therapy,” Drew said dryly as he approached them. “Do you think Cam should—”

“Kevin’s already met with him a few times,” Elizabeth assured him. “Nothing formal. Just check-ins, really.” She took a deep breath. “Thank you. Both of you.” She said, looking at Jason. “For helping Cameron and I out of trouble. I know he’d say it was your fault, but we both know that it’s not the simple.”

“I’m sorry, Elizabeth. I wish I could have done more—”

Elizabeth shook her head at Drew. “No. I don’t want to dwell on it. Me and the boys—we’re going home. And that’s all I need.” She flashed a smile at both of them then walked after her son.

“She’s doing that thing again,” Drew muttered. “Lying right to my damn face like I can’t tell.”

Jason cast him a dark look, knowing that Drew was dipping into Jason’s memories of Elizabeth for that. “I know that. You worry about getting Sam committed. I’ll take care of Elizabeth and the boys.”

“Well, that would be a first,” Drew retorted, then walked away.

The next day, Elizabeth stepped out on the porch of the house on Lexington Avenue, then turned to look across the street where Patrick and Robin had once lived. She could hear the boys arguing inside over what to order for dinner for their first night in their new home—

Then Jason’s deep voice telling them they were getting pizza, and to knock it off. She smiled briefly, hearing the door open. She turned to him. “They argue over everything.”

“Yeah, I know. I think Jake does it on purpose just to get Cam mad.” Jason stepped up next to her. “He gets that from you.”

“Oh, sure.” Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “Because you don’t rile anyone up for fun. I’ve seen you with Carly.”

Jason winced. “Point taken.” He hesitated. “Are you okay?” he asked quietly. She looked at him, thought about lying, then shrugged looking back out over the street — the street that Jake had nearly on twice, but also the street where they’d learned to ride their bikes and play street hockey.

Where they gone trick or treating—the street where they’d hugged Emily goodbye for the last time—

“No,” Elizabeth said finally. She smiled at him. “But I’m going to be. I’m home. It’s a start.”


  • That was such an awesome story! I think the ending was very fitting.

    According to Mslew on August 20, 2020
  • Oh, Draw can stop with the attitude towards Jason. Like he’s some prize himself.

    Great job!

    According to Angela on August 20, 2020
  • Seriously, self? Draw? lol


    According to Angela on August 20, 2020
  • Loved it.

    According to Carolyn Grandchamp on August 20, 2020
  • I love Drew on what on said to Jason about Liz, thanks for a great update.

    According to Shelly Samuel on August 20, 2020
  • Another great story. Elizabeth was so correct, they all did some horrible things to each other. I feel sad for Sam and her mental issues. I’m not sure how I feel about Drew because I’m not a fan of Sam. Cam is so sweet but has carried a lot on his shoulders for a kid. I’m happy that Jason is taking care of Elizabeth. They’ll be alright.

    According to arcoiris0502 on August 20, 2020
  • This was my favorite story of the bunch I think.

    Dead Bob, crazy Scam, Cam pissed off at Jason…. what’s not to love!

    According to Michelle on August 20, 2020
  • LOVED IT!!!
    i am so gonna miss these!
    sniffle, sniff, sniff
    your ability to pack so much in so lil’ time
    and agree with above,
    this is my fav too!

    According to vicki on August 20, 2020
  • I loved this one! I’m so glad you decided to continue it! I love getting to see Elizabeth and her boys.

    According to Laura on August 20, 2020
  • That was a really great story and I loved the ending–boys squabbling and Elizabeth and Jason outside taking it all in one day at a time.

    These flash fics have really been great during this RL time period, gave me something to look forward to every day. Loved them all.


    According to Pamela Hedstrom on August 20, 2020
  • I loved that Drew was dipping into Jason’s memory and what was said. I loved the ending and I am going to miss all the flash fics.

    According to Carla P on August 20, 2020
  • going to miss this one. Love your writing. They really blew it with Drew, I liked him with Liz.

    According to leasmom on August 20, 2020
  • I loved this story and this last chapter was perfection! Thank you for sharing your talent and imagination with all of us.

    According to nanci on August 21, 2020
  • Great story, but I’m still annoyed. As mentioned, everyone in PC lies and do other crazy crooked things, but Liz is always getting reamed out for her bad choices. Karma kicks her in the face and yet everyone else lives karma-free lives and it seems as though this carries on in this story also. Sam is essentially getting away with all her past deeds (psych ward isn’t punishment), Jason once again loses nothing and neither does Drew. Liz almost lost Cameron, her freedom, and her life.

    According to kentisha on August 23, 2020
  • Beautiful chapter!

    According to Tania on August 23, 2020
  • This was a great story! Wish it was longer! I love your writing!

    According to GoldenGirl on February 26, 2021
  • I absolutely love this story. It puts into words what all Liason fans were thinking about Jason taking Sam back. I love that Cam was not taking any of their excuses and true to her nature, Elizabeth shows grace for all.

    According to Stephanie on December 31, 2022
  • Can’t believe I didn’t comment on this when last I read it. Just thinking . . . when you are ready for a new flash fiction, a continuation/part 2 of this would be okay. Would be good to see if/how Elizabeth and Jason move forward from here. And, though they all made “mistakes” – I’m still not sure I think they were equal. But it is definitely consistent with Elizabeth’s character for her to show grace to the others. As always – great job!

    According to LivingLiason on May 11, 2023