Story Status – 23 April 2014

A lot has changed in the last three weeks, so here’s an update on where I am on a few stories.

In Progress & Recently Completed

1. A Few Words Too Many – Though I’ve only posted through Chapter 15, I have completed all 24 chapters. I anticipate posting the last chapter on 30 April 2014, which is almost funny since I hadn’t intended on posting it until May.

2. Daughters –  Seventeen chapters have been posted on the site, but I’ve finished the last two chapters. I anticipate posting the last chapter on 24 April 2014.

3. These Small Hours – One of the next two stories I am actively writing. I have it plotted and storyboarded, but I’m doing one last pass through to make sure I’ve covered all the angles I need to cover. I anticipate posting Chapter 1 on 1 May 2014, and posting it twice a week until it’s completed.

4. Tangle – The other story I am actively writing. It’s not as far along as These Small Hours, but it’s been completely storyboarded nad I think I’ve covered all the angles so I just have to dig in and start on. Not sure when I’ll start posting it, but when I have about six or seven chapters ready, I will.

5. Short Stories
Inside Your Fear: A short novelette that’s one of my resurrected stories. No idea when it’ll be ready. I’ll write it when the mood strikes.

End of the Beginning: A Johnny/Nadine prequel to Hand Me Down. It’s been storyboarded. Will write when the muse feels up to it.

6. Damaged – I wrote the first two episodes and had plotted out thirty additional, and then I decided I hadn’t gone about it at all the right way, so I stepped back, reworked out the storylines and still have some work to do, though I am working on Episode 003. I anticipate posting the next episode 2 May 2014, and hope that I’ll have plotted out the first set of episodes to my satisfaction so I can write it more quickly.

Poll Winners

The top three choices!

1. Mad World – I’m refining the plot, as I didn’t like some of the things I had planned originally. I’m trying to keep the story as focused as possible under the single umbrella story, and intend to spend the first two weeks of May finishing the plot and storyboarding it. After which, I’ll writing. I hope to begin posting it in June.

2. The Best Thing – The end of the story is giving me agita. I know how I want it to end, I just can’t quite get it there yet. As soon as I’m satisfied with the plot sketch, I’ll start breaking it down into scenes to see if it’ll work out.

3. Counting Stars – Plotted and storyboarded, but I’m opening back up the process because I think in an effort to keep it shorter than normal and focused, I’ve cut out some things.

Stories Still On the Drawing Board

1. Life For Rent – Parts 2 and 3 have been plotted, I’m still working on storyboarding. I’ll probably write it in my free time. Ha, what is that anyway? When the mood strikes me. Each story isn’t terribly long, or shouldn’t be, so you never know when it might show up.

2. Fallen From Grace  – I’ve been debating going back to my original concept for the story — shifting and changing relationships when people are vulnerable, making it a little more messy. Still not sure. There’s a reason I’ve never written it much further, so I’m playing around with it.

3. Collision – I’m going back to replot it based on some new ideas. Never sure if this will ever get written, but I like the main concept so much that I’ve left it on my list.

4. Heaven Forbid – I’m leaning towards trashing this partially because I’m not keen on writing Silas as a character since he’s eaten the show in the last few months. The idea was okay, but I’ve kind of fulfilled what I wanted to do while writing Damaged, which takes up the Jason popsicle story. I try not to deal with doing the same elements of the same time period–I’d rater make things different.

Possible Sequels

1. Slide – It’s in my head to do this, but I had originally planned to set in 2005, but since originally writing I Shall Believe, I’ve fallen out of love with Lorenzo Alcazar and I’m not keen on writing him and Carly. I’m playing around with some ideas.

2. Burn in Heaven – I started playing around with concepts for this so that I could lay bread crumbs in Few Words. I haven’t done any full out plotting for it, so I’m not sure when it could really be focused on. It’s definitely something I plan to do once I clear up some of the other in progress stuff.

Back Burnered Stories & On Hiatus

1. Illusions – I like this concept, and there are entire portions that I like, but I want to do more research before I dig back into it, and possibly rewrite sections.

2. Silent Reverie – One of my resurrected stories that people seem to want to read. I’d have to rewrite it, I think, because I was winging that story and it showed up a little. It’s something I’m playing with when I get bored, so you never know when it might show up.

3. Pictures of You – A story no one even knows about, set in 2009 after the biotoxin scare. It was a weird couple of pages I wrote in 2009 long after I had stopped writing actively, and I thought it might be interesting to see what happened if Sonny skipped town in RICO charges. Robin’s in the thick of her PPD, there’s a vague idea of having Nadine and Liz get drunk at Jake’s and sing Alanis Morissette’s You Ought to Know after seeing Jason near Sam, and Nikolas with that Emilylookalike thing that was on the show for a while. Ha. It’s a weird motley crue of something will likely never see the light of day, but you never know.


  • I must say, I’m thrilled with all the writing you have done and continue to do…thank you so mich

    According to Jen on April 23, 2014
  • I absutely love your writing and will read what you post. I the stories sound wonderful and I would love to read them all but you have to go where your muse takes you. god bless

    According to Nicole on April 23, 2014
  • I can’t wait for any and all of this!! I love your fics.

    According to Lisa on April 23, 2014
  • Waiting eagerly for more stories. they fill a big part of my day

    According to leasmom on April 23, 2014