Sort Stories

In my quest to make finding the story you want to read as easy as possible, I’ve utilized the tag system WordPress allows me to use in order to mark pages with several types of criteria.

You can now sort the stories by the year in which they were set, the year in which the story was written, which couple appears in it, and which character.

I’ve thought about marking them by genre (comedy, drama) or by the event they depict (rewrite of blackout, rewrite of pregnancy) but I think that might be too convoluted.

So please use the list below to select the way you’d like to sort the story. I’m pretty sure that all the stories located on this site are marked, but I occasionally double check.

  • By Title:  All stories listed alphabetically.
  • By Character: This only includes stories in which a character is not part of a romantic pairing. So if a story has Jason/Elizabeth as a romantic option, they are not, by definition, on this page.
  • By Length NEW: These are stories divided by word count, beginning with 10,000. These are more specificly divided than the regular Completed, Short Stories, Ficlets, etc. A work in progress.
  • By Couple: The reverse of the above. If a character is part of a couple, they’re on this page.
  • By Year Story Is Set: Your best bet for finding specific kinds of stories. If you want something set around the time Elizabeth left the penthouse, stories in 2002 are your best bet. For pregnancy rewrites or blackouts, you want 2006. And so on.
  • By Year Story Is Written: If you visit this site often or you’ve read all my old stories, you can visit this page for the newest material.
  • By Holiday: Mostly to separate out Christmas stories, though a Thanksgiving story is listed. This section is still under construction as I mark up various stories.